Ruoxuan reminded Zhang Feng to throw the Poke Ball.

A fossilized pterosaur appeared in front of everyone.

Purple aptitude, level 1.

5. The data of the fossil pterosaur appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

Looking at the fossilized pterosaur flying in mid-air, Zhang Feng took back the fairy elf, took out the elf ball of the fangtooth land shark, took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let me see the strength of the next one!"

After the white light passed, the pale blue, fangtooth land shark covered with ice fins appeared in front of everyone.

"this, this"

Ruoxuan looked at the sharp-toothed land shark's complexion, and Zhang Feng actually had a flashing fang-toothed land shark, which made Ruoxuan a little out of his mind. When did the quasi-god-level elf catch so easily, "Wow! Is it a flashing elf again? "

"It should be, Zhang Feng is so powerful, he is not far from the king!"

"Worship the great god and evolve into a proper quasi-god after biting the land shark fiercely."

After the appearance of the fangtooth land shark, the popularity of the live broadcast room is also getting higher and higher, almost to one million people.

Zhang Feng had already made preparations for the exposure of the Fang Lu shark. He just wanted to make it appear in the national live broadcast. After all, it will have to fight frequently in the future, and it will always be known to everyone, so that people will mistake it for a flash. The elf is also good, better than letting people know that it has a third-level god-level talent.

"The fangtooth land shark, sword dance."

Facing the fossilized pterosaur whose level was much higher than the fangtooth land shark, Zhang Feng chose to strengthen himself first.

"Fossil pterosaur, ramming."

Ruo Xuan shouted in a deep voice.

"The fangtooth shark, cut."

Looking at the fossilized pterosaur rushing towards the fangtooth land shark, Zhang Feng said lightly.

I saw that the right claws of the fangtooth land shark directly hit the head of the rushing fossil pterosaur, the fangtooth land shark took a few steps back, and the fossil pterosaur also suffered a little pain.

"Sword Dance."

Before the fossilized pterosaur reacted, the fangtooth land shark once again strengthened the sword dance. Although the talent of the third-level god is strong, to deal with the fossil pterosaur that has entered the heavenly king level, the fangtooth land shark needs a sword dance.

"Rockslide, Fossil Pterosaur."

Ruoxuan was also Feng's idea.

"Dig a hole! Tooth land shark."

I saw a piece of stone appearing on the top of the toothed land shark and fell directly to the toothed land shark, and the toothed land shark directly burrowed into the ground, avoiding the attack of the rock avalanche.

"Fly high, watch out, fossil pterosaurs."

Naturally, Ruoxuan would not give Zhang Feng any chance to attack.

I saw the fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings and flew directly to the height near the ceiling of the gym, staring at the ground vigilantly.

At this time, a ground cracked, and the fangtooth land shark emerged.

"Fossil pterosaur, destroy light."

Ruoxuan seized the opportunity and shouted.

In the air, the khaki energy in the fossil pterosaur's mouth converged and shot directly at the fangtooth land shark on the ground.

"The fangtooth land shark, escape and use the dragon's claws."

I saw that the fangtooth land shark that just emerged from the ground jumped to avoid the destructive light, the right claw flickered with green light, and the dragon's claws directly slammed into the air and fell into the destructive light of the fossilized pterosaur. .

In mid-air, the fossilized pterosaur's body lost control and began to fall to the ground.

"The fangtooth land shark, the ice needle."

Zhang Feng shouted.

I saw that the fangtooth land shark ice fin blue light masterpiece shot directly at the falling fossil pterosaur.

"Stay away, Fossil Pterodactyl."

Ruo Xuan looked at the Fang Lu Shark who used the ice needle with a hint of surprise in his eyes, he didn't remember that the Fang Lu Shark could use ice skills.

The falling Fossil Pterosaur also seemed to have reacted, and with a flap of its wings, it flew again before landing, and only a small portion of the ice needles hit the Fossil Pterosaur's right wing.

"Fossil pterosaur, steel wing."

"Steel Claw, Fanged Land Shark"

The re-flying fossil pterosaur was a lot slower, and the ice affected its right wing.

The Fossil Pterosaur's wings flashed white light and rushed directly to the fangtooth land shark in the air, and the fangtooth land shark also directly confronted the steel wing with its steel claws.


With a bang, in mid-air, the two sides were deadlocked together. After the sword dance was strengthened twice, the fangtooth land shark was not weaker than the fossil pterosaur in terms of attack power.

A collision tie, the two sides separated.

"Fossil pterosaur, billions of shock waves."

Ruo Xuan was obviously a little bit restless.

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