"Jie Jie"

I saw Ghost Stone instantly appear in front of the fairy elf and stretched out his hands, bursts of hypnotic waves rushed towards the fairy elf, the fairy elf only felt sleepy and fell asleep directly, the hypnosis was successful.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and took out the Fairy Elf's Poké Ball from his waist and wanted to put it in the Poké Ball.

"Don't think about it, dark sight."

Qiu Jian naturally didn't want Zhang Feng to take the fairy back to the ball.

I saw Ghost Stone with a strange look, and his eyes directly locked on the fairy elf.

The red light of Zhang Feng's elf ball hit the fairy elf, but it bounced off directly.

"It's over, Ghost Stone, Dream Eater."


Xia Zhimu, who was watching the battle from the side, also knew that the fairy fairies were likely to lose.

I saw Ghost Stone's eyes flashing red, and the sleeping fairy elf suddenly looked extremely painful, but Ghost Stone looked comfortable.

In less than three seconds3, the eyes of the fairy elf became swirling, instead of falling asleep, they fainted.

Qiu Jian can also be regarded as regaining a city.

Zhang Feng took back the fairy elf with an uncomfortable expression, and the ghost-type elf was really a bit difficult to deal with.

Immediately, Zhang Feng took out the insulating ball.

"Come out! Zeraora."

White light flashed, and Zeraora appeared in the center of the field. When Zeraora appeared, an unnatural look appeared on Ghost Stone's face.

Another elf that he had never seen before, Qiu Jian had some doubts that Zhang Feng was from another country other than China, and he didn't know any elf he used.

"It's it!"

Seeing Zeraora, Xia Zhimu was...a little excited, she had seen Zeraora's strength with her own eyes.

"Ghost Stone, Shadow Ball."

This time Qiu Jian chose to try it out first, after all, he didn't know anything about Zeraora.

Hearing Qiu Jian's command, Zhang Feng said coldly, "Zeraora, plasma lightning fist."

I saw Zeraora's fists flickering with electric light, and the powerful electric current shattered and scattered Ghost Stone's shadow ball directly hit Ghost Stone.

"So strong!"

Qiu Jian was very surprised to see this scene, and also let him know that Zhang Feng, the mysterious elf, seemed to be of the electrical system.

As an Eudemons, Zeraora has the ability to control the electromagnetic field, so just now it was another use of its plasma lightning punch.

"Jie Jie"

The baptism ghost Stone, who received Zeraora's powerful electric shock in the air, wailed in pain.

When the current ended, Ghost Stone fell directly to the ground and fainted. There was a scorching smell in the air. For... this gas elf can also produce a scorching smell, I have to say that Zeraora's electric shock So powerful.

Qiu Jian also immediately took back the fainted Ghost Stone and looked at Zhang Feng's Zeraora with a solemn expression.

68, Zeraora, counterattack protection.

Although Qiu Jian has never seen Zeraora, he is very cautious now. As the gym owner, he has experienced countless battles, from Zeraora's plasma lightning punch that killed Ghost Stone in an instant.

He knew that this unknown elf was very strong.

Qiu Jian threw the Poké Ball, and the last Pokémon he chose to fight was a Dream Demon.

A purple aptitude, level 1.

The level dream demon has reached the strength of the heavenly king.

"Zeraora, sharpen the claw."

Zhang Feng chose to increase Zeraora's attack power and hit rate first.

"Dream demon, energy ball."

In front of the dream demon, the green energy ball was formed and shot directly at Zeraora. Qiu Jian is a person who likes to use the shadow ball energy ball and other skills to start, perhaps this is a personal habit.

"Zeraora, one hundred thousand volts."

Zhang Feng shouted lightly.

I saw Zeraora's forehead flashing blue light, and a strong electric shock from both hands, the electric shock directly tore the energy ball and hit the dream demon.


The owner of the museum, Qiu Jian, exclaimed, his face became: very ugly, this kind of skill power, he even wondered if Zeraora was a champion elf.

"Dream demon, hold on, hypnotism."

"Zeraora, cover itself with electrical discharge to form a defensive net."

On the ground, Zeraora seemed to understand what Zhang Feng meant, and put her palms together. Suddenly, a strong electric force was emitted from Zeraola's body, forming an electric shock protection cover without dead ends. The hypnotic fluctuations belonging to the dream demons could not be transmitted at all. In front of Zeraora, even the dream demon was forced to dodge by the raging electric current, and was hit by electric shocks several times.

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