"Then I'll do it next!"Wutian's expression changed several times, and finally calmed down his mood again. He murmured,"Let's stay dormant in this chat group for a while first! Take a look at the situation and then make a decision"


Divine Domain, in the Central Heavenly Palace.

Su Han raised his eyebrows. He sensed the newly appeared world coordinates and said,"The world in the sequel to Journey to the West... it's a good pasture for faith!"

And the most important thing is that there are many sentient beings in that world, and they were originally Buddhist tuning-teaching completed. He is a born believer!

If Wutian, who now controls the vast Buddhist sect... It can even be said that he controls the entire world, joins his sect... then what Su Han gets is definitely not his alone! But the entire Buddhist believers... By the way, the sentient beings in that world will also become his believer reserves.

"It seems that he is still vigilant! Tsk, but it doesn’t matter, now his world view has been almost destroyed... In this state, he can easily be affected by the chat group!"

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Han is really kind to his believers.

The guaranteed thousand-fold increase gives him the confidence to make money! He is definitely not asking for anything from the believers... but more of mutual benefit. Everyone There is a bright future.

If Su Han is deceiving, then Wutian will wake up instantly as long as he senses something is wrong... But if everything is true, what reason does he have not to sink deeper and deeper, and finally switch to Su Han's sect? What?

Shaking his head, Su Han lowered his eyes and continued to adjust his state.

Time passed bit by bit... Soon, it was late at night. Suddenly, he noticed something, and looked at the door with a strange expression. Outside,"Is this...Medusa bringing Zhao Ling'er here? Hiss, Medusa was led astray by Xun'er at first, now she wants to lead Zhao Ling'er as well?"

Although his mood is a little subtle, Su Han has no reason to refuse.

The Holy Spirit and God have already made this realization, how can he refuse? It's too hurtful.

The night is long.

Wait until the next morning, it's over Su Han, who communicated late at night, sent the two back, and then returned to the world of gods.

He could sense that there were endless believers praying for him, and it was definitely more than one billion... It might even reach 1.5 billion!

Provided The first place that gave him the power of faith was the Trisolaran World! The second place was the Wandering Earth! The third place was Chen Xiaoyu's world of Chen Long's Adventures...

After all, the advantages of modern time and space were too great.

Stepping out slowly, Su Han Surrounded by endless divine light, he crossed a distance of thousands of miles and came to a seemingly ordinary thatched house.

On the surface, this thatched house looked shabby, but in fact, if a truly strong man peeked into it, Once you see it, you can notice that the thatched house has an aura that is like eternity.

Every blade of grass in it contains a unique Taoist charm that is superior to the king of gods, sacred and transcendent. It is no exaggeration. Say, pick a piece of grass, leave the god star, go to the vast space, and cut a star in half with a random wave.

It doesn't mean that this thatched house has been refined!

It's just because you live in it. The man in this thatched house was too strong. The Taoist influence revealed by his daily routine was absorbed by the thatched house, creating such a miracle. The door suddenly opened, and a gentle voice came from inside,"Classmate Su, come in Bar ワ䢋"

Su Han stepped inside and found an old man sitting cross-legged on a tattered bed. This person is the old principal of Jinling Shenming Academy, Xue Mingguiむ"You came to me this time, it seems you have doubts."The old principal had a gratified smile on his face,"I have to say that although you are incomparable, you are not arrogant. In school, you study very hard and seriously, ask the teachers for advice, and treat you equally. My classmates...all of them gave me extremely high prices!"Wan. He was really pleased. Not only was he gratified that the god in front of him had unparalleled talent in ancient and modern times, but also because of his state of mind! That character!

"Just ask! No matter what, I can answer you."The old principal's words were full of confidence. What problem could the higher gods have that could trouble him? He even had the mood to pour two cups of tea and handed one of them in the direction of Su Han. Even though there was no table, the teacups still exuded a faint luster. , stopped steadily in mid-air.

The old principal just took a sip of tea, and then heard the young god in front of him calmly said,"I will probably break through to the realm of gods today! All preparations are made"

"puff……"The old principal turned his head stiffly and squirted out a mouthful of water, which was filled with immeasurable Taoist charm and crashed down the wall. Then, the entire dilapidated thatched house lost one side of its support, and a chain reaction started. It collapsed completely with just one breath, and the dust was billowing into the sky.

"?"Su Han stared at the old principal with a confused expression. Although I guessed that you would be shocked when you heard the news, I really didn't expect that you would be so shocked that you demolished your own house.

"Student Su, let me feel it a little bit."The old principal didn't care about the house at all. His eyes were shining. He came forward, grabbed Su Han's palm, and sensed it carefully.

Of course, he only sensed the surging energy in Su Han's body, and Su Han's body. The breath of law that Han voluntarily released... did not touch the divine realm. The divine realm is the most important and hidden core of every god!

After the god grows up, his parents will not see it...

If others force it to see it, Su Han can call the police... The severity of this crime is similar to that of hooliganism in the previous life, although the essence of the two is different.……

"The road is complete! The three thousand avenues... are all complete? Damn it," the old principal couldn't hold it back and maintainedTaking advantage of his gentle and elegant temperament, he came up with a classic Chinese curse,"How many Tao have you realized in the past two days?"

"The Avenue of Water? This is normal...trough?! Damn it, Life Avenue? And this, the way of heaven? Today, you actually realized the way of heaven!"

"Old Man Li went crazy when he heard the news... That stinky old man with no moral integrity might kneel down and beg you to worship him as your teacher!"

Su Han was confused again.

What does it mean to beg him to become a disciple? Shouldn't he kneel down to beg someone else to become a disciple? Why did the teacher kneel down instead?!

Something was wrong. There was something very wrong with these senior officials of Jinling Divine Academy.

He took a few breaths. , it took the old principal a while to calm down, and he smiled bitterly,"Nothing... What that guy is most proud of is the law of heaven!"

"Among the many top laws in the world, there must be a place for the laws of heaven! In the final analysis, this law of heaven is actually the law of the world.……"

"When Old Man Li first became enlightened, the ancient Eastern countries were too weak and had just ended their history of being bullied by the West... He wanted to make the East strong and not be bullied by others! So he gave up on cultivating, and went one step further. He came to me and said that it would be difficult for him to break through from God King to Lord God. Instead of gambling on that one opportunity for his whole life, it would be better to cultivate more God King seedlings... So He joined Jinling Academy and founded the Jinling Tiandao Department"

"Old Man Li has devoted his whole life to making this top law popular, popularized, extended, and weakened, so that more people can learn and get started! And then use this to become a high-level god... because the incomplete version of the law of heaven still has unparalleled potential. Using this way to become a high-level god has a great possibility of breaking through to the level of the gods in the future and becoming a god king.……"

"ケ`But even with his incomplete Law of Heaven weakened to the extreme, there are only one hundred and two students in the entire Jinling Academy! There are only 431 students who practice the laws of heaven in the entire ancient eastern country... Not to mention foreign ones, but in the ancient eastern countries, except for the older generation, all those who control the laws of heaven... or those who control the incomplete laws of heaven, They are all his students."

Su Han was in awe. He knew that the law of heaven mentioned by the other party was actually his own root law...

This is undoubtedly the top law! It is even enough to stand side by side with the Taiyin Avenue or the Sun Avenue alone.

Although the top law weakens Transformation is no longer at the top, but this is also a high-level law.

That old man Li gave up on making himself stronger and became a god-level giant, and devoted all his energy to teaching, starting from nothing, and opening a strong path for the East. Top inheritance...the significance of this cannot be overestimated no matter how high it is.

His reputation as a national scholar is well-deserved!

"Student Su, you are scary because of that! You are the second person in our country in the past hundred years, after Old Man Li, to create the law of heaven on his own... The law of heaven has been the highest level of law since ancient times."

The old principal (come on) is a bit like crying, but also a bit like,"And your law of heaven is unique. Although it is the law of the world, it is somewhat similar to the Western fantasy system in terms of senses? It can be seen that you have absorbed a lot of Western information!"

"But absorption is absorption, you are not copying them, this can actually show your genius... Yes, the way of heaven created by you and Old Man Li is different, and it is different from the way of heaven created by those old weirdos in ancient times."

"You created your own path, created a complete avenue in the realm of heaven, created a top avenue, and blazed a new path!"

Su Han's expression was complicated, but he understood in his heart... Isn't the root cause the Western style setting?

"That old thing is too demanding of a successor... You are the most perfect! It's a pity." The old principal was silent for a moment and then said,"That old guy is not worthy of being your master.……"

"My heart is already moved... Student Su, I want to take you as my disciple right now, but I know I'm not worthy!"

The old principal let go of Su Han's hand, sat on the tattered bed again, and sighed,"If I mislead you, a seedling with endless hope, and mislead the hope of the ancient Eastern country... I will never Even death cannot atone for sin!"

Su Han stared seriously at the old principal in front of him. Looking at this old man, he didn't know whether it was because of joy or sadness, but he was crying..._

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