Su Han took a long breath, turned off the screen, and stuffed it into his pocket,"It's pretty much what I imagined... although the heat seems to be more exaggerated than last time." He sighed briefly. After that, Su Han's expression returned to calm. If last time, he blushed a little when he saw so much bragging about him on the Internet... He felt that he was a bit unqualified and was purely relying on the chat group to cheat... Now, he can accept it calmly.

Not because he has become arrogant, but because he will reveal the Hall of Valor theory tomorrow... The proposal of this theory of the most important weapon of the country... makes him qualified to bear this honor!

To put it bluntly, this theory proposes that even if Su Han never improves in the future, or never puts forward any other theories in the future... he can still live on this thing and rest on his lifelong legacy. The ancient eastern country raised him!

Even if one day in the future, he dies while fighting outside, he can still build the sacred flag of the ancient country, be buried in the Yagami Mountain, and the whole country will worship and mourn! Even if the god who killed him used conspiracy methods, then the ancient eastern country would use the power of the whole country to kill the opponent!

Born in the Ancient God Pavilion, died in the Eight Gods Mountain...

This is the highest honor in the hearts of the gods of the ancient Eastern countries!

Rubbing his brows, Su Han turned his attention to the chat group, and then he discovered that... no one in the chat group spoke.

The last message 20 was sent at 6:59 am!

"emmmm" Su Han looked a little weird, and immediately thought that the group members should be praying wholeheartedly now.

"That’s okay."Su Han sighed with regret. He couldn't dive to peek at the screen and watch the people in the group crazily brag about him... He lost another person's joy in life.

Shaking his head, Su Han took the phone out of his pocket again. He came out and started playing fugue.

He continued playing until seven o'clock in the evening. Only then did Su Han glance at the chat group and found that the chat group was exploding. Countless messages were now exploding.

Ye Hei:"Finally finished reading.! Twelve hours of high-intensity chanting, plus five times the divine grace, made my body 10% stronger... This is obviously a joyful thing, but now I really feel like my whole body is burned out."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"So, are you confident in competing for the first place? Mr. Ye who is going to the Western Desert to snatch believers?"

Ye Hei:"……If we don't discuss this, we can still be good friends."

Great Qin Zulong:"It doesn't matter whether the top three are lower than the top three. I just want to lead believers to offer sacrifices and pray to the gods! Yao Lao:"

Lord Shangshen: What you said is very good. Your reward is gone!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Six six six six six.""

Su Han thought for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and then spoke in the chat group.

God:"This prayer contest has come to a successful conclusion! The first place is Luo Ji, the wall-facer, the second place is Liu Peiqiang, the third place is Chen Xiaoyu... I will also send divine grace in the following sequences!"

Immediately, Su Han had a thought and projected the many rewards that he had prepared directly to different worlds.

At this moment, these worlds all showed extremely terrifying miracles.

For example, Luo Ji, the reason why he was able to summon So many people are praying because he had an idea and directly informed the world that he wanted to commemorate God’s salvation of the earth, so he designated today as the Day of God’s descent and the next day as the Day of Prayer. He also called on the world to pray. Countries have designated these two days as legal holidays.

The operation is very cool!

In addition, God has really saved the world. Now the heat is high, so everyone is in the mood to set aside a day to pray to Him.... Let him win the first place because he just joined the chat group!

At this moment, in the Trisolaran World, on the altar at the top of Mount Tai.

Originally, Yanhuang planned to move the altar after the end of Luo Ji's plan The plan was to demolish it... but then when the miracle happened, the authorities said, forget it, use a hammer to demolish might be considered blasphemous to demolish it!

In fact, some people in the West are strongly calling for it, The altar at the top of Mount Tai must be elevated to the rank of the eighth wonder of the world and listed as the highest cultural heritage of mankind. Moreover, this call is quite high in the world...

Although many architects complain that this altar is removed Except for the speed of construction, there is no miracle anywhere else... But who would let this be the place where the gods descended. Throughout the whole day today, Luo Ji prayed cross-legged on the altar. And there was someone beside him. The photographer was taking pictures...

Suddenly, the sky changed, and an infinite divine light suddenly appeared.

The divine light shrouded Luo Ji's body, making his aura surge by leaps and bounds, and his skin exuded a crystal clear luster.

Accompanying him Suddenly he opened his eyes, and in the void, a terrifying air wave was actually produced out of thin air, spreading crazily in all directions... Of course, this air wave naturally stopped when it got close to the photographer... However, there was no other direction. , the air wave extended very far, and even broke out of the altar, breaking several ancient trees on the roadside. The photographer looked at the scene blankly, and then turned to look at Luo Ji , took a breath of cold air. After reacting, he became extremely excited, picked up the camera, and started filming crazily...

Damn it, the God of Creation performed another miracle!

Then, another ray of light fell. Then, next to Luo Ji, a dazzling Bodhi Fruit of Wisdom suddenly transformed into a dazzling Bodhi Fruit of Wisdom...and the Medicine King, who was holding the Valley of Wisdom high and with a few green leaves on his head, and his body was no different from a human baby.

Luo Ji Staring at the baby with dumbfounded eyes. What the hell is this?!

Wait a minute, if he remembers correctly... In addition to cultivation and Bodhi fruit, the only gifts given by God should be…Medicine King?!

But...what kind of medicine is this?!

Luo Ji was in a mess in the wind at this moment

"Ying Ying Ying!"Yao Huang made a weak voice, and handed the Bodhi Fruit to the confused Luo Ji. Although the sound was weird, Luo Ji somehow understood what Yao Huang meant at this moment.

It probably meant : I follow the oracle and come to this world to follow you. If you are injured in the future, I can squeeze out the magical liquid from your body. With this thing, as long as you have a breath, you can return to your peak. , and even has the effect of prolonging life.

However, if you try not to eat me, keep raising me, and squeeze some magic liquid every day, it will be of greater value.

And if you die one day in the future, I hope Luo Ji can Go ahead and pray to God to let it return to the divine world. In return, it will help you in the human world... Of course, if you don't agree, I will follow God's orders, but usually I will help you casually....If you want to eat me, then eat it!


Luo Ji began to doubt life. How did he taste so many meanings from those three words? One word"Ying" represents a sentence ?!

And, damn... is this really medicine?

Luo Ji felt his teeth hurt. Not only does this fucking person look like a human, but it can also think like a human. You see, this sentence is logical. Of course...

Luo Ji himself looked dazed. But this scene was spread to the whole world through the cameraman... Then, there was once again a frenzy of prayers around the world. The same was true in other worlds.

Liu Peiqiang wrapped around the sun and moon, Floating in the sky and praying. He had already shown endless divine will, and he took the lead, leading many residents of the wandering earth to chant devoutly... Now that divine grace has come, everyone can see it, and they are even more fanatical...

Chen Xiaoyu is currently in the center of Kyoto. This is a place of prayer specially arranged by the old man. One kilometer away is the most prosperous area of ​​Kyoto. This also leads to the divine brilliance falling from the sky... which was photographed by countless people. Then uploaded to On the Internet, all the popular lists were massacred!

In addition to this... there are other worlds...

Smarter people directly turned this action into a religious activity, and prayed devoutly among the believers...

This is not only It can gather people's hearts, and at the same time, when the final miracle comes, it can increase the believers' devotion to God and their loyalty to the Creation God.

Even the stupider people did not expect this... They have also received the gift of God. I’m very satisfied with the fetish I made.

Wall-Facing Man:"?"

Wall-facer:"Doubt life.jpg"

Immortal Evil King:"???"

Gudazi:"……Aren't you number one? Do you still have to doubt your life? Then I, the one ranked last...won't I die?

Prince Zhu:"Being last is not bad... but it's too miserable.""

Liu Peiqiang:"After all, Miss Gudazi's world is still in a state of destruction. (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)"_

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