"Zhang Feng, where are you now?"

"Just arrived at Red Lotus City."

Zhang Feng said.

"Then I'll take the fire-breathing dragon to Honglian City now. See you in Honglian City."

Xiao Chi speaks a little faster.

"What happened when you came here?"

Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Someone has a private island that he is willing to sell, but that person not only wants money, but also some conditions. I need to meet you.... I'm talking."

Xiao Chi said directly.

Hearing Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Feng was stunned for a second and then said, "No problem, come here first."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng felt a little relieved, and things about the island finally settled down.

At this time, a luxury car slowly drove towards Zhang Feng and the three of them 3.

The car stopped in front of the three people and the door opened.

An old man in a black butler costume got out of the car.

"Uncle Zhang, why are you here?"

Xia Zhimu said calmly when she saw the person coming.

Seeing that Xia Zhimu knew the person who came, Zhang Feng didn't speak, just watched quietly.

"Miss, the master asked you to come back to the branch with me, there is something important."

The housekeeper called Zhang Bo said respectfully to Xia Zhimu.

"For important matters, Zhang Feng, come with me too!"

Xia Zhimu thought for a while and glanced at Zhang Feng and said with certainty.

Hearing Xia Zhimu's words, Zhang Feng fell into deep thought. They were discovered by the Xia family when they first came to Honglian City. Since the Xia family could find them, the Bi family, who claimed to be the first family in Honglian City, must know his whereabouts very well. Although he wasn't afraid of the Bi family, he still had Liu Menghan by his side, so maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to go with Xia Zhimu.

"All right."

After a while, Zhang Feng also replied.

"Then please get in the car!"

Zhang Bo also made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Feng and others.

In this way, the three of them got into the car to the Xia family branch.

89, Bi family, flame bird

Red Lotus City, Bi's house, conference room "Bi Xuan, what's the situation with that kid named Zhang Feng?"

Sakagi in the main seat asked lightly.

Since Dr. Darkmoon was rescued by Sakagi, he has chanted this name in front of Sakagi several times, obviously full of hatred for him, which also made Sakagi interested in the child who sent Dr. Darkmoon to the cell. The red-haired old man who called his name said with a serious expression: "He has something to do with the Xia family, and now he has been taken over by the Xia family to the Red Lotus Island Xia family branch."

Hearing the old man's words, Sakagi's eyebrows were all wrinkled together, he paused, Sakagi continued to ask: "Tell me what's going on?"

"He walked a little closer to the young lady of the Xia family, Xia Zhimu."

Bi Xuan continued.

Sakagi didn't say anything but looked thoughtful.

At this time, Emperor Xiu, who had been silent for a while beside Sakagi, spoke up, and a slightly magnetic voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Patriarch Bi Xuan, your thinking is too simplistic, the Xia family's rumors are already on their way to Red Lotus Island, maybe it's a "treasure" for your Red Lotus Island


Emperor Xiu's meaningful words rang directly in Bi Xuan's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue.

The fact that their family can become the first family of Red Lotus Island can be traced back to hundreds of years ago. At that time, their first generation family owner went to the Red Lotus Island volcano to search for a powerful fire-type elf, but accidentally met a seriously injured and dying. Flaming Bird.

At that time, their family master rescued the flaming bird and took good care of it for three days. Therefore, their Bi family gained the friendship of the divine bird flaming bird. The flaming bird gave them a feather, and the Bi family could contact the flaming bird at any time by virtue of their feathers. , And a year ago, Bi Xuan suddenly discovered that the flame bird that had been living in the Red Lotus Volcano suddenly became extremely weak, and under doubt, they used instruments to detect that the flame bird's abdomen had a life response, although it was very weak. to indeed exist.

This means that the flaming bird is pregnant with a child, and Bi Xuan, who learned the news, immediately blocked the news in the clan. Once the news of the baby bird was leaked, he could not imagine how crazy the world would be, and maybe the neighboring countries would also The trainer was dispatched, and at the same time, the greed in Bi Xuan's heart was also out of control. He was very clear about the power of the flame bird, and the existence of divine beasts in the whole of China was only a handful, and it was basically controlled by those... ...in the hands of the Invincible King.

Although the flaming bird guards their family, they are not loyal to do things for them, at least they will not take the initiative to fight for them, and if they get the eggs of the flaming bird and cultivate them from childhood, they can have a mythical beast.

Bi Xuan had already planned everything, that is... after the flaming bird gave birth to the baby egg, the whole family dispatched to solve the flaming bird and obtain its egg.

Although there is no existence in their family that can compete with the flame bird, but fortunately after the birth of the flame bird, the power of the flame bird is weak, and their siege must be no problem.

But now, Emperor Xiu's short sentence has filled all his thoughts.

How did Emperor Xiu know about this?

Although Emperor Xiu didn't understand it just now, Zi can also understand his hint, and he said that as the strongest member of the Xia family, he didn't sit in the meeting, why did he come to Honglian City, and how did he know the news.

Thinking of this, in an instant, Bi Xuan's wrinkled old face was full of fear and anxiety.


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