Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xiao Chi looked suspicious, after all, this three-headed dragon was also the murderer who almost killed their companion Li Ruo.

"Uh, let's put it this way, Bishas has a special dark ball in his hand, which can forcefully control the mind of the elf and maximize its destructive power."

Zhang Feng said word by word, he did not expect that the three evil dragons, as the ace spirits of Bishas, ​​could still be conscious after being controlled by the dark ball for so long.

"Then how can we help this three-headed dragon?"

Knowing that the three evil dragons were actually tyrannized by the dark ball, Xiao Chi hurriedly asked.

As the protagonist, Xiao Chi has an extraordinary love for... elves, and now when he learns that the elves in Bishas' hands are all under control, he immediately wants me to save them.

"Uh, when Li Ruo solves her own problems, let's go get the dark balls of Bishas... elves, and go back and analyze the solution."

Zhang Feng thought for a moment and then spoke.

Xiao Chi also nodded and agreed with Zhang Feng's choice.

After taking back Darkrai, Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi also rushed back to Li Ruo's side. The three evil dragons were too big, so let them stay in place for a while! Poké Ball, then its injury recovery will be extremely slow, and the three-headed dragon should not be able to wake up for the time being.

After I get the dark ball, I will take all the... elves of Bishas back.

183、Resolved, ended

When Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi turned their heads to find Li Ruo, they only saw a pool of blood on the ground. As for Bishas, ​​the figure had disappeared, and Celebi also seemed to have left.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng frowned slightly, it seems that the matter has been resolved.

Indeed, with the ability of Li Ruo's Gengar, Bishas, ​​who lost all the main spirits, was unable to resist.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng said, "Bishas has something called a dark ball in his hand. To liberate the elves controlled by him, we need to use it."

Xiao Chi also looked at Li Ruo with a look of anticipation, and he still really wanted to save those... poor elves who were controlled by Bishas.

"It was all destroyed by me."

Li Ruo put away the sadness on her face and said slowly, showing a faint smile, her revenge has been avenged, and she can finally relax.

Li Ruo's words also changed Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi's faces, but Li Ruo simply guessed Zhang Feng's intentions.

Along the way, Li Ruo also told Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi how to restore those... elves, as long as they are completely destroyed... those dark balls... elves can be restored to their original state after a while.

Although there may be some problems with personality in the future, at least it will no longer be controlled by the dark ball.

Hearing Li Ruo's words, Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi were both surprised. They didn't expect it to be solved so easily, but it would be nice if they could solve the problem.

Next, Li Ruo also called the Elf Association in Crown City, indicating that they should send someone to clean up the scene.

Li Ruo, as a Heavenly King-level trainer serving in the Elf Association, is also a friend of the Four Heavenly King Kona. Her phone number, the Elf Association in Crown City, did not dare to neglect her at all, and even dispatched the vice-chairman to come over in person.

While waiting for the arrival of the people from the Elf Association, Zhang Feng and his party also summoned their own elves and gathered all the main elves that Bishas had fallen in the Forest of Time.

Without the Poké Ball, their injuries will recover very slowly, and if they encounter wild Pokémon that are more aggressive, there is still a certain danger.

And the Rockets who were bound by Xiaochi and Liruo were also sitting on the ground in dejection. They joined the Rockets in order to have powerful elves, but they didn't want to be jailed now.

The Forest of Time is not very far from the Crown City Elf Association, and in about half an hour, the members of the Elf Association will arrive.

Because I received news from Li Ruo that a large number of members of the Rockets had been caught, the branch in Crown City was also dispatched almost in full.

"Li Ruotianwang, hello, I'm the vice president of the branch of the Crown City Elf Association, my name is Chen Mu, you have done a great job this time!"

The middle-aged man who appeared in front of Zhang Feng's group was... Vice President Wang Guan, who was even more powerful than Mayor Wang Guan, but in front of Li Ruo, he had to be more respectful.

Li Ruo glanced at Chen Mu, pursed her lips and smiled: "President Chen, just call me Li Ruo."

"The two people around me are the trainers who help me catch these... The outlaws are also my good friends, but they don't want to be disturbed too much."

In Li Ruo's view, the Rockets are now a topic of great concern in the entire China region. After all, it is a terrorist organization that attacked a large city at the beginning, and the public's attention is very high, so Li Ruo does not want the two to be affected. .

Moreover, the Rockets lost a special cadre, and Sakagi will definitely not give up easily. If the news leaks, Zhang Feng and Xiaochi will definitely be retaliated by the Rockets.

Chen Mu looked at Li Ruo and his party, and then looked at the little elves lying on the ground, their eyes flashed, and after a moment of indifference, Chen Mu said, "Miss Li Ruo, I understand, then let me Let’s deal with the members of the Rockets first, and then I will trouble you three to go to the association and tell us what happened.”


After finishing speaking, Chen Mu walked over to his subordinates and dealt with the Rockets who were caught by Xiao Chi, while Zhang Feng and his party came to the elf of Bishas.

After more than half an hour of recovery, most of these... elves have already woken up, but at this time, their faces are relatively dull, and their bodies are motionless.

"Sister Li Ruo, what's going on, why are they like this now?"

Xiao Chi looked at the elf who looked dull-eyed, and looked more nervous.

"Darkball, Team Rocket..."

Looking at the group of elves in front of him, Zhang Feng also frowned, this group of evil organizations that used technology to forcefully control the elves really disgusted him.

"Don't worry! These elves have been restrained by the dark ball for too long, and it is estimated that it will take some time to recover."

Li Ruo's tone was gentler, and she didn't care about the things in front of her at all... The elves were all from Bishas, ​​and the three evil dragons among them almost killed her.

"Let's put it away with ordinary Poké Balls first. This group of Pokémon has excellent qualifications, and there are more than one quasi-god-level existence, so it's hard not to arouse the greed of others."

"When their consciousness is completely restored, let them make their own choices."

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, with the current state of this group of elves, it is absolutely impossible for them to cope with the trainers, and these... elves can become the main elves of Bishas, ​​naturally every aptitude is good.

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