The night watchman pursed his lips.

"Of course, I have another way to be sure. Angers took a deep look at the night watchman and said word by word,"Next, recite with me.""

Ange began to recite the superior sacrificial method, and his pronunciation was very clear. Although the night watchman was a little hesitant, he had great trust in Ange after all, and he recited it...

When the last word was uttered, the minds of the two They shook at the same time. At this moment, they saw a majestic existence that was difficult to describe in words.

He sat there quietly, holding up the chaotic world. Beside him, there were endless worlds opening up and destroying... many eastern The gods of the pantheon! For example, the Jade Emperor, the immortals in heaven... and the ten temples of Yama, the gods of the underworld... and the Buddhas of Buddhism! They are all scattered in the vast chaos, kowtowing to Him, fanatically chanting His name loudly...

This scene was too shocking! Beyond imagination!

The gods kowtowed, but the supreme God didn't care at all. He didn't even look at the gods around him... even a glance....

Angers 28 stared blankly at the majestic existence, and suddenly his mind was shaken, and he felt inexplicably that he had touched something... Then, he actually saw several pictures at this moment. He seemed to have seen Norton's invasion of Kassel in the future The scene in the academy... He seemed to see the love and hatred between Chu Zihang, an outstanding student in Kassel, and the Dragon King who transformed into Xia Mi...

He seemed to see Lu Mingfei, an outstanding student who he had booked but had not yet summoned. , went to the island country with Chu Zihang and Caesar... where he collided with the Eight Sheqi Family...

He looked at Lu Mingfei and saw the girl named Uesugi Eri... looking at the Eight Sheqi Family The underworld princess died because of the white king's holy bones...

Angers suddenly let out a muffled groan. He felt that he had a splitting headache and retreated from that state.

After a short silence, Angers was no longer as free and easy as before. His face He punched the table ferociously,"Damn it!"

"Wow...what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! I was wrong...I shouldn't have doubted you."The night watchman was so frightened that he looked at Angers with a flattering smile on his face,"I already know that God is real. You... calm down?"

"It has nothing to do with you."Ange sat on the chair again and lowered his eyes. He had realized that what he had seen before was actually the future... However, it seemed that because his strength was too weak, he could only see that and could not Seeing that last scene...

He really wanted to know what would happen to the world in the end. Whether the Dragon Clan was really eradicated...

The answer was close at hand! But he couldn't touch it because he was not qualified. , even with his character, he is almost going crazy at this moment

"Damn it!"The night watchman who demolished Natong suddenly said a classic national curse.

"Um?!"Ange raised his head, and soon discovered that the pupils of the night watch were burning with golden flames. That was the embodiment of the mixed bloodline!

The scary thing is that the pupils of the night watch were now too... He had simply turned into a dragon king now! With that suffocating sense of oppression

"……Are you crazy?"Anger let out a low roar and instantly pulled out the Damascus knife.

The next moment, the golden flame in the Night Watchman's eyes dimmed, and he regained his composure. But Angers' face was still cold and solemn, and the tip of the knife was faintly pointed at the Night Watchman. People,"Are you going to become a Death Apostle?"

The blood level of the Night Watchman is quite high, even higher than Angers. Second only to the four legendary dragon monarchs... it is a proper S-level!

However, the stronger the dragon blood of the mixed race is not, the better. The stronger the bloodline is, the closer it is to the dragon clan... If it is not controlled well, it will directly fall and become a Death Apostle!

"My current situation is very special," the night watchman continued to sense the condition of his body, and he whispered,"My bloodline has broken through! Now I can even be called a hybrid dragon king……"

Angers' face was expressionless, and his hand holding the Damascus knife became harder and harder. Then, he heard the night watchman say in confusion,"But, what's strange is that! Instead, I have cut off the curse-like feeling in the dragon bloodline... let alone turning into a Death Apostle. Now, I even feel that my blood sorrow has dropped a lot! Do you understand what I mean? I feel like I have become a normal person?!"

"This is so fucking outrageous! Old friend, you know what I mean, right? My bloodline reached the hybrid dragon king... but my spirit returned to the pure human realm... This is completely contrary to our previous research! I can't understand."

Ange frowned. A lot of thoughts were flowing in his mind. Then he suddenly realized something and activated the dragon blood in his body. Suddenly

, his eyes became hotter than ever before. It was like a dragon king descending on the world.

"……Damn it!"The night watchman scolded the country for the second time. He looked at Ange and straightened his eyes.

After calming down his dragon blood, Ange said with an inexplicable expression,"I's the sacrificial article."

"What?"The night watchman was a little confused.

"That sacrificial article is actually a barrier between humans and gods! People pray to gods through sacrifices, and gods grant grace."Ange said one word at a time,"If you continue to recite, you should find that your strength has been improved again... You can get a divine favor every time you recite."

"groove! Are you serious? Every time I recite it, I get divine grace. How can there be a God in this world... Uh."The night watchman only spoke half of his words.

He recalled everything that had happened before and fell silent! Because he could not find a more reasonable explanation than what Angers said.

However, when he thought of the adjectives for gods in the sacrificial law, he remembered what he had said before. The majestic existence seen in the chaos……

"If it is Him who created everything! If He truly regarded mortals as His sons, everything would be explained."The night watchman suddenly spoke.

He forced a smile, but it was uglier than crying,"But how can there be such a god in this world?"

Ange stopped communicating with the night watchman. After he entered the chat group, he hesitated. According to the words of the previous chat group members, he began to extract the memory images in his mind and introduced the world background of his world...

Of course, he He didn't upload the few glimpses of the future that he saw because of God... He watched the members of the chat group continue to download, and soon, the child named Xiaozhi also uploaded his own video.. Ange looked incomprehensible. He recalled the contents of the sacrificial ceremony and murmured in his heart,"The daughter of destiny... could it be you?" Eri Uesugi?"

"And...Dragon King Xia Mi! Angre clenched his fists, and a little haze rose in his heart,"The Dragon King cannot be killed... Even if he is killed, he can be resurrected!""

"However, if we use that Wutian method and recite the sacrificial inscriptions, we should be able to send them on their way."

"However, there is a possibility that Dragon King Xia Mi is the daughter of destiny... well, if possible, capture her alive! Then use it as a sacrifice."

Although he hates the Dragon King, he values ​​the sacrifice of that god even more.

If he can offer the Daughter of Destiny to satisfy that god...even if the god fulfills his wish and lets all the dragons in the world die, it is not impossible. Right?!

Compared with his revenge against the entire dragon clan, letting a dragon king leave this world and never come back... Angers can barely accept it._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation, sharing!

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