Ye Hei:"I'm glad to hear it!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Beast! I know you are gloating about others' misfortunes... But at least, you are gloating about others' misfortunes secretly! Look at me, I'm just trying to comfort Xiaoyu on the surface. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"!! Bad guys, you are all bad guys."

Su Han was a little dumbfounded. Of these two people, one is the future Emperor of Heaven and the other is the savior! As a result, among this group, they actually got together to bully the little girl.

"It really completely subverted my impression of them."Su Han sighed with emotion, but he was not surprised. Scientific research shows that the attitude a person shows on the Internet is completely different from the attitude he shows in reality... It is possible that he is in the real world. He is a serious old scholar! But in the online world, he has become a shady netizen, super funny! Even if you know the situation of the two, you don't dare to connect them...

Just when Su Han was thinking Meanwhile, the group members finished watching the video.

I want to be Zhao Gao:"……""350"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"It's hard to describe in words! All I can say is that Mr. Yuan Dagu’s experience is really exciting and complicated."

Wall-Facing Man:"? ? What the hell? There is a TV series called Ultraman in Yuandagu? And it’s still a childhood memory! Then... one day, the monster in the TV series appeared in the real world, and then you were inexplicably able to transform into Ultraman? groove! Are the alien invaders alien monsters? This is completely different from what I imagined. Gu

Dazi:"Yeah, it's very different from Mr. Luo Ji's side...compared to the passionate plot of Yuan Dagu's side!" On Mr. Luo Ji's side, there were no miracles, no gentleness, no romance, just the ruthlessness of one civilization being crushed in front of another! Slaughtered - brutally killed. Gudazi:"

Well, after watching Luo Ji's ending, I didn't sleep well for several nights... I looked at the stars more than once, and then sighed, how small human beings are compared to the vast universe. of insignificance? How meaningless is everything human beings do!

Chen Xiaoyu:"I suggest you think about God!" Then you will suddenly realize... how small the vast universe is in front of God.

The prince of the Zhu family said:" It's so true!" God said that he created the universe.

Gudazi:"Ah this……"

Ye Hei:"Fuck, my whole body is torn apart! God gave everyone in your world the possibility to transform into Ultraman?"

Ye Hei:"Ahhh, I really want to transform too. Become Ultraman! When I think about being able to transform into that kind of giant, I feel the blood in my body boiling."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Isn't that right? Your strength can even blast Ultraman! Do it! Why do we need to change?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Mechas are a man's romance! Transforming into a giant is the same. (Without a doubt.jpg)"

Yuan Dagu:"Ultraman for All... is just possible! It's hard to say what our world will be like in the future. But no matter what, millions of Ultras should be able to appear in the future. At that time, monsters will not be able to appear and cause huge casualties."..I, Zhao Gao:"I can already imagine that there will be monsters invading Yuan Dagu's world in the future, and then hundreds of them will appear every minute! Then those Ultraman fought among themselves to fight for the monster.".

Ye Hei:"Maybe this is the trouble of happiness."

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"Those two monster kings! After being enlightened by God... they became very, very scary. I even felt that those two monsters roared , can shake the vast universe."

Yao Lao:"Please forget about evenness and feeling! I feel that those two monsters are enough to rival the ancient emperor who can cover the world with one hand."

Ye Hei:"??? That's not true, right? ? Those two monsters are indeed very strong! But I still think that the ancient emperor of our world is invincible! When those two monsters came in front of the ancient emperor... no, a quasi-emperor would probably be able to pin them to the ground. Boom!"

The strongest man's deputy said:"Ye Hei, don't look so unacceptable! You have to think about it this way, this incident does not mean that the emperor in your world is rubbish, but it should in turn mean that God is Powerful!"

Great Qin Zulong:"Yes, think about the Yan Ruyu in your world who sublimated into an emperor in just one breath! Then you can accept this kind of thing."

Ye Hei:"What the hell?……"

Liu Peiqiang:"I am thinking about a very serious question. In the original history, the appearance of Hibino's future transformation into Ultraman Mebius was a key node in the invasion of monsters.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"But now, before Hibino's official arrival in the future, you have defeated the enemy! You and your friends and elders can all transform into Ultraman... In fact, all people on earth have the possibility to transform into Ultraman."

Liu Peiqiang:"Then the question is, Hibino Mirai has really come over. Looking at the Successors of Light all over the wonderful will his expression become?!"

Myobokusan Sage:"Six six six six six. I'm suddenly looking forward to it! @大古. Why don't you post a picture then?"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Needless to say, he must have an expression that doubts his time travel."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Wait, he Isn't coming to that world just like traveling?!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"!! I can't refute it at all."

Ye Hei:"Damn it... I originally thought that the potential of believers in my world was the most terrifying! But no Thinking that other worlds actually have the operation of parallel worlds... From this point of view, the power of believers in Yuan Dagu's world may not be inferior to mine........."

Wall-facer:"? It's just seven parallel worlds plus one main world! It's not as good as the big universe over there."

Ye Hei:"Who said they only have seven over there? That's just because there are only seven parallel worlds over there. God, they found seven! I have no doubt that they have dozens, hundreds... or even more parallel planes."

Ye Hei:"Besides, Ultraman is an alien creature! They can Navigate the space freely... According to the information sent by Dagu, Ultraman's ancestral star is the M78 Nebula. So aren't all the M78 Nebulas in the seven realms Ultraman? Can they spread their faith to those places? Go?"

Ye Hei:"Furthermore, there must be many other planets with aliens in that world! Adding up these bits and pieces... the potential of his believers is probably many times that of mine.... Damn it, I can’t make my world have more followers of God than all other worlds combined! My plan to become God’s favorite son has failed. (Speechless and painful.jpg)" The descendant of the

Ax Gang:"……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Originally I sympathized with you...but after seeing what you said, becoming God's favorite cub! Well, you are hopeless, just commit suicide...God's favorite cub should be me. That's right! (cold face.jpg)"

Great Qin Zulong:"Yes, Ye Hei! He really deserves a beating."

The strongest man's deputy:"He is actually pretending, but you all It's true!"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Wow, I'm just thinking... Yuan Dagu can now travel to the other parallel plane where he is a member of the victory team. Where is the timeline? Is it already 1.4? Ended? The other Yuan Dagu can no longer transform into Tiga?"

Yuan Dagu:"I just went there... Ultraman Tiga has not yet appeared in that world! But there are scattered ones on the Internet. About the pyramids……"

Oriental Huaizhu:"……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Hey! It's so early?!"

Gudazi:"I strongly suggest you to find yourself in another world now...and then transform into Diga in front of him! Put his eyes in I'm scared."

Ye Hei:"Making trouble? I like making trouble the most."

Yuan Dagu:"……Finding him is inevitable, but this is more to spread faith! Instead of causing trouble. Of course, before that I need to go back and continue planning.……"

Yuan Dagu:"I am here just to explore the timeline! The key world I am currently operating is still my original world... After all, the beliefs of my original world have not yet been fully spread. I also have to eat one bite at a time. Ah!"_

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