“What? You you you, you auditioned successfully? Or the male number two of Immortal Sword Three?? The fat Di’s tongue-head who knew the news couldn’t straighten up, and Ye Fan could imagine the stupid look of Fat Di across the phone.

“Of course, who am I? By the way, call me when you finish class, accompany me to the supermarket to buy some ingredients, introduce you to some stars of the crew in the evening, and pave the way for you to step into the entertainment industry in the future. ”

Ye Fan simply blew a bull and began the journey of brushing monsters to upgrade, after all, he is a man who wants to win the Quartz League championship, in his current plan, he first wants to make his name famous through Immortal Sword Three, and at the same time, Pokémon cannot be pulled down, so as to prepare for a year later.

Looking at the Shanaiduo, Fire Dinosaur, and Menas in front of him, Ye Fan carefully formulated a detailed training plan for each of them. As for hurrying, Ye Fan is not very anxious, after all, he still has two tickets for the Sant’Annu in his hand, and when the time comes, see who is online and go to Dead Leaf City with her.

Just when Ye Fan was training the three elves, the elf egg that was about to be ignored by Ye Fan shook gently, noticing this situation, he carefully took out the thermostatic box containing the elf egg from his backpack, and looked at the crack that slowly appeared on the black and red elf egg, not to mention Ye Fan, even the three elves who were training were all around.

“Duh, duh.” As the sound of breaking gradually became louder, there were more and more cracks on the entire egg, and under the expectant gaze of Ye Fan and several elves, a young shark like a round ball crawled out of the broken elf egg.

“Round Land Shark ?!!” Looking at the elf in front of him, Ye Fan shouted with some surprise.

“Duh~” The round land shark ran around Ye Fan with a full of vitality, expressing his affection for Ye Fan, and then excitedly ate the broken elf eggshell, and showed a satisfied look of humanity.

Round Land Shark:


Attributes: Dragon, Ground

Features: Sha Yin

Qualification: Excellent

Quality: Rare

Land shark Pokémon, with a huge mouth to launch an attack is very powerful, but not very flexible in battle, will also hurt themselves.

Through the real eye, Ye Fan saw the qualifications and information of this round land shark, although after obtaining the Y-form MEGA evolution stone of Charizard, Ye Fan was not so looking forward to the dragon elf, after all, the data of the race value of 634 was far higher than that of the dragon quasi-god.

However, Ye Fan is still very pleased to be able to obtain the round land shark, which means that after the round land shark evolves into a fierce biting land shark, the combat effectiveness of his team will be greatly improved, and it can be regarded as making up for the embarrassing situation of the lack of dragons in the team before obtaining the X-form MEGA evolution stone of Charizard.

At the same time, the players of the entire Pokémon world exploded again because of the change in the potential list. However, because after the previous attack, Ye Fan temporarily chose to hide his ID information, so this time seeing the Yuanlu shark who was born out of the sky and took away the first throne of the potential list, no one thought of Ye Fan.

And the current situation on the potential list is like this.

First place in the potential list: Round Land Shark (unknown).

Second place on the potential list: Hakron (a book friend).

Third place in the potential list: Mu Meier (Ye Xiaofan).

Fourth place in the potential list: Fire Dinosaur (Ye Fan).

5th place in the potential list: Menas (Ye Fan).

Sixth place in the potential list: Sha Naiduo (Ye Fan).

(About the potential list or something, I originally wanted to score half and half points, but then I thought that the ID of the strong rival has not yet been determined, and you book friends don’t want to appear on it, as long as you open your mouth, you can have it.) If you don’t have any ideas, just laugh it off. )

Seeing such a potential list ranking, everyone is quite jealous and envious in their hearts, Ye Fan occupies 3 of the top 6, of course, they don’t know that the first place Round Land Shark is also Ye Fan’s.

And the ID of ‘Ye Xiaofan’ is naturally Fat Di’s account, although it is quite speechless for Fat Di’s bad taste, but the ID of this game cannot be modified, so Ye Fan had to default to this fleshy ID.

Of course, in the eyes of the outside world, the relationship between the two IDs of ‘Ye Xiaofan’ and ‘Ye Fan’ is too obvious, as long as they are not blind, they all feel that the owners of these two IDs have a deep relationship. If it weren’t for the fact that this game could only bind one person for life, they would all wonder if this was Ye Fan’s trumpet.

For this list, Ye Fan said that he didn’t care for a long time, although he was surprised that the fire dinosaur could directly rush from 10 to the fourth place, but after thinking of the MEGA evolution stone, Ye Fan took it for granted, and even after MEGA evolution, it was very possible to kill the second fast dragon.

Seeing the elf potential list that seemed to have been humiliated by himself, Ye Fan said that he was in a very good mood, so even the Round Land Shark, who had just been born, was added to the training plan by Ye Fan, cough, it should be to help the Round Land Shark brush the level crazy.

When I got off the line, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and I received a call from Fat Di, and Ye Fan directly requisitioned the car key that Brother Hu put on his side, and drove to the play to pick up Fat Di.

Seeing Fat Di happily getting into the co-driver of the car, many male students at the gate of the drama school instantly looked desperate, Ye Fan in the car naturally noticed this scene, and immediately joked about Fat Di.

“Oh, Reba, didn’t you see the expressions of those boys when you got into the car just now, you didn’t expect your goddess to be raised.”

“Hmph, that’s of course, the charm of this goddess is recognized in the play.” Fat Di Tsundere flicked his flowing hair, a copy of the baby is very powerful, come and praise the cute appearance of this baby.

“Hey, say you’re fat and you’re really breathless, look at the flesh on your face, don’t lose weight, who will find you filming in the future!” Ye Fan took the opportunity to pinch Fat Di Rourou’s cheeks, looking ridiculed.

“Ah, Dead Ye Fan, actually said that I was fat!! If no one comes to me to film in the future, I will rely on you, hum!! Fat Di puffed out his cheeks in dissatisfaction and said like a child. However, looking at her gaze at Ye Fan from time to time at that time, you can see that she looks angry, she just wants Ye Fan to coax herself.

“Okay, okay, I’ll raise you in the future, well, come and kiss one.” Ye Fan was naturally familiar with Fat Di’s little nature, like coaxing a little pet, touched Fat Di’s soft hair, and then put his index finger on Fat Di’s mouth, and reached back to kiss her when she was stunned.

“Ahhh Dead Ye Fan, you’re going to die!! Seeing Ye Fan’s action equivalent to an indirect kiss, Fat Di Bai’s face instantly turned red, and he opened his teeth and danced his claws towards Ye Fan as if he was covering up.

“Okay, okay, drive, hahaha, I surrender, I surrender!!” Ye Fan, who was tickled by Fat Di, instantly admitted defeat, looking at Fat Di sitting on the co-pilot with a proud look, the corner of Ye Fan’s mouth also evoked a faint smile.

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