Evolution Era: Opening Awakening Tenseiyan Author: Xingkongguangguang

(false profile)

In the new century, human beings are no longer dominated by the blue star, surrounded by monsters!

Terrible zombies roam the wilderness endlessly; mutated monsters occupy the city and are extremely vicious; there are also fierce beasts from outside the world descending on the surface and sweeping across the wilderness!

The abyss interface, the zombie universe, the outer world...

When the bonfire of human civilization was ignited again, and the light of evolution illuminated the earth, people discovered that everything has just begun...

(real profile)

"I'm really not an evolutionary..."

Someone sighed helplessly.

Behind him, the evolutionaries stared blankly at Su Qi, who was stepping on the black Taoist Jade, holding the Tianmarsh Spear, opening the blue reincarnated eyes, surrounded by green flames, and had just killed the Abyss Lord with a golden sword.

"...Before you say this, move your feet away from the demon god's face, hey!"

"Everyone is crying..."

Chapter 1 The Day of Awakening

New century 94, hot summer

Xijiang Base City, Xijiang No. 2 Middle School

Today is a special day, not only for Xijiang No. 2 Middle School, but also for the entire Xijiang base city.

"Class One, Liu Mingwei, the awakening failed..."

"Class One, Wang Guangming, the awakening failed..."

"Class One, Zhao Ritian, the awakening failed..."

On the playground, gongs and drums blared, firecrackers blared, and there were huge crowds of people.

Countless people waited eagerly, with eager eyes, staring at the center of the playground without blinking, staring at the ongoing awakening ceremony.

Needless to say, the awakened seniors in high school were all nervous and sweating profusely.

The juniors and girls who were watching from the outside, as well as people from all walks of life outside, also shook their heads.

"Failure and failure are all failures. What happened to Xijiang No. 2 Middle School this year? How come no one has successfully awakened yet?"

"It doesn't make sense. Even if the chance of awakening superpowers is generally low, the success rate has always been around 10% in the past. Why is there more than 20 people this year, and no one has succeeded?"

"Maybe it's because my luck was exhausted by No. 1 Middle School last time, hahaha..."

"Don't talk about it, it's really possible. Last year's Xijiang No. 1 Middle School was really beautiful. There was a golden phoenix. Who wouldn't envy it in the hot summer?"

"On the contrary, the other colleges and universities in Xijiang Base City hardly produced any geniuses..."

"It's the luck of the entire base city that was sacrificed to raise that golden phoenix."

As the time of the awakening ceremony passed, more than 20 awakened people failed to awaken their superpowers and became evolutionaries. The surrounding people couldn't help but whispered.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little weird, occasionally mixed with some unexplained laughter.

The leaders of Xijiang No. 2 Middle School in the stands were also frowning at this time, looking at the ongoing awakening ceremony below, feeling anxious.

Fortunately, however, this situation did not last long—

"Class One, Zhou Yang, successfully awakened!"

"Awakening superpowers as..."

"Burst Red Flame!"

"Grade-vs. military grade!"

Following the passionate voice of the host of the awakening ceremony, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

On the awakening stage, the young man named Zhou Yang looked at the orange flames emerging from his hand, the expression on his face was first startled, then turned into ecstasy.

i did it!

I have awakened superpowers, and I have become an evolutionary!

The emotion of surprise filled his brain, so that he was so dizzy that he forgot to disperse the flame in his hand.

The orange-red flame contained the power to burst, and the scorching aura permeated the air, raising the temperature of the entire playground by a few degrees.

This is super power!

Extraordinary power!


"Finally one of them has successfully awakened. I thought the first group would fail."

"The first one to succeed is the [anti-military level] superpower? Xijiang No. 2 Middle School is about to take off."

"Jealousy broke me apart..."

Seeing the orange flames in Zhou Yang's hands, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then burst into exclamations.

Countless envious, shocked, and complicated gazes looked at

Zhou Yang couldn't calm down for a long time.

Explosive red flame, ranked 86th on the list of super energy sequences, is an elemental fire superpower, and has a powerful flame with extremely strong explosive energy.

Grade, against military grade!

It means that the upper limit of this superpower is extremely high, and when fully mastered and used, it is powerful enough to rival thousands of troops, and one person can be a million troops.

It is completely superior to ordinary superpowers, and it is the ability that many evolutionaries dream of.

No wonder everyone was so shocked.

"Hahaha, good!"

In the stands, the leaders of Xijiang No. 2 Middle School also smiled happily, sweeping away their previous worries.

For military-level superpowers, it is extremely difficult to awaken, and it is difficult to get one out of a hundred evolutionaries. It can be said that they are geniuses among evolutionaries.

Their Xijiang No. 2 Middle School can have Zhou Yang in this year, which is enough to explain to the higher authorities.

Moreover, this is the first one who has successfully awakened, and the awakening ceremony has just begun, and there are hundreds of students waiting to awaken.

The opening of Tianxuan made the leaders of Xijiang No. 2 Middle School feel alive, and they look forward to the birth of more evolutionaries in the future.

It would be perfect if I could have another anti-military superpower...

Leaders think beautifully, but the reality is obviously not so beautiful.

The next group of students who awakened all failed, and only one of them succeeded in awakening again at the last time.

"Class One, Jia Tengying, the awakening is successful!"

"Super power is strengthened for fingers, normal level..."

Everyone was startled at first, and then laughed when they heard the awakened superpower.

Finger enhancement, the most common superpower, ranks 215th in the superpower sequence list. As the name suggests, it can only strengthen one finger, and its use is better than nothing.

Jia Tengying on the awakening stage also turned red and then pale, and the joy of successfully awakening at the beginning also dissipated, and she walked down dejectedly.

So far, all 66 members of Xijiang No. 2 Middle School, Class No. 1, Class No. 3 and No. 1 have been awakened, and only 2 of them succeeded.

There is also a useless superpower of waste materials. This success rate can be said to have hit a record low.

But the leaders didn't care. After all, one Zhou Yang was already worth the ticket price. What more bicycles are needed?

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, Brother Qi, look at Jia Tengying's expression at the beginning, she almost jumped up when she heard that she had successfully awakened, but in the end it turned out to be those useless abilities at the bottom of the ranking..."

The awakener camp is divided into squares according to the classes. There are ten squares in total, that is, ten classes will participate in the awakening.

In one of the square lineups, a chubby fat man couldn't help laughing, his small eyes narrowed into a slit, looking at the dejected Jia Tengying, revealing a hint of gloating.

Beside him, the boy whom he called Qi Geer was also a young man with a much more normal figure, with a tall and straight back like a pine and cypress, standing straight.

Su Qi glanced at Jia Tengying who was downcast not far away, and said casually:

"What's wrong with finger strengthening? That's also a superpower!"

"As long as it is a super power, you can practice the evolution guidance technique, absorb the aura of heaven and earth to promote the evolution of your own life, and become stronger step by step."

"He will still be a hundred times stronger than us in the future!"

"If we can't even awaken our superpowers..."

Don't make the village chief wrong

Ministry, no matter how useless the super power is, it is also an extraordinary power, surpassing most ordinary people.

When Tang Jue's little fat man heard this, his complacent face drooped immediately.

He had some conflicts with Jia Tengying before, and he had been at odds with each other in school. Just now, he saw that he had awakened one of the few superpowers at the bottom of the ranking, so he taunted him without thinking about it.

But I didn't expect that I haven't started to awaken yet. If I don't succeed in awakening, I will still be an ordinary person, which is very different from an evolutionary.

It's too early to be happy...

"Brother Qi, do you think we can awaken superpowers?"

Thinking of this, Tang did not feel confident, and asked himself in a low voice, who is the boy.

When Su Qi heard this, he said casually without raising his eyelids.

"Who knows, but there are always only a very small number of people who can awaken successfully. Most people should not count on it. After graduation, they should honestly enter a factory..."

The 10% chance of awakening prevents most people from progressing towards evolution.

There are more than 600 people in their class, and it is estimated that only a few dozen people will be able to awaken successfully and become evolutionaries in the end.

An average of five or six in a class, the probability is too low.

Tang Jue's face collapsed. Although he knew that the novel was published in the most realistic situation, he was still not reconciled.

In fact, how many people are willing?

In the new century, there are dangers and monsters around, and human civilization is no longer dominated by the blue star who stood high above and stood at the top.

There are countless monsters in the outside world, which can threaten the life and death of human civilization.

In this environment, the evolutionists are the most popular and highest-status group of people.

Because they have extraordinary power and powerful power, they can protect themselves, their homeland, and human civilization!

The day of awakening is the most important time for everyone. Through the awakening ceremony, you can test whether you have the qualifications to become an evolutionary.

Once you awaken your superpowers, you will be able to become an evolutionary. From then on, with extraordinary power in your hands, you can practice evolutionary guidance, improve your strength and life level, and become a master!

And fail?

They can only be reduced to ordinary people, living under the protection of human civilization, relying on the protection of evolutionists, and spending their lives in mediocrity.

Two results, two lives.

Cold and real!

Therefore, in the new century, everyone is eager to awaken their own superpowers, to become an evolutionary, and to step onto another level.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel.

A 10% success rate determines that most people's dreams can only be imagined in their dreams...

Su Qi couldn't help sighing when he thought of this.

They are whispering here, while over there, on the awakening stage, the awakening ceremony is still going on.

There are 66 people in a group. After awakening, only 2 people succeeded in the end.

There were 66 people in the second class, and the result was a bit better than that of the first class. Six people were successfully awakened, but the quality was not high, and all of them had normal-level superpowers. They generally ranked outside the 200th place on the superpower sequence list.

The third class is similar, and 5 people have successfully awakened.

There are 7 in the fourth class, 5 in the fifth class, and 6 in the sixth class.

As time passed, all six classes had awakened, and a total of 31 evolutionaries were born.

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