Dragon World, Kassel College, in the principal's office.

Angers was wearing a neat suit and sat on his chair. He played with a Damascus knife, his eyes flashed with an inexplicable brilliance, which seemed solemn and playful,"The shape that suddenly appeared in his mind... Chat group interface?"

"Is it a hallucination-based speaking spirit... the possibility is very high. However, when did I fall prey to this talking spirit...?"

"Moreover, the word spirit is so powerful that it can have an impact on me, and it can prevent me from detecting the slightest flaw when I find something is wrong, and I can't figure out how to fix it... Incredible!"

"Is it the first generation? It’s not like he’s the Dragon King, right? However, from the information I know...it seems that there is no first-generation race spirit like this...a strange first-generation race? Angers suddenly grasped the handle of the Damascus knife, his eyes became cold,"But no matter whether it is unfamiliar or familiar!" Dragons... deserve to die."

After thinking for a while, Angers left the principal's office and quickly rushed to the bell tower of Kassel College. He met with the night watchman!

"What?"After listening to Angers calmly describing his situation, the night watchman's expression changed drastically. He looked around vigilantly.

"It shouldn't be possible near me! Angers said very calmly,"If something really went wrong, I think it was because they were plotted during the war... and now I don't know how they were touched again."

He paused for a moment, showing a noncommittal look,"This is Kassel College!" Even the Dragon King might be able to break in and even cause huge losses... but they can't silently let me have problems."

"Indeed!"The night watchman thought for a while and agreed with Angers' suggestion.

"Also," Angers paused for a moment, he said meaningfully,"I even have some doubts, am I really in Kassel College at this moment?"

The night watchman's pupils expanded, and he heard the implication of Angers words.

Yes, it is indeed impossible for Angers to have any big problems in Kassel College, or it is impossible to have big problems silently......But what if Angers is currently performing some mission in the outside world, and then he was possessed by some first-generation spirit, and now he is in Kassel College, is it also an illusion?

"I probably understand why you came to me."The night watchman did not hesitate and began to exchange many secret codes with Angers.

After a moment, Angers breathed a sigh of relief. It is impossible for hallucination to create a night watchman who knows many secrets...especially, what the night watchman said He revealed many of his plans against the Dragon Clan. If the Dragon Clan knew these plans, when he fell into the illusion, they would definitely not play with the mouse, but would kill him directly.

"Let's go find Norma and check on you."The night watchman grabbed Angers' arm and rushed out quickly.

No one knows the importance of Angers to Cassel College better than him. This is the dean of Cassel College and a leader in the dragon-slaying world. The leader and the strongest person... is currently the strongest spear and shield for the hybrids facing the dragons.

Norma is the artificial intelligence possessed by Kassel Academy. Her abilities and the resources she can mobilize are Beyond imagination. And detecting the body and mental state are also part of her abilities.

"Principal, Lord Night Watchman," Norma's voice was calm without any fluctuation,"Although I don't know what the chat group interface in Principal Ange's mind is, but I am absolutely sure! I didn't detect any fluctuations in the spirit of speech."

"At the same time, the principal's physical condition is normal! There are no hallucinogenic drugs that can improve the health of the principal's body, I can even say!"

"……but?"No matter how the vigil lock tube Norma's words are conclusive, there is indeed a problem in Angers."Principal Angers, I have a question."The voice is the same as always,"Since, a chat group interface appears in your mind! And there are people communicating inside... So, why don't you speak inside? Then find out the situation."

The scene was completely silent, and the night watchman refused sternly,"No, we're not sure what that thing is yet? In case there is……"

"No," Angers interrupted the night watchman. He seemed to have figured something out and said calmly,"Norma is right, that thing has appeared in my mind... and I can't detect any problem, so I think it would not be difficult for the person who did all this to harm me... Since I am safe and sound now, there is a chance that he will be harmless to me, and it is very high."

After a moment of silence, Angers seemed to be talking to himself or narrating to other people present,"Take a step back and say, do I have any other choice?"

Immediately, he closed his eyes and sank into his mind.

The night watchman opened his mouth, but in the end, he just let out a long sigh, walked to the edge of the room, gritted his teeth, and punched the wall hard. Go up. He made a clear fist mark.

Then, he turned around and sat on the chair dejectedly, waiting for Angers reply.


Chat group of all worlds.

Ye Hei:"Newcomers? Where are the newcomers! Where are my two newcomers... Why haven't they bubbled up for a long time? It's too much."

Ye Hei:"How can I spread my Lord's glorious faith to the newcomers? (Angry. jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"Pokémon Master... What is a Pokémon? Is it a profession? Similar to a craftsman or carpenter? A Pokémon Master is someone who has reached the pinnacle of this profession?"

Gudazi:" I always feel that there is something wrong with what you said...but I don't know where the problem is for a while. (Tangled.jpg)"

Wutian Buddha:"If the newcomer doesn't speak, then forget it. I happen to be very curious, @无死魔王. After you planted tens of thousands of building trees, how is the situation? Don't hide it, tell me carefully! Give me some reference."

Undead Evil King:"It's beyond imagination! If you say, Ying Zheng There is still a need to build the Great Wall of Immortals over there, but I don’t need it here at all... because the spiritual energy here is terrifyingly abundant. Especially practicing under the tree, it’s amazing!" The

Immortal Evil King said:"If ordinary people practice the Great World The martial arts skills before the transformation, sitting under a building tree, are basically equivalent to a grand master level master, who is continuously empowering him... This is simply sitting, without practicing... If It is for cultivation, so the spiritual energy is pouring out like water from a flood!" The Evil King

Seeking Flowers for Immortality:"What's even more frightening is that Jianmu is so big that hundreds of people are sitting under it to practice at the same time. They all look very empty."

Chen Xiaoyu:"?? Damn it." Wall

-Facing Man:"Isn't that true... Is it exaggerated to this extent? I remember that the great master of your side is very powerful! He can defeat Wanjun Take the general's head from the bush."

​​The Immortal Evil King:"That's it. Now that you are starting to practice cultivation and open up your Dantian... who can't take the general's head from the tens of thousands of armies in the old days?"

The Immortal Evil King:" No, maybe it really isn't... The ones who open up Dantian nowadays are far from being able to sum up by taking the head of an admiral. It is estimated that in the old times, one person could kill an army of a thousand people in a head-to-head situation."

Immortal. Evil King:"If we go one step further and open a life spring in the Dantian, it will definitely be a first-level existence in Shattered Void... If we upgrade it to one or two levels! I guess he can destroy the country by himself... The top one will be destroyed. Sui's level"..................

Ye Hei:"Damn it, can you change your Dantian to the Sea of ​​Bitterness? It's obviously the same thing in essence... Why do you have to use two terms? It gives me a headache, okay?" The

Undead Evil King:" No, this idea has been popularized here, and I’m used to it! Besides, I, the Evil King, have never suffered such grievances, so why didn’t you change the sea of ​​suffering into Dantian?!"

Ye Hei:"What the hell?……"

Su Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But then, when he looked at the names of the two new members who joined the chat group, his expression became strange.

"Angers... the one who impressed me most was probably the principal in Dragon Clan! If it were him... Well, that's fine, the dragon world is also modern time and space."

Although the potential of believers in modern time and space is much smaller than that of the three-body covering the sky... but it is ultimately greater than that of ancient time and space, isn't it?!

"But this Pokémon Master."The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched crazily.

He had already guessed that this was someone from the Pokémon world... But the key question is, who?! In that world, even the champions can call themselves Pokémon masters.

Not to mention , someone like Xiaozhi who aims to become a Pokémon Master... may definitely give himself such a group name.……

"But if you think about it this way, Red is also possible in the Pokémon Special."Su Han was thoughtful.

Suddenly, he realized something, and his eyes lit up instantly,"Pokémon...a creature with supernatural power! Yes, if this thing were to be sacrificed, it would probably be a guaranteed holy beast, right?"

"If those initial elves were in their final form, or were quasi-gods, after being multiplied ten thousand times, would it be no problem to transform into divine beasts? Su

Han thought about it, his heart was racing, and it was difficult to calm down,"As for the divine beasts in that world, I'm afraid they are not guaranteed wild beasts... For example, the God of Creation, the God of Time, the God of Space... it is possible to become a great beast. Ah Fan."

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