Jinling Shenming Academy, central teaching building.

On the surface, this is just an ordinary building. In fact, once you walk inside, you will find that there is a whole other world, which is extremely vast.

Every classroom is a small world opened up by God. It has an area of ​​at least 10,000 square kilometers!

At the same time, the plane barrier in each classroom plane is extremely tough, and even higher gods cannot break through it.

Su Han searched for ten minutes and found the classroom for the World Upgrading Course half a minute before class. He immediately walked into it.

At this moment, the originally noisy classroom became quiet. Eighty percent of the people in this classroom are Median Gods... They all looked at Su Han at this moment, obviously a little confused. They dared to arrive half a minute early for such an important course? Are you new here, really not afraid of being late?

However, when they saw Su Han, their bodies all froze. Some people had shock and disbelief on their faces, others had doubts and considerations on their faces, and some were so excited that they took out their mobile phones and started shooting silently.

"That...is that one, right? Oh my god, I actually saw that one!"

"Oh my god, stop talking. Two days ago on the 16th, Jinling's Times God newspaper offered a high reward to anyone who could take a photo of that person, no matter where it was, no matter how blurry it was, as long as the face could be recognized! They all spent a thousand efforts of faith"

"? ? ? Are you crazy? Do you dare to make this money? Aren't you afraid that the police will come to your door and cause trouble for you? It's a violation of portrait rights, brother."

"A few days ago, videos were flying all over the place! Does that count as intrusion? Our student who stepped in midway didn’t express any opinions on this, so that’s okay! If he says no, then it definitely can’t be! Even Shenming Daily dared not publish it.……"

"……Why do you know so much?"

"Didn't I say that? My relatives are from the Propaganda Department... Just a few days ago, a real big shot spoke out! It set the tone of this matter... Of course, besides this, there are many other things. I can only say that this person is really valued by the superiors. The three-hour meeting of the Divine Propaganda Department, and the one and a half hours were related to His...I won't go into details. It involves privacy. I can only say that everyone who understands understands it."


"You know how to be weird, damn you, do you know... If the class wasn't about to end, and you dared to say such nonsense, I would have summoned the divine realm to hit you right now.……"

"Damn it, I'm so angry when you say this... Ever since the Ministry of Theology issued an announcement encouraging fighting, the school's danger level has increased by 300 percentage points... Especially in the dormitories, when college students go back, they have to deal with their mother's crystal wall every day. Same as the battlefield. The old man who maintained the small world of the reopened dormitory is now living in the dormitory! After all, he left today and has to come back tomorrow. The small world of the dormitory is exploding every day."

"Ahhhh, so handsome! I want to create a descendant pantheon with him? You said I would directly invite him now, is that safe?"

"You can not! Get out of my way, okay!"

Su Han:"?"

There is no problem with the previous ones, but the descendant god system behind this... hiss! Is it what he imagined... Is this what college life is like now? Su Han fell into deep thinking. Of course, he remained calm and collected on the surface. He casually found a seat in the back row and sat down to study. As soon as the class time came, a ray of divine light suddenly rose up in the small world of the classroom. Transformed into a giant god with a height of 100 meters. Xi. His eyes scanned the whole place, and his voice was like a bell,"There are quite a few people here today... huh?"

Professor Tianshen stared at Su Han with a strange expression, with astonishment and shock in his eyes. After a brief silence, he said He smiled dumbly,"There is even an extra surprise... Student Su, your arrival not only makes the students present happy, but also makes me very happy."

Thoughts flashed in Professor Tianshen's mind, and he was sure in an instant that he had I haven’t heard whose class Su Han has attended... In other words, the first class Su Han attended was his class!

Oh my god, you are so strong. Once you tell me about it, other professors will be envious.

There were many thoughts running through his mind, but the professor remained calm and calm on the surface,"Then we will officially start class now."

He waved his hands in an impressive manner. Suddenly, the vast small world underwent earth-shaking changes, and cities with low houses appeared one after another on the earth. This is the art of illusory projection... It seems real, and you can even reach out and interact with the little people on the ground, but This is just the evolution of divine power and is essentially false.……

"World Upgrade Course... Let's first pick out a template world! This is a country in the feudal era with a population of millions, and more than 80% of them believe in you... In a short period of time, the faith they enshrine in you has reached its extreme... No more faith can be gained!"

"When the world is limited and the population is limited, how to obtain more power of faith?"The professor glanced sharply at the entire audience.

Su Han remained silent. He suddenly thought of the content in the history books he had learned in high school. During the most miserable period a hundred years ago, the Western pantheon even sent a large number of gods. Blocking the various roads from the Eastern God System to the Crystal Wall System, and snatching away many worlds discovered by the Eastern God System...

Who will be convinced? But there is no way, the strength is too weak. We can only grit our teeth and be stubborn. Bones, working hard, trying hard to fight for what they should fight for...

In that era, the strength was weak, and it was almost impossible to keep one's dignity, let alone fight for benefits...

Even now that the East is rising... Gods At least 60% of the world that the World Crystal Wall System has discovered is in the hands of the Western Gods... The ancient Eastern countries only have 20%, and the remaining 20% ​​is shared equally by other small gods.……

"No wonder this course in the ancient Eastern countries is world-famous! It seems that it was forced out a hundred years ago."Su Han sighed inwardly. At the same time, he became even more convinced that he was determined to use the heroic spirit manufacturing technology to block those bastards in the West.……

"It seems that some students have understood, yes! world upgrade……"The professor raised his hand and said,"Make sure if there is a child of destiny in your world. Even if not, then find that kind of gifted person! Use the power of faith to help him……"

"Deduce the high-level cultivation methods that are most suitable for this race, promote the rice with high spiritual energy, teach them, and let them know the way forward...and then use the upgrade method to promote the upgrading of the world.……"

Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

After Professor Tianshen's class, Su Han did not communicate with the classmates. He turned into a ray of divine light and ran to the library. I specially pulled out books on this subject and studied hard, my eyes getting brighter and brighter, until I saw the library closing time.

After returning home, Su Han633 played with his mobile phone for a while in order to relax, and then found that the news about his first class had hit the hot list again.

Su Han:"?"

Nima, as for that?! Can you get on the list in every class? He's not that kind of idol god?!

Su Han said that he was about to burst. Fortunately, his popularity didn't reach too far, and he was probably around the 20th place.

Shenbo's hot list has always been very stable!

The top five are for idol stars, five to fifteen are for various cute spiritual beasts and pets, and there are all kinds of news...

After fifteen, there is normalized information... Twenty is barely acceptable. In the first five days, Su Han expressed that he couldn't accept it...

Shaking his head, Su Han threw away the phone and then entered the divine realm again. With Yun Yun and Medusa, they had an in-depth exchange of views on the relationship between God and the Holy Spirit.

In the following days, Su Han also went to class on time. In addition to the world upgrading technique, he also began to study other key contents, such as the more advanced psychology of believers in the university, the optimization of prayer content, etc... It is precisely because of this that those who were surprised to see Su Han were Incredibly, the Jinling God students seemed to have won a prize and became calm again. It's not like there are hot lists on the Internet from time to time...

Su Han originally wanted to settle down, recharge for a period of time, and quietly dive in the chat group every day to see the number of believers increase and see how the power of faith is being used. After the increase in the increase system, you can make crazy accounts... which is also good and makes people feel happy.

But it was only on the third day that he sensed that he had another believer performing sacrifices.

This time, the person offering sacrifices to Su Han was the Great Qin Ancestral Dragon! _To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP! Support

the original works of Faloo Novel Network (b.faloo.com).

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