"Zhang Feng, first of all, I would like to congratulate you for collecting all eight badges, and you have entered the sight of the senior management of the Elf Association."

"Finally, I have something very difficult to ask of you."

Shangguan Wan'er stared at Zhang Feng with beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see Zhang Feng's reaction.

Zhang Feng's eyes flickered slightly, Shangguan Wan'er came to see him this time obviously to beg him for help, the matter of begging him for help will undoubtedly involve the Shangguan family, and Zhang Feng actually has some other things right now that he has no time to care about.

"Let's talk about it first, what's the matter."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Feng spoke up. Although he had to deal with Bishas together with Li Ruo, after all, Shangguan Wan'er's father's only relic, the True Dragon's Tooth, was also given to him. Zhang Feng decided to first listen to what it was. thing.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er looked at Liu Menghan who was beside her.

"Uh, okay, I'll go out for a while..."

Liu Menghan also seemed to have reacted and was ready to get up.

"It's okay, there are no outsiders here, just say it!"

Zhang Feng frowned, and reached out his hand to stop Liu Menghan's indifferent words.

Seeing Zhang Feng's reaction, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes flashed.

"Zhang Feng, I hope you can save my mother!"

After a pause, Shangguan Wan'er opened her mouth, and at the same time there was a hint of helplessness on her face.

"what happened"

Feeling that Shangguan Wan'er's expression didn't seem fake, Zhang Feng asked.

Next, Shangguan Wan'er also said everything word by word.

It turns out that since Shangguan Wan'er gave Zhang Feng the True Dragon's Tooth, the Shangguan family's head was furious, and they couldn't attack Zhang Feng, who was deeply concerned by the Elf Association.

But they wanted to take back the real dragon tooth that belonged to their Shangguan family, so the Shangguan patriarch thought of a way to limit Shangguan Wan'er to take back the real dragon tooth from Zhang Feng and return it to the Shangguan family within two months, otherwise she would be taken back to the Shangguan family. His mother remarried to an old man of the Liu family.


After listening to Shangguan Wan'er's narration, Zhang Feng also rolled his eyes, and at the same time was overturned by this disgusting family.

Shangguan Wan'er didn't describe it in too much detail, but Zhang Feng could see that she must have thought of various ways to save her mother recently, but she had no choice but to find him.

The Shangguan family is very powerful, and there are many trainers of the Heavenly King. It is hard to imagine how desperate Shangguan Wan'er is in her heart.

"Miss Wan'er, the real dragon's tooth has been fused with the dragon. Although it can be taken out, I won't do that."

The treasures that the world is integrated into the body of the elf can also be taken.

One is that after the elf dies, the secret treasure will come out automatically, the other is... The elf takes it out by force, the consequence is... the level drops, and at the same time, it is extremely weak for a period of time, and cannot fuse any secret treasure within a year.

Looking at Shangguan Wan'er, it seems that her expression has not changed, Zhang Feng continued: "However, I will help you solve this matter, and I have two conditions at the same time."

"You say, I can promise you!"

Shangguan Wan'er's delicate face didn't hesitate, she said directly.

For her, her mother is everything to her now, and she must rescue her mother.

"First, after rescuing your mother, True Dragon's Tooth has nothing to do with you."

"Second, join my organization and take care of everything for me."

Zhang Feng said with a serious look what he wanted, Shangguan Wan'er was a careful and scheming person, if he dug her into his own organization, he would be able to save a lot of worry.

"Just, that's all"

Shangguan Wan'er was a little stunned! When Zhang Feng proposed two conditions, Shangguan Wan'er was even ready to promise Zhang Feng some very extreme things, but she was a little stunned when she heard that Zhang Feng's request was so simple. .

"Yes, that's all!"

Zhang Feng said with a light smile.

"Okay, I promise."

Shangguan Wan'er also spoke directly.

Next, Shangguan Wan'er also stated the remaining time of the deadline given to her by the Shangguan family. Fortunately, after the time agreed by Zhang Feng and Li Ruo, Zhang Feng was also relieved, and simply did not have to run back.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er also resumed her smile, after all, she got a satisfactory answer.

Looking at Zhang Feng, who was lost in thought, Shangguan Wan'er pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang Feng, sometimes I am really curious, where is your limit? You are not afraid of the trainer's Shangguan family."

"You know, even the Four Heavenly Kings of China are quite polite to the Shangguan family!"

"And you are still setting up your own organization. Although I don't know the current size of your organization, I think it must not be easy!"

"Also, when I paid attention to you from the very beginning, you possessed a quasi-god fast dragon, and now even the legendary elf Latias has been subdued by you."

"What kind of person are you?"

Looking at Zhang Feng, Shangguan Wan'er's expression was full of curiosity. Whenever she set a limit for Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng could always refresh her cognition again with a higher attitude.

After hearing Shangguan Wan'er's words, Zhang Feng said calmly, "Just an ordinary elf trainer."

"It is also a coincidence that Latias can be subdued. As for my organization, you will see it later.."

Speaking of his own organization, Zhang Feng's tone also fluctuated slightly. His organization was not many and not on the right track, but the members he recruited were all geniuses with good strength or unlimited potential.

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