But just after writing a page, Su Han suddenly thought of something. He frowned slightly and projected his spiritual thoughts through many worlds that believed in him.

"There is no sacrifice for me yet... No! The little fox demon matchmaker."Su Han's expression became strange. He suddenly realized that Dongfang Huaizhu was now preparing to use the Talisman of Destiny to divine the whereabouts of the Girl of Destiny... and once the divination came out, there was a high probability that she was preparing to sacrifice.

"But wait until it really starts on her side! It's probably tomorrow, or even later. I still have enough time to write out the Heroic Spirits and Root Laws!"

Su Han smiled hoarsely, put the matter behind him, and continued to work hard. As long as he was not disturbed when he was writing, and he was asked to apply divine grace halfway through the work, when would love be sacrificed? Sacrifice! Even in the middle of the night, Su Han has no objection


The world of the fox demon little matchmaker is in the sacred volcano villa.

Dongfang Huaizhu stared at the thin talisman on his hand, and then looked at what Liu Peiqiang said in the chat group, how to cast the talisman.

"Find an open space if possible! And high places. In this way, the power fluctuations of the destiny talisman can spread to a wider range as much as possible……"

Dongfang Huaizhu landed on the roof with a slight tip of his toe.

She glanced around and finally determined that her father's location was the highest point of Shenhuo Manor... and that place was a square, quite empty, which perfectly met the requirements for the Destiny Talisman...

Immediately, she did not hesitate, He quickly went to find his father. He was asked to send all the disciples of Shenhuoshuo Manor in the square to other places to practice.

Although Dongfang Guyue was a little confused, she still followed her daughter's words and temporarily gave the disciples a holiday.

"What? Are you now going to find the Destiny's Daughter? That is, the existence in our world that is loved by destiny! And then sacrifice her to the god you now worship?"After Dongfang Guyue listened to Dongfang Huaizhu's explanation, her cheeks suddenly tightened.

After hesitating for a moment, he spoke cautiously,"Huaizhu, although my father still thinks that god may not really exist! However, seeing as your strength has indeed improved... becoming a father will not stop you."

"But the key problem is that, according to what you said, the goddess is the one destined by destiny! He might even be the future protagonist of the world... Do you think a person like this would be weak? Do you think a person like this would willingly dedicate himself to that god?

Dongfang Guyue tried her best to dissuade her,"Give up... you can just sacrifice something else!" For example, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc., I have no problem with that... Aren’t all the money of our Shenhuo Villa in your hands? You just spend it. Dongfang

Huaizhu said nothing. She focused her eyes and poured all the surging energy in her body into the destiny talisman. The next moment, the destiny talisman gave out a faint luster and shattered suddenly. In the dark. , Dongfang Huaizhu seemed to see a chaotic figure standing tall and tall at this moment. That was the God of Creation she believed in...

Dongfang Huaizhu panicked for a moment, how could this happen? But then, she suddenly realized, the crowd It seems to have been mentioned in... It seems that the three major sub-professionals all use their own beliefs to communicate with God before they can be used...

From this perspective, when the destiny rune for divination of destiny is used, the figure of God can be glimpsed. , is a very reasonable thing!

Then, the light points that the destiny talisman turned into condensed in the void, creating one strange picture after another.

Looking at it, Dongfang Huaizhu's expression became weird.

Because of this The first picture showed a strange swordsman wearing a robe and a mask. Of course, even if the man was wearing a mask, she could still recognize that he was a male... so she ignored him directly. However

, Dongfang Guyue looked at it, his expression suddenly became serious, he said to himself in his heart,"Is it a mask... And I remember, according to the intelligence of Shenhuo Manor! Is this guy's identity... royal power?"

Dongfang Guyue was shocked.

He carefully calculated the information he knew about the young master of the Wang Quan family, and suddenly felt that the other party really met the criteria for the protagonist of this era...

In this way, this destiny talisman may not be... False?!

But if the destiny talisman is false... then that god. Dongfang Guyue's eyelids twitched a few times... And having said that, Dongfang Huaizhu has indeed increased his strength during this period! That sacrificial article...

Dongfang Guyue Gu Yue fell into deep thought. Originally, he thought that Dongfang Huaizhu had accumulated a lot of experience, and it was just a coincidence that he mistakenly thought it was the so-called favor of God...

But combined with this inexplicable appearance of the destiny talisman, maybe his previous guess was wrong.... God, maybe he really exists...

However, when the two saw the second and third scenes, they were all silent. Because the second scene was clearly the scene of Dongfang Huaizhu standing on the roof...

Well, This picture even deliberately hides Dongfang Guyue! It seems that he is afraid that the fortune teller will misunderstand something?

And the third picture shows the figure of Dongfang Huaizhu's sister, Dongfang Qinlan

"……Is it really true?!"Dongfang Huaizhu's mood at the moment was extremely complicated, a little joyful, a little melancholy, and a little irritable at the same time.

Since she is one of the future protagonists of this world, why was her father plotted by Jin Renfeng?!

As Tianding's Protagonist, shouldn't her life be smooth?

With such irritating thoughts, Dongfang Huaizhu looked at the next one, and then her expression became weird. It was a huge tree beyond imagination, and among the trees In front of him stood a beautiful fox demon girl

"The tree of bitterness! The king of Tushan Fox."Dongfang Guyue said with a serious face.

As the leader of the Dao Alliance, he naturally knew something about the power of the demon clan, and his tone was cautious and wary,"This woman is quite extraordinary! The magic power is powerful... The insulating claw is said to be able to tear everything apart... Well, more importantly, she is now one of the powerful contenders for the leader of the Demon Alliance."

Along with Dongfang Guyue's narration, Dongfang Huaizhu seemed to resonate with the majestic God again at this moment. She saw many, many pictures...

Among them were pictures of the past, and some of the future... the past , it was the Lord of Tushan who was captured by the Taoist priests of the Taoist League when he was a child, and was finally rescued by an ugly young man. However, the Lord of Tushan accidentally killed the boy, and therefore, she She has an obsession with that young man that is not love... She hopes that humans and demons can coexist peacefully.

In the future, the Lord of Tushan will save a young man, and then gradually get to know him and fall in love with him. Later, the two became the leaders of the Tao Alliance and the Demon Alliance respectively... In the end, during the battle, the two were plotted by the black fox, and they died together under the tree of bitterness...

Accompanied by a crisp buzzing sound, whether they were in front of them or not, they died together. , or maybe the pictures in his mind were all fragmented.

Dongfang Huaizhu stood there quietly for a long time, suddenly turned his head and stared at Dongfang Guyue, and said seriously,"Father, prepare for me to go to Tushan next Flying sword. I want to get there as quickly as possible!"

"By the way, please prepare some castingsThe materials for the altar... If I convince the Lord of Tushan, I will immediately perform sacrifices to the god."

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