The seven-round sun above the sky bloomed with extremely brilliant brilliance.

This brilliance centered on this place, radiated in all directions, and soon enveloped the entire world.

Yes, when Su Han was thinking before, he suddenly realized a problem. That is, Ultraman from M78 Cloud seemed to be a human being at first. However, they later suffered some kind of radiation and transformed into Ultraman.

Su Han will not shield the earth from the perception of monsters. He even hopes that more monsters will arrive...

Only in this way will he be able to receive such sacrifices in the future! Only then can there be more wild beasts in his divine realm...

The reason why humans pray to him is simply to hope for safety... In this case, he will spread the power of light to the earth!

Then he will turn the earth into another kingdom of light!

Only absolute power can create absolute peace.

Of course, it is understandably difficult to transform everyone into Ultraman with the ability to destroy planets. Fortunately, Su Han mutated seven kinds of god-level avenues of light, and his main path happened to be the avenue of the sun, the source of light. By complementing each other... he was able to barely simulate that kind of radiation.

Of course, although Su Han gave all living beings the possibility of transforming into Ultraman, it was only a possibility. Looking around the world, only a very small proportion of human beings with really strong spiritual light power can transform into Ultraman now!

Moreover, even if these Ultramans can transform now... their power is not strong, it can only be said to be beyond human beings... They still need to slowly purify the power of light, which will take a long time, before they can be upgraded to truly rival the Star of Light. Ultraman has reached the point where he has the power to destroy planets...

Ultraman's world is in deathly silence. Then came the complete explosion. The live broadcast interface is completely covered


"Damn it! What the hell is going on?!"

"I was so scared that I peed! I suddenly discovered that I could actually control the power of light... I, I have superpowers?!"

"What a superpower! You can control light! I also discovered that I can transform into light!"

"Yeah, I really can transform into light...even a morpher appears next to me if I want to! I can transform into Ultraman at any time... Although this Ultraman can only maintain human size for the time being, I believe that as I continue to train myself! Sooner or later in the future, I can become as big as Severn and Ace."

"give up! There is no Ultraman in this world, it's all an illusion! (dog head.jpg)"

"Although I really want to transform into Ultraman... but it's impossible, okay? Don't lie to me"

"not real! I can also transform"

"Well... have you heard the words of the indescribable God?"


"Everyone is light... everyone can transform into Ultraman!"

"Oh my god! This kind of thing... is this really possible?! What an incredible thing!"

"I really believe it now...that incredible existence is the God of Creation!"

"Yes... It can give dozens of powers around the world, and even allow them to transform into Ultraman as they grow up... In addition to creating gods, can you also do this incredible thing?"

"God of creation, Lord of creation, your God!"

"No more talking, I’m going to find out how to join the God of Creation! Just because He gave me the possibility to transform into Ultraman... I believe in Him for the rest of my life!"

"Me too.jpg"

"……The trash who could only feel the faint presence of light looked at you and shed tears of envy."

"Me too...I can only faintly feel the presence of light! Not to mention transforming into Ultraman, I can't even control light like someone with superpowers... If I hadn't heard you tell me, I would have thought that the light I could faintly perceive was actually me. illusion"

"God! Why don't you treat everyone equally? And only treat certain people so kindly?"


"groove! Those in front of you, are you crazy? This is not the kind of false god or false god, this is the real Supreme God! If you dare to say blasphemous words, it is impossible for you to really suffer divine punishment...or sink into hell after death and never be reincarnated."

"Haha, just read their words! You know why their power of light is not strong anymore... Anyone who has watched Ultraman knows that light, to put it bluntly, is actually the justice and purity of the soul! My child is only five or six years old...but he can transform into Ultraman for a short time! And my light is much worse than his... but this is because my heart is not as pure as his"

"Yes! Those who can only feel a faint light, or even feel no light at all... I guess they are all guilty of heinous crimes! Or even if they have not committed a crime, their hearts may be very dark and twisted."

"Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil... I used to think it was a joke! But now, I believe turns out it's all true"

"I suddenly discovered a terrible thing...that is, now I am chanting prayers devoutly! The light in my body can gradually become stronger……"

"real.jpg. Light is given by God! So what’s wrong with believing in God to make light stronger? This is very logical!"

"Reasonable and well-founded! convince me"

"Not to mention, in order to be able to transform into Ultraman! I am willing to devote myself to praying to God for five hundred years!"

"God damn five hundred years, can humans live for five hundred years?"

"Humans can't, but Ultraman can... Take a look at the Ultraman TV series released by Tsuburaya, as well as the collection of Ultraman settings... Each of Ultraman's years in the world is based on a certain number of years. Tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years!"

"My God... not only gave us extremely powerful power! Moreover, it also gave us an extremely long lifespan? What is the difference between this and all the people becoming gods?"

"The difference is quite big! Specifically... those who have the possibility of darkness in their hearts are still unable to enhance the power of light, and they will die after decades or hundreds of years... According to the theory of evolution, as people with darkness in their hearts continue to die and be eliminated... …The human heart in the future will become brighter and purer! will become more and more righteous……"

"……Is it really hard to imagine what the future will look like? But, it’s also very exciting."

"A future filled with love and peace! Maybe it will really come soon."

At the same time.

Except for Yuan Dagu, the six Ultraman or Ultraman human bodies also felt that they had changed.

Now, if they want to, they can do it even without the help of transformers. They can transform into Ultraman at will... and stop on the earth, with no time limit.

In addition, they also feel that they have something else... However, they are not sure what this thing is...... Even if I tried my best to sense it, it was like looking at the moon in the water, very blurry...

The next moment, the two wild beasts above the sky let out a sharp scream. The screams contained a power that was so terrifying that it was difficult to describe in words, making the whole The vast starry sky was trembling...

They soared into the sky, and together with seven rays of light like the sun, crashed into another world. The vast sky and the void were constantly distorting. The vast mythical scene also gradually transformed. For nothingness... the world has returned to its initial calm!

But whether it is the people on the scene or the people who have watched everything through the live broadcast, they all know in their hearts...

Starting from (promise's) today, human civilization on earth will embark on a new journey. A completely different path from before!

The brilliance gathered, and Ultraman Seven and other Ultraman transformed into human forms again. They fell next to Yuan Dagu

"What an unimaginable thing!"Zhu Xingtuan stroked the Saiwen mirror with a bitter smile on his face,"I feel like this thing is no longer useful to me."

"Will the earth become the second kingdom of light? A future like that is really exciting."Hokuto Seiji sighed with emotion.

Go Hideki's expression was complicated. They are native human beings living on the earth! They are essentially different from the human bodies in other worlds...

Because in other parallel worlds, some Ultraman's human bodies are not at all It is Ultraman who transformed into a human form and then lived on the earth...

Those human bodies are essentially people from the Kingdom of Light, not earthlings...Xian...

But, even if they look similar to others in this world, The human bodies in the plane are exactly the same! But they are essentially earthlings!

They have feelings for the earth that transcend the human body in the parallel world... So when they see the earth taking such an unimaginable path, they will naturally be excited. I can’t help myself._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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