God Realm, in the vast heaven.

Su Han was not in the Central Heavenly Palace at the moment. He came to the Imperial Flower Garden in the Heavenly Palace.

The Heavenly Court was originally the Oriental Heavenly Court template that Su Han purchased online. Later, after being installed, it was amplified by the system and became like this... In the end, it evolved several times with the Divine Domain... It can be said that although the Royal Flower Garden is Along with the implantation of Dongfang Tiangong that Su Han originally purchased... But at this moment, what has transformed is completely different from the original period!

This is simply a world independent from the outside world!

There are countless flowers blooming here, vying for beauty, and contain the ultimate meaning of beauty.

"interesting."Su Han was looking at the flowers on the surface, but in fact he was perceiving the five women who had entered the God Realm. They have been multiplied by a million times and are very special... completely different from Zhao Ling'er and even Yan Ruyu.

They are simple and innocent. In terms of strength, they are all in the intermediate god stage. Of course, Hancock and Nami, for example, are at the peak of the intermediate god... As for the other women, they are in the primary or intermediate stages of the intermediate god...... but the strange thing is that the laws of the avenue they control have almost condensed into the formed avenue of gods.……

"Unbelievable!"Su Han seemed to be muttering to himself. With the strength of a middle god and a god-level avenue... this is so strange! It's like covering the world with one hand, and an ordinary sage has seized the opportunity to become an immortal.……

"Is it because of the special characteristics of Devil Fruit, Uranus, and Neptune?"Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly. In the final analysis, even if Devil Fruit and King of Heaven and Sea King are integrated with them, they are still external forces, not the power they have cultivated themselves. The system's million-fold increase in blessings should be done separately. They themselves...and their devil fruits, or the power of King Neptune……

"This is understandable!"Su Han nodded slightly, then felt a little regretful,"If I had known this, I should have hinted Marco in the chat group to collect more Devil Fruits, and then sacrificed them together.……"

"Even if it is not as special as the Daughter of Destiny or the top pirates from the previous group, it is not bad to be directly upgraded to the Avenue of Gods, or the prototype of the Avenue... to become a high-god-level law."

Shaking his head, Su Han's aura changed naturally at this moment.

At the moment when Hancock and others became his holy spirit and heroic spirit, the beauty of the Heavenly God's Avenue, the Celestial God's Avenue, and the Neptune's Heavenly God's Avenue that they possessed... were all... Gradually integrated into Su Han's body.

The entire God Realm underwent a great transformation at this moment.

In the vast border areas of the God Realm, suddenly 727 immeasurable sea water suddenly emerged, constantly opening up the borderlands and widening the ocean......In just a few breaths, the area of ​​​​the ocean has reached hundreds of millions of square kilometers, and it is still growing at an extremely fast rate...The weather changes in the God Realm are also getting closer to the real world. Different regions or Overcast clouds, lightning and thunder, or heavy rain pouring down, or clear sky and blazing sun, cloudless...

Of course, the most important thing is Su Han himself.

At this moment, Su Han's every move and gesture has a feeling that is difficult to express in words. The unique charm to be described is not only because of his flawless appearance as a god, but also because he possesses the avenue of beauty.

In fact, the charm he exerts at this moment is countless times greater than that of Hancock.

After all, Hancock After all, Ke can only activate the law of beauty at the mid-level god level now. Higher levels require her to increase her strength before she can activate it... And Su Han can now activate the law of beauty at the god level with 100% perfection......

This kind of charm can almost be said to be a curse! And it is a curse at the level of a god...

Finally, Yan Ruyu came to Yuhua with a few girls-

"Are you here?"Su Han turned around and smiled slightly. At this moment, he was more dazzling than the sun in the sky, and more charming than the breathtakingly beautiful Royal Flower Garden...not to mention Hancock and others. Now, even Yan Ruyu, who had met Su Han several times, felt dizzy at this moment and couldn't resist it at all. Her cheeks turned red and she fell into first love. She raised her eyebrows and Su Han stopped teasing everyone. Instead, he put away his charm and communicated with them calmly and gently.

After chatting casually for a few words, Su Han said softly,"Hancock, Nami...work hard! I look forward to the day when you become mine."

Then, Su Han looked at the others and said in a soft voice,"Baixing, Robin, Guangyue, you don't have to be too discouraged. Although you are heroic spirits, you also have the qualifications to become my god...just keep working hard."

After arranging their accommodation and sending them away, Su Han sighed leisurely, his eyes twinkling,"Although they are only mid-level gods... But their potential even surpasses Yan Ruyu at the current stage... Of course, it is only at the moment. stage."

Su Han shook his head. Yan Ruyu directly adheres to the Qing Emperor's Dao, and has endless potential. She is the embryo of the Immortal King, and may even climb higher.

As for Hancock and the others... maybe they can completely digest the Dao and be able to reach a level comparable to the gods. But this is already their limit.

Because Devil Fruit and King of Heaven and Sea King are not their powers in the first place...

It is really difficult for them to go further.

"But that’s enough!"Su Han showed a noncommittal look, and he continued to walk calmly in the imperial flower garden.


Imperial Flower-Outside the Garden."I am in possession of Lord God! Love is almost crazy."Full of fanaticism and obsession

"God-sama...it's really perfect! I never imagined that there would be existence in the human world... Oh no, this is the world of gods, this... this is a normal thing. and spoke with a dazed expression.

"……No, this is not normal."Yan Ruyu, who came to the God Realm earlier, was also in a trance. She shook her head, and after a while, Yan Ruyu managed to calm down her mood. But at this moment, she remembered Su Han she had seen in the Royal Flower Garden before. She still felt her heart surging.

She rubbed her brows, looked at them with some distress, and changed the subject,"By the way, I have heard a few sisters talk about the problem of God's charm being too great... If you are really If you can’t control yourself, you can go up to God in the evening to ask questions!"

"!!"Nami's eyes widened for a moment, her cheeks turned red, she wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

"I heard from some sisters... So, you and Shangshen?"Guangyue Rihe said gently. She looked at Yan Ruyu repeatedly, with a strange look on her face.

"……What's wrong? I want to work hard to become stronger, go further, and surpass the strength given to me by God! Only then can I stand upright in front of God and go to God to complete the most sacred ceremony."Yan Ruyu's expression was extremely serious, and she gently touched her lower abdomen.

"Unexpectedly... Miss Yan actually became sublime due to God's guidance."Nami looked a little stunned.

But then, Nami's eyes lit up for a moment. She and Robin looked at each other, and everything was clear... They were not as persistent as Yan Ruyu. They had already decided that tonight Go find God.

However, on the other side, Hancock, Hiyori Kozuki, and Shirahoshi, who can change his body shape freely and even turn the fish tail into human legs, looked at each other. They also made a decision...

Yan Ruyu can Sensing the restless emotions among them, I remembered what I sometimes saw at night, Xun'er, Medusa, Zhao Ling'er and others who went to visit the gods... Well, I'm so envious...

But... Still have to persist!

Yan Ruyu's expression became firm, she was different from those bastard women. Even if she had to do it, she had to be the special one in Shang Shen's heart!


Han, who was wandering in the Royal Flower Garden, devoted part of his attention to the chat group. I found that it was very lively inside now.

The deputy of the strongest man:"I have completed the sacrifice! I have received endless grace from God... and embarked on the road to build the kingdom of God on earth."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Great Qin Zulong:"???"

The crown prince of the Zhu family:"Hi! So fast."

A group of people in the chat group were blown up...especially those who also wanted to take the path to the Kingdom of God on Earth, the emperors of the ancient dynasty... The

Wall-Facing Man:"Walked the path to the Kingdom of God on Earth. The road to the kingdom? Can't you just slowly shape the road to the kingdom of God on earth? This... How can God give you grace?"

Luo Ji was a little confused. According to the known information... Not everyone in the kingdom of God on earth can Only by believing in God can you achieve ultimate sublimation?

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I also have doubts in this regard... Or do you have any shortcuts? Or God has any instructions?" The strongest man's deputy:"It's too troublesome for me to explain... Or just watch the video Let’s do it."

Marco sent the prepared video up with a backhand. Soon, the members of the chat group had finished reading.

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Ye Hei:"Holy shit! Did Yan Ruyu go to your world?"

Ye Hei:"The ancient emperor was so awesome... He almost blew up your world just by standing! A wisp of Qi can destroy it. The stars in the sky are chopped into pieces……"

Wall-Facing Man:"I've calculated it through my super brain now... In the video, it is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of stars that were shattered because of the aura naturally released by Yan Ruyu!"

Wall-Facing Man:"The detailed figures are not very clear. It's clear... but this number is very conservative. The real number is only more, not less."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"??? Is it so exaggerated? According to your statement, Ye Hei, the ancient emperor of the world, can't release his breath yet. Or else the earth will fall apart every day!"

Ye Hei:"You are really right... To tell you a joke, I am now studying with the Void Mirror God, and then I discovered a wonderful thing... That is, the Ancient Emperor His corpse is accompanied by endless murderous intent. Only the quasi-emperor level powerhouse can get close...but only close!"

Ye Hei:"If the Great Sage is close, for example, within a hundred steps, the body will directly collapse. , life will be wiped out."

Ye Hei:"Then, not long ago... a group of Holy Lords, armed with imperial weapons, dared to dig up the Demon Emperor's tomb!"

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"……?"

Yao Lao:"You are...repeatedly flogging corpses!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Ye Hei: I can laugh at those idiots for the rest of my life!" Immortal

Miaomu Mountain:"I no longer understand, who are those holy masters of the Holy Land? The head of the family didn't study this aspect properly at the beginning. It's because their family's inheritance was broken!"

Ye Hei:"Maybe it was broken... After all, the gods told me that the last time He revived was 10,000 years ago. When the suppression of the Demon Emperor's Avenue suddenly disappears……"

Ye Hei:"Thousands of years can change a lot. After all, in the past few thousand years, the most powerful person in Beidou is the Holy Lord... I have been in this kind of environment for a long time, thinking that I am the best in the world. It is understandable for a master to feel swollen in his heart."

Great Qin Zulong:"Thinking about Ye Heifa's history book, Yanhuang is only five thousand years old."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"So, I am still thinking......Why does Marco inexplicably have the authority to build the kingdom of God on the earth!"

Wallfacer:"After repeated consideration and inference, I came to a conclusion...most likely because he truly unified the world, right?"

Heir of the Ax Gang :"Huh?!"

Prince Zhu Family:"Yes! All the lives in that world have given him the right to rule. Even if he has never truly ascended the throne, he is already the master of the world.……"

Prince Zhu:"From this point of view, he has met the most basic conditions for the kingdom of God on earth! He is just short of having a universal believer.……"

The Crown Prince of the Zhu family:"So that's it. This way, everything can be explained! Well, then it's time for me to work hard and conquer the world. (In high spirits.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……I was also thinking about whether I could look at the situation on Marco's side to find out the possibility of establishing a kingdom of God on earth in my world... As a result, unify the world? Farewell. Ye Hei:"

Too true!" Nowadays, it is almost impossible for society to be unified...unless it creates countless killings and calamities……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I suddenly thought of that woman! That stunningly beautiful woman……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"To be honest, when I saw that woman, I was tempted! I am a very normal woman, and I was almost turned over. (Afraid.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"You Put it this way... I feel like I have a bit of it."

Gudazi:"So, who is that gorgeous woman?"

The Strongest Man's deputy:"Empress Hancock... our most beautiful woman in the world.

Gudazi:"She is the best in the world... I have to admit, she is indeed well-deserved." The strongest man's deputy:"No, no, no... Although she was quite beautiful originally, she definitely did not reach such an excessive level!" This is the horrific change that happened after receiving the grace of God."

Prince Zhu:"!!!"

Gudazi:"God... can even do this kind of thing?"

Gudazi:"Well, actually I also want to be beautiful! So... (shy.jpg)"

Gudazi :"And if I become beautiful... I can also get more favors from God, right? Maybe?"

Undead Evil King:"?? Wait a moment, do you want God to grant you divine favor? , make you more beautiful! And then you use the beauty God bestows on you to make God favor you even more?"

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

Wall-facer:"It's matryoshka dolls again! Are there so many matryoshka doll masters in the chat group? (Shocking.jpg)"

Prince Zhu:"Miss Guda, it's useless for you to say it in the chat group...Bold Ai Special to the gods! Or you can say it in your heart during the next sacrifice. How will the gods know if you don't say it?"

Gudazi:"Well... forget it, I'm just thinking about it!

" Da Zi shrank his head instantly. It's okay to talk behind your back, but say it in front of God? What's the difference between that and a public execution!

Chen Xiaoyu:"Coward!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"I think so too."

But he didn't wait for the group members to make more complaints. The next moment, two clear beeps suddenly sounded.

"Ding! I want to be Zhao Gao has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group"

"Ding! Yuan Dagu has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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