"Chirulian, psychic magic leaf, defensive form."

Zhang Feng shouted with a cold face, provocation is a bit troublesome, he originally had a better solution to this situation, but he couldn't because of provocation, but the good news is that after this blow, the effect of provocation disappeared.

The fierce confrontation between the psychic magic leaves and the hundreds of millions of shock waves, this time, Alurado clearly had the upper hand, and the pink energy around it instantly blasted away the blades protecting Chirulian, and took Chirulian directly. go.

"Chirulian, avoid it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also did not hesitate and shouted to Chirulian, because the magic leaf has weakened most of the power of the hundreds of millions of shock waves, and Chirulian's reaction should be able to barely escape this blow.

Chirulian also noticed the drop in Elleido's speed, and hurriedly wrapped her body with thought power, moved directly to the right, and almost avoided the blow by sticking to Elleido's body.

"It's not over yet, sneak attack:!"

I saw Elu Leiduo Claw, who had ended the billion-dollar shock wave, turned around quickly, a black light flashed in his hand again, leaned slightly, and accelerated again to rush towards Chirulian.

The attack this time was too sudden, and Chirulian, who had been on guard, reacted and tried his best to dodge it, but was rubbed by the black light on his left shoulder. Although this blow was only a simple scratch, it was still effective.

"Chirulian, keep your distance!"

Enduring the severe pain, Kirulian immediately.

He used his mind power to wrap himself to try to reach the distance of Luredo, and was approached by Ai Lureduo with fighting attributes, and his Chilluri couldn't bear it.

"Elluiduo, catch up again and use a secret attack:."

Seeing this, Muto showed a smile and continued to command Elleido to attack.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you is one of the basic tactics of being a good trainer.

Elleido raised her right hand again, and the black light instantly wrapped its right arm, and in the next second, she also attacked Kirulian again.

"Don't go too far, Chirullian, strong mind, wave form."

Zhang Feng also realized that being passive like this is not the way to go.

The wave form of mental strength is also a unique trick created by Zhang Feng relying on Chillulian's powerful control over... superpowers. Wave after wave of mental wave attacks, this move also puts a heavy burden on Chirulian, but in this case, it can only be fought.

Chirulian also stopped dodging, raised his hands, and at the same time, blue light flashed in his eyes, and waves of mental fluctuations directly attacked Elleido.

At the moment when the first powerful mental wave attacked Elurado, Elurado was stagnant, and the black light on his right hand disappeared. At the same time, the second wave slammed into Kirulian. A gust of strong wind came, and Elu Leiduo retreated again and again, and his eyes were extremely painful at the same time.

"Elloredo, are you alright!"

Muto, who noticed Elleido's abnormality, hurriedly shouted.

At this time, the last and strongest third mental wave hit the unsuspecting Elleido.


I saw Elluiduo screaming in pain, and his body flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

After using this move, Chirulian also knelt down on one foot and gasped for breath. This move was also very draining on her, because she had to force her mental thoughts into invisible wave attacks. ...The test of Chirulian's mental strength can be said to be enormous.

Although I could barely make it out during the special training before, but it didn't have the power it is now.

The effect of a successful mental power wave in the form of mental power wave is extremely amazing. Not only is the power extremely powerful, but the invisible mental wave attack is also extremely difficult to avoid.

"Ding, Kirulian's level has risen to 1.


The sound of the system sounded at the same time, under everyone's attention, Chirulian's whole body flashed a faint evolutionary white light, the next second, a mysterious force came out, and the white light on Chirulian's body was suppressed and gradually dimmed. Seeing this scene, Muto also took a deep look at Zhang Feng, Chirulian was obviously going to evolve into Shanaido just now, but was restrained by the Invariant Stone.

Before the spiritual talent in Chirulian's form was fully excavated, Zhang Feng would not let it evolve easily and avoid wasting its precious talent.

Ignoring Muto's suspicious eyes, Zhang Feng took Chirulian back into the Poké Ball.

"I'll leave it to you, Lucario."

The white light disappeared, and a blue body with black textured Lucario appeared in the venue.

After taking a look at Lucario, the ace of the museum owner, Zhang Feng also threw his Poké Ball.

Bursts of sparks and scale powder were scattered, and a burst of hot wind swept the audience, and in mid-air, the Vulcan insect with its wings appeared in front of everyone.

168, Lucario, mage evolution

Vulcan Lucario, the battle was about to break out, and the moment he saw the Vulcan covered in fire, Wu Teng's eyes were full of solemnity, but... Liu Menghan looked at the fire parked in front of Zhang Feng with a little doubt. Divine insects, many of Zhang Feng's elves appeared suddenly, and Liu Menghan never saw the process of his subduing.

Muto glanced at Zhang Feng.

"This Lucario has followed me since the time of Riolu, and it is also my ace elf. If you want to get the badge, you have to pass this level first!"

"Lucario, come on!"

For... Lucario, Muto has absolute confidence.

After all, it is the elf who has witnessed his entire trainer career.

"I'm going to order the badge."

Zhang Feng raised his face slightly and said with a light smile.

His Vulcan was obtained after the loss of Groudon, and this Vulcan had the strength to fight Zhang Feng, and its attributes also restrained Lucario.

Although the advantage of attributes is not a factor that can determine the situation of the battle in the master duel, especially for elves above the king level, the advantage brought by attribute restraint is much smaller, and more depends on the trainer during the battle. Responding and commanding ability, but this is also an advantage after all, and trainers of the same level can better grasp this advantage.

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