At this time, Kona also stood up and said that Fang Fang Lu Sha had recognized Zhang Feng as the master. A high-level executive wanted to say something but was stopped by Chairman Dama Lanqi.

Fortunately, it was only a quasi-god. As Kona said, although the high-level executive was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say much.

"Kona, Zhang Feng is a good boy. This action is very active. I remember that the association has a set of mage evolution stones for the giant needle bee in Qiuhuang City. You can give him the reward for this task!"

Damaranch said with a smile.

"Yes, President!" Kona responded.

Damalanqi has been paying attention to Zhang Feng all the time. He was very shocked by Zhang Feng's growth. He even saw a familiar shadow from Zhang Feng. That person's original elf was also a fast dragon, but now he has become a He is the backbone of the China Elf Association, so he is very optimistic about Zhang Feng.

Seeing these very energetic young people, they are the future of the Elf Association.

At this time, Zhang Feng did not know that the senior officials of the China Elf Association had already discussed about him and Fang Fang Lu Shark.

A battle field in the backyard of the Elf Association.

Zhang Feng threw the Poké Ball belonging to Fang Lu Shark, while Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan both watched the battle.

The white light flashed, and the Fang Lu shark appeared in the field. It looked around with a puzzled look, and then looked at Zhang Feng opposite, with an inexplicable intimacy in its heart.

The two were also very surprised when they saw the fangtooth land shark covered in blue ice fins.

Zhang Feng looked at Fang Fang Lu Sha with a smile and said, "I put you in the Poké Ball because you were injured too badly and needed to recover. Now, are you willing to become my partner to become stronger and punish those who do evil?"

After speaking, Zhang Feng stretched out his right hand.

Fang Lu shark slowly walked towards Zhang Feng, and his right paw and Zhang Feng's hand slowly touched.

Zhang Feng could feel a hint of coolness coming from the claws of the fangtooth land shark.

Seeing the reaction of Fang Lu Shark, the two women were also very happy for Zhang Feng.

Immediately, Zhang Feng took out the Poke Ball and prepared to take the Fang Lu Shark back to the Poke Ball.


I saw Fang Fang Lu shark jumped a step and called Zhang Feng twice and put on a fighting stance.

"You want to fight? No problem." Zhang Feng smiled knowingly and threw out Ibrahimovic's Poke Ball.

Purple Ibrahimovic appeared.


Ibrahimovic, who hadn't appeared for a long time, jumped directly on Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng was also a little helpless, this little guy has always liked to rub in his arms recently.

Zhang Feng patted Ibrahimovic's little head and said softly, "Ready to fight, Ibrahimovic."

Hearing the battle, Ibrahimovic's eyes also lit up. He jumped out of Zhang Feng's arms and confronted the Fang Lu Shark on the field.

60. Evolution, Fairy Elf (for flowers)

Looking at Ibrahimovic on the field, Zhang Feng actually chose to let Ibrahimovic play for a reason.

Ibrahimovic has already learned the skills of the fairy system, and since the days after wearing the Anxian bell, the intimacy between himself and it has become higher. Zhang Feng estimates that the evolution of Ibrahimovic is not too far away.

The level lv.38 Ibrahimovic, against the lv.35 fangtooth land shark, the battle is about to start.

Fang Fang Lu shark chose to shoot white light into claws first, and the freezing fist rushed directly to Ibrahimovic.

"Jump up and avoid it, Ibrahimovic." Zhang Feng said.

Although the speed of the fangtooth land shark is also very fast, it is still much slower than Zhang Feng's Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic jumped high and jumped directly above the fangtooth land shark, and the fangtooth land shark hurriedly looked into the air.

"Ibrahimovic, the wind of the fairy." Zhang Feng took the opportunity to shout.

I saw that, in mid-air, Ibrahimovic roared, and the white tornado directly enveloped the fangtooth land shark.

Afterwards, the fairy wind ended, revealing a painful fangtooth land shark, and Ibrahimovic also fell to the ground.

The effect of Fairy Wind on the Fanged Land Shark is very significant.

I saw that the fangtooth land shark shook its head, squatted down slightly, and shot out ice needles from its ice fins.

"Ibrahimovic, be careful, move at high speed," Zhang Feng reminded.

At this time, Ibrahimovic directly turned into afterimages, avoiding the ice needles of the Fang Lu Shark. Seeing that the Fang Lu Shark's right claws were covered with cold light, the speed skyrocketed and rushed directly to Ibrahimovic.

"What?" Zhang Feng was a little surprised when he saw the Fang Lu Shark, which almost turned into a streamer. He didn't expect why the Fang Lu Shark's speed suddenly increased so much.

Ibrahimovic just reacted, the fangtooth land shark has come to Ibrahimovic, and the freezing fist hit Ibrahimovically, and Ibrahimovic flew out.


This shout was made by Liu Menghan, who usually likes Ibrahimovic the most.

Ibrahimovic struggled for a while and stood up. At this moment, the Fang Lu shark made a mocking gesture of letting the horse come over to Ibrahimovic.


I saw Ibrahimovic roared, and his whole body was covered in white light.

"Are you here?" Zhang Feng was surprised, his Ibrahimovic was finally about to begin to evolve.

Off the field, Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan were also surprised, Zhang Feng's Ibrahimovic seemed to have begun to evolve.

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