The three-body world, somewhere in Yanhuang.

At this moment, the sky was gloomy and the rain was pouring.

Luo Ji carried a small shovel on his back and arrived at a cemetery. After looking around, he found an open space and started digging... He was digging his own grave!

Because I was not feeling well, and because I was kicked out of the community in the middle of the night, I could only get wet in the rain. So he was having a high fever at the moment, but Luo Ji's brain was very clear now.

"Hope all my inferences are correct."Luo Ji whispered to himself in his heart. If it is correct, then from today on, the earth will be redeemed. But if it is wrong... Luo Ji paused and smiled bitterly. He smiled with a smile on his face. Become relieved.

If it is wrong, it doesn’t matter, right?!

After all, he didn’t do anything. After the Trisolaran fleet arrives, mankind will inevitably face the fate of destruction in the end... Since the bet is won, it can come back, and the bet is lost. It's the same as not gambling, so why not gamble?

The grave was gradually dug deeper, and it could accommodate his body. I could vaguely hear someone passing by, and even recognized him, and his words were full of surprise and ridicule.

"That person"050" is……"

"Yes, the Wallfacer... haha, he's just a big liar. The so-called Wallfacer Plan was a joke from the beginning!"

"Humanity is doomed! At this moment of imminent death, sure enough... even a liar will make people feel like they have fallen into the water and grabbed a straw... In fact, the straw is of no use at all."

"Hahaha, what do you see him doing? He is digging a grave! Is he going to bury himself?"

"If you have lived to this extent, just die, wall-facer! Luo

Ji had no expression on his face. He kept digging. He forgot about everything.

Finally, he was exhausted. After swinging the shovel again, he staggered, fell to his knees on the ground, and then turned over hard. Leaning on the edge of the grave, panting heavily, he closed his eyes,"Have you reached your limit... In other words, this grave seems to be enough, so... hmm? Luo

Ji's movements suddenly stopped, and his expression suddenly became serious,"There are... pictures in your mind?" Water drops? No, it’s not that thing. This format is a bit like a KouKou chat group? It’s really nostalgic to see such an antique group format in this era."

"Because of fever! So am I confused?" Touching his hot forehead, Luo Ji said to himself after a brief silence,"That's fine, I can hallucinate... At this last and most critical time, let me relax a little."


Chat group of all worlds.

Ye Hei:"Welcome newcomers to the God of Creation missionary group. By the way, are you interested in becoming a believer?"

Ye Hei:"The God of Creation is a thief."

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Welcome, welcome! And Ye Hei, don't be so hasty, or you may scare the newcomers away."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"???"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"The Wall-Facing Man...the name is a bit interesting! Does it refer to the Wall-Facing Man that Facing the Wall thought about? Is this person a heinous person?" The

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"Also, Wutian Buddha...well, I have only heard of Buddha Tathagata. Who is this Wutian Buddha?"

Prince Zhu:"Although I don't know, but to be able to bear the name of Buddha, he may be a strong man beyond imagination. @叶黑. Your chat group is known as the strongest person next to God, and it seems to be provoked.


Ye Hei:"I'm not convinced. Maybe this guy is some kind of guy in the martial arts world who calls himself the Buddha! Each title is more awesome than the last, but in the end it's just a simple boast. Are there too many examples?"

Liu Peiqiang:"……?"

The deputy of the strongest man:"You are so powerful. You are not afraid of being a real boss and getting beaten up!"

Ye Hei:"Haha, what about the real boss? Is it possible that he can be like the Lord God?" , crossed the world and came to my world, and then hit me? If he can really do it, then I will kneel down and apologize to him on the spot."

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Your operations are truly outstanding! I suggest you change your name to Ye Xiu."

Wall-facer:"The world of martial arts, Buddha... I don't know if this is a dream or an illusion, it's getting more and more interesting.. Well, can anyone chat with me for a while before I die? Even just for a while!"

Luo Ji was very calm. He was ready to die for that ultimate goal. Because of this, he is very indulgent in the chat group.

Immortal Evil King:"???"

Gudazi:"You're dying...what's going on? Are you seriously injured? Are you being hunted?"

Gudazi:"Wucao, I'm the first one to see that the person who joined the chat group is dying."

Miao Immortal Mushan:"+1."

Liu Peiqiang:"Do you need me to provide you with weapons? From tank-ke to big-wan! No problem?"

Ye Hei:"? I want to ask, throw big Yi- at ​​close range Wan, are you sure the attacker is still alive?"

Su Han stared at the chat group, and his expression became serious at this moment.

Wutian Buddha, he recognized it in an instant... Isn't this the super villain in Journey to the West? Although this villain is quite charming.

But the wall-facer...

After thinking about it, Su Han's expression became subtle, because he suddenly thought of a work... The Three-Body Problem!

"Is it that world?"Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and a rare joy rose in his heart. After all, Trisolaris is a modern world... extremely densely populated! This is another huge source of belief...

And what's even better is that this world Just like the wandering earth, it is facing a crisis of annihilation level.

If it can be saved, it can easily harvest hundreds of millions or even billions of believers.

"Maybe I will break through the gods and end up missing the followers. It's up to him!"Su Han's eyes were blazing. He now has an original power of three to four hundred thousand, and is equipped with a golden dragon of luck and three thousand fortunes... As long as the number of believers reaches more than one billion, he can officially start to condense the godhead...........

Once he breaks through that one-day barrier, he can say that he has begun to grow up.

Although there is still a long way to go from the pinnacle of the world of gods, he is the mainstay of the world of gods after all.

"So the question is, which wall-facer is this guy?"

Su Han fell into thinking. When talking about the Wall Facer, the first thing that comes to mind must be Luo Ji. This former prodigal, later the proposer of the Dark Forest Theory, the most successful Wall Facer, and the savior of the human world , the sword holder...and the tombkeeper of human civilization.

His life is an epic! It is a legend.

However, besides Luo Ji...there are actually several wall-facers, although these figures were all planned in the end. Destroyed... Well, the third wall-facer Enrich was half successful. After all, his ideological imprint was infused with the inevitable defeat of mankind. Finally, when human civilization faced destruction, he escaped from a fleet... That was already The last continuation of human civilization.

Although the earth is destroyed, human beings still exist! Still continuing.

Wall-facer:"I'm not being hunted! Although I am notorious now, there are really not many people in the world who will kill me in the future if they catch a cold? Hahaha, that's probably it."

Wall-Facing Man:"I have a high fever."

The Immortal Evil King:"??"

Liu Peiqiang:"……I strongly suspect that you are here to tease us. But considering that you may actually have a fever and feel confused, it is indeed understandable."

Wall-Facing Man:"It's nothing, it's just a gamble in the face of human civilization... No, it's nothing."

Luo Ji's indulgence was only half of it... He even broke out in a cold sweat after saying this.

Although it couldn't be water droplets to the senses, but... what if? Who can guarantee it? Is this a test for him by the Trisolarans... Perhaps, the Trisolarans have never given up and killed him, the proposer of the dark forest theory. His expression gradually became serious, even though he had a high fever at the moment, Luo Ji also entered the state of the Wallfacer for an instant.

He stopped speaking, tried his best to think, quickly stretched the chat screen, and soon saw the history records. Then he was completely confused.

"God? Descendants of Nuwa? A world of chaos between gods and demons? Ancient times?!"

"groove! For a moment, I thought I was reading a novel about gods and demons from elementary school... Are the Trisolarans so idle? Are you still in the mood to watch classical literary and artistic works by Water Drop Translation Earth?!

Luo Ji's whole body was in a state of confusion,"Damn it!" What is this...the first love of the leader of the Shushan Sect was killed? And then get too carried away? Chatting with you?"

"What kind of plot is this in a third-rate novel? Not to mention now, even if you put it in the era before I fell asleep... a book with this kind of plot would definitely be sold out."

"Well, if they are Trisolarans," Luo Ji rubbed his eyebrows with a headache,"it is normal for them not to understand human emotions! It's probably normal to have such a deceptive plot... right?"

Finally, Luo Ji saw a video. He hesitated and clicked on it._Faloo reminds you: three things about reading-∪Collect, recommend, and share!"

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