When Kakashi approached the shrine, he was shocked by the contents of the shrine. In the shrine was a face that looked almost the same as Uzumaki Kushina.

"Mother? Why did you see me?"

Kakashi turned his head to look at Naruto's sleep, and frowned slightly.

"One more bowl of Yile Ramen...hehe..."

In the next second, the three shurikens flew towards Kakashi in an instant, and Kakashi dodged subconsciously. He clung to the ceiling tightly, staring at the sleeping Naruto on the bed.

"Sasuke... the old cocky guy... I don't like it..."

Naruto wrapped himself into a caterpillar with a quilt while talking in his sleep. It seemed that there was no danger for the time being.

"This kid is sleepwalking at night, so he seems to pay more attention."

Kakashi lightly landed on the ground, he looked at the vortex Kushina in the shrine, folded his hands and bowed slightly.

"Mother, please bless us, Naruto, this child is indeed very talented. As long as he does not die, his future achievements are limitless, please."

After the worship, when Kakashi was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw the statue flashing in his afterimages, and the heart that was originally held was slowly put back.

Thousand-year killing: I kind of believe in gods and Buddhas.

Dagu: Oh roar!

Dagu: The God of Creation is waiting for you, (ง•_•)ง

Millennium Kill: Probably...

Mr. Straw Hat: Having said that, after believing in the God of Creation and getting the power he bestows, I am no longer afraid of the sea, (●ˇ∀ˇ●)

Mr. Straw Hat: I am the first demon fruit capable person who can swim in the sea! Long live!

Crescent Moon: I remember, you can’t swim if you eat some devil fruit before.

Mr. Straw Hat: It used to be that when you touch the sea, your whole body will become soft, and then you will sink into the sea and drown alive, but not anymore!

Mr. Straw Hat: By the way, I had a video when I saw the creation body before.

Mr. Straw Hat: [Video]

Thousand Year Kill:.......


Dagu: Can I record this video as the one I usually watch?

Mr. Straw Hat: Of course you can, ah, I saw an island, and I can eat meat right away! ^o^/

Millennium Kill: I have to say that the power of the God of Creation is really very powerful.

Dagu: The God of Creation is the greatest existence! !

Dakoo: ~(≧▽≦)/~

Millennium Kill: It can be seen that you are already a mature fanatic.

Dean of the Gotham Madman: Puff, puff, hahahaha~ I already have a plan to disgust my enemy~ great, great~

Millennium Kill: Suddenly feel a chill in your body, what do you want to do?

Dean of Gotham Madman: o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ I won’t tell you~

Dagu: @哥谭狂人院长, why are you like a kid?

Gotham Asylum Zhang: Because I am happy~ I can see Batman's unhappy face tomorrow~ Hahahahaha! !

Dean of Gotham Madman: Why is time passing so slowly~ It's really boring~ Just prepare more plans~ My brain is empty now~ It's really refreshing~

Dagu: Your vitality is really high enough. I rely on coffee to support me. The captain and I are not sleepy, and the others are just sluggish.

Dagu: Who is calling in the evening?

Mr. Straw Hat uploads three copies [big stick meat]

Mr. Straw Hat: Everyone! Let's eat meat together!

Thousand-Year Kill: This meat looks so big, it must be delicious.

Thousand-year kills received a big stick meat.

Dean of the Gotham lunatic received a big stick meat

Dean of Gotham Lunatic: It just so happens that the stomach is also hungry~ hee hee hee

The Dean of Gotham Madman uploaded [Remington S686] to Mr. Straw Hat

The straw hat received the Remington S686

Mr. Straw Hat: What is this? Can you eat something you haven’t seen?

Dean of Gotham Lunatic: Pulling the trigger can smash people into pieces with a bang!

Dean of the Gotham Lunatic: Bang bang bang! ! Flesh and blood flying!

Mr. Straw Hat: Well, knocking is pretty easy to use, thank you.

Looking at the chat in the group chat, Lin Lin nodded. He was very vigilant from the time when the Gotham Lunatic Dean sent out the 18-forbidden picture before. Once he tarnished the environment in the group chat, the group would be abandoned.

"Kera, Kara."

Just as Lin Lin was looking at the group chat seriously, the big white egg above the kingdom of God suddenly shook, and the cracks on the white egg's body became more and more.

"Oh, this is the rhythm of getting out of the shell."

Lin Lin put the big white egg on the ground, and as the big white egg shook more and more violently, finally, the big white egg cracked completely, and hundreds of small spots crawled out of the big white egg. Lin Lin quickly threw out the faith. Li directly controls these hundreds of small things.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for shaping a new race, the racial attributes have increased by a million times!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for shaping a new race, please give me a name."

"Give it a name? Just use the name of my previous life, collectively: New Humanity, Affiliation: Empire."

In just a few seconds, Lin Lin input a large amount of information into these tiny brains, and at the same time poured tens of thousands of power of faith into these tiny bodies, and tiny tiny bodies gradually grew. They knelt on one knee in unison, and bowed to the fake sun that Lin Lin had fabricated to illuminate in the sky.

"The emperor gave me life! I waited for my life to be loyal to the emperor!"

The slightly familiar slogan made Lin Lin raise his eyebrows. He always felt that he had heard it in the video, but he couldn't remember.

Although a little puzzled, the procedure to be done still needs to be done. Lin Lin issued an oracle and asked them to make a statue of an imaginary **** to worship and contribute to the power of faith. By the way, let them use their surroundings in advance The allocated resources establish the life of the house.

"Ultraman is a light energy technology, Jetton is a mutation. If you are new humans, you should not take the mutation route. Technology is more suitable for them. Let them live for a year or two to see their adaptability, and then use the resources previously obtained. Card for them to develop, and finally let them come out to collect resources, so plan first, and then you have to collect some mechanical resources, I hope Tan Ya can find it."

"The time is almost there, and I have enough rest. It's almost time to make a new plan."

Lin Lin's consciousness returned to his body, he suddenly sat up from the bedding, twisted his neck, and made a creak.

"Good morning."

As soon as Lin Lin turned his head, he saw Qing Mulu, who was putting on make-up, greeting him, and he nodded slightly to Qing Mulu.

"Good morning."

Climbing out of the bedding, Lin Lin straightened his hair and walked out of the small room. Zuofei and Hikali, as well as the captains of the four brigade groups, were discussing something around the three-dimensional map.

"Do you have any ideas for today's action, Zofi?"

Lin Lin walked to the map and looked at the map with them. Shikali pointed to three places on the map.

"Father, our situation is a bit bad now."

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