What's embarrassing is that he challenged Zhang Feng with confidence, preparing to get the evolution stone needed by the giant needle bee in one fell swoop, but he failed.

After losing to Zhang Feng, Heechul was naturally a little unwilling. He wanted to stay in Guchen City and obtain Zhang Feng's evolution stone by trading. It just so happened that he had a set in his hand: the gift his grandfather gave him before he went on a trip. The evolution stone of the Lizard King, this set of evolution stones is also useless to him temporarily.

"No problem, you can trade!"

Zhang Feng said without hesitation, to be honest, Zhang Feng was more interested in the Lizard King than the evolution stone of the giant stinger, and he could see the desire in Heechul's eyes.

It's not a bad deal! "Really good, thank you!"

Heechul immediately stood up from his seat, looked at Zhang Feng excitedly and said.

His movement also shocked the guests at other tables. Seeing this scene, Heechul's fiancee Celine also helped her forehead a little helplessly, she seemed to be used to Heechul's temperament.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu, who were sitting, also had three black lines on their foreheads. At first, Zhang Feng thought that Heechul's character was very deep.

"Heechul, don't you focus on fighting elves? Why do you need the evolution stone of the hornet so much!"

Xia Zhimu, who was sitting opposite Celine, also spoke up, trying to insert the boys' topic.

"Actually, my concept of battle is.... Offense is... everything. One force can defeat ten times. I like... any type of Pokemon, as long as it has excellent attack power and instant explosive power, and I like it. My main force also happens to have a big stinger with good qualifications."

Heechul, who sat down, said word by word.

"Here, the evolution stone you want"

After listening to Heechul's words, and seeing the excitement on Heechul's face, Zhang Feng simply handed the rectangular iron box containing the evolution stone of the giant stinger to Heechul.

"Zhang, Zhang Feng, thank you!"

Seeing the coveted evolution stone in front of him, Heechul also took the evolution stone box unceremoniously, followed by Heechul also took out a green box with an evolution pattern from the space ring and handed it to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng didn't take a closer look and threw it directly into the space finger. He still believed in... Heechul's character.

This scene was naturally seen by Heechul, and at the same time he admired Zhang Feng even more.

"Great, with this set of evolution stones, with the help of the giant needle bee, I can participate in the World Championship qualifying tournament held by Huaxia this year."

Heechul put the evolution stone into the space ring like a treasure, and getting this set of evolution stones went well beyond his expectations, because he watched Zhang Feng's gym challenge carefully, and he had never seen Zhang Feng use the Lizard King. The elf in the series was afraid that Zhang Feng would not be interested in his evolution stone, but he didn't expect him to agree so readily.

"By the way, Zhang Feng, with your strength, you will definitely participate in this year's Huaxia trials!"

Celine, who was beside Heechul, also suddenly asked. She is also very happy that Heechul got the Evolution Stone. She is also a little curious that Zhang Feng, who is obviously stronger than Heechul, should be interested in this trial! Heechul is also in the first place. Listening, in his opinion, if Zhang Feng participates, it will be very exciting! "Yes, Zhang Feng is still: challenging the gym, if it is not the recent arena competition, he should challenge Gu Chen soon. Gym."

Xia Zhimu said with a light smile.

"Really, we are also planning to challenge Guchen Gym, when are you guys?"

Heechul asked directly.

"Wait for four days, my ring match is still four days away."

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, Celine, we'll stay in Guchen Town for four more days."

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, Heechul directly said to his fiancee Celine. Seeing Celine nodded, he then looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Let's go to challenge Guchen Gym together at that time."


Zhang Feng said with a smile, he naturally doesn't care.

Next, after eating, Celine and Heechul also checked into the same hotel with Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu, and both of them said goodbye and entered their respective rooms.

Time passed quickly, and four days passed in a blink of an eye. During these four days, Celine also became good friends with Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan, and Heechul followed Zhang Feng to the Fossil Park every day to be the referee for Xia Zhimu. The reward is also from the evolution of the hornet to the lizard.

And basically every day after Zhang Feng's ring match, Heechul and Zhang Feng will have another elf battle, and within four days, Heechul also gave the big stinger a preliminary grasp of evolution.

During this period, Zhang Feng also saw Heechul's devil training method. It looks more scientific than Shinji's training method in the animation, but it is also stricter, but it can be seen that Heechul's elf really wants to become stronger with Heechul. .

In the past four days, many powerful trainers have come, and Kirulian's level has also reached 1.

, The new skills learned are: "Know the future, act like a spoiled child, hold on, trick space, shadow ball."

In the same way, Chirulian also flashed white light on her body many times in battle, and there is a tendency to evolve Shanaido. Fortunately, Zhang Feng bought an invariant stone to wear in advance from Chirulian. There is still a lot of potential for the pattern, and rushing it doesn't do it any favors.

After the battle on the last day, Zhang Feng also deleted the challenge post, indicating that the challenge was over, and the ring competition in the past few days also gained many fans for Zhang Feng.

After all, Zhang Feng still maintains the undefeated golden body.

120. Outline snake, spike.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Feng and his party also came to a fitness equipment store, because Heechul wanted to buy some equipment for the special training of the bee, although the bee of Heechul had already mastered the evolution.

But according to Heechul, at present, the use of his own power is not perfect, so he needs some special equipment.

After buying the equipment, the group also came to the vicinity of the Guchen Gym.

Among them, the most active one is... Heechul, after getting to know Zhang Feng these days, Heechul also seems to be very free, and doesn't take himself as an outsider at all.

"By the way, Zhang Feng, when we came to the Guchen Gym, we heard that Gu Dao, the master of the Gym, is a master of the rock elves. Have you prepared a countermeasure against him these two days?"

Heechul also spoke highly of this... gym trainer.

The group slowly walked towards the Guchen gymnasium. Just as Zhang Feng was about to enter the Guchen gymnasium, the door of the Guchen gymnasium slowly opened, and a guy with lilac hair with a gloomy face walked out.

"It's not that..."

Liu Menghan on the side also spoke up.

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