Dongfang Huaizhu stared at the chat group with some dumbfounding. In the midst of teasing, time passed by bit by bit.

Soon, the Shenhuo Family suddenly broke into the Tushan Monster Clan's sphere of influence.

Tushan Honghong got the news immediately, and her expression was extremely solemn.

"damn it!"The petite Tushan Yaya, carrying a huge wine gourd on her back, slapped the table with her hand, with resentment on her face,"These damn Taoist priests! They usually capture and sell girls from our fox demon clan... Now, they have sent so many people to directly destroy me, Tushan! Catch us all?"

"I'm not convinced! Tushan Yaya waved her fists and grinned,"I want to go to the front line!" I need to blow away all those bad guys."

"……Sister Yaya, don’t cause trouble to Sister Honghong."Tushan Rongrong stared at Tushan Yaya helplessly.

Although in terms of temperament, Tushan Rongrong is much calmer than Tushan Yaya, she is indeed the younger sister of Tushan Yaya and Tushan Honghong. The youngest of the three Tushan sisters

"Rong Rong, how do you think this situation should be handled?"Tushan Honghong looked at Tushan Rongrong

"There is only one fight left!"Tushan's face was serious. She considered her words, but her words were very certain,"Tushan is the home of our fox demon clan! Here is our root...the tree of bitterness"

"We cannot retreat, and we have no way to retreat... Where can we retreat to? Even if we are lingering and have lost our roots, sooner or later we will perish one day in the future."

"you're right!"Although Tushan Honghong didn't speak, her voice still came out clearly. She floated into the sky, and the bells tied to her feet rang loudly.

"So, now! All the fighting fox demons of the Tushan clan...all head to the battlefield! Fight to the death with those stinky Taoist priests"


Dongfang Huaizhu walked out of the sacred chariot, followed closely by Dongfang Guyue and Dongfang Qinlan. They stared closely at the tall city wall in the distance.

On that city wall, there were densely packed white foxes wearing armor and stomach standing there.

And at the front is a fox demon girl wearing a red ancient skirt and a white long-sleeved robe.

She has a slender figure, cold eyes, elegant and domineering temperament, and a strange charm that is difficult to describe in words.

"Is this one of the strongest members of the Monster Clan... Tushan Honghong? Dongfang Huaizhu murmured. She thought for a moment and gently pulled out the jade flute she had been wearing on her waist.

"Human race, tell me why you came."Tushan Honghong slowly walked out of the city wall. She floated in mid-air, and the demonic power condensed into essence spread in all directions, with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Dongfang Huaizhu was wrapped in pure Yangyan, and Then she floated up and confronted Tushan Honghong. She stared into Tushan Honghong's eyes and said seriously,"The leader of the Creation God Cult, Dongfang Huaizhu! I have met the Lord of Tushan."

Seeing that the leader was also a woman, and also a woman with outstanding grace, Tu Shan Honghong breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this time the person who came here was not to capture the female fox demon?

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Tu Shan Honghong His face was still cold, and his words were concise and to the point,"Why are you here!"

"The Lord of Tushan was really worried. Dongfang Huaizhu smiled helplessly, and then said word by word,"The Creation God Religion believes in the Creator who created the world and all living things!" He is great and noble, tolerant and merciful to His followers"

"I can do nothing to repay God. I can only find those who uphold the destiny between heaven and earth... and sacrifice them! Let them ascend to heaven to serve God."

After a short pause, Dongfang Huaizhu said with a smile,"And you are the one who upholds the destiny."

There was dead silence. Then, the fox demons on Tushan's side exploded.

"These bastard humans...what do they mean?!"

"Damn... that human female! Are you actually plotting against Sister Honghong? She deserves to die"

"Sacrifice? Haha, I’m afraid I’m not eyeing Sister Honghong’s appearance! This group of humans... likes to do sneaky things in the name of high-sounding things. Tu

Shan Honghong's face was expressionless. She instantly crossed the endless distance and reached Dongfang Huaizhu. The insulating claw stabbed Dongfang Huaizhu's chest. With a crisp clang, the jade flute blocked the insulating claw. Moreover, Dongfang Huaizhu’s hands were very steady.

"……How can this be?!"Tushan Honghong's pupils suddenly expanded.

As we all know, the human race is good at wisdom but not at strength... Although the human race has always suppressed the demon race, this is more because the human race has the ability to refine magic weapons! It is purely based on the accumulation of spiritual power, or physical strength...Human beings are far inferior to the demon clan.

However, as a physically top-notch existence among the demon clan, she was actually blocked by the slender girl in front of her. The jade flute was indeed a magic weapon... but the woman did not move it....This is incredible!

"Before he finished speaking, the Lord of Tushan was too anxious," Dongfang Huaizhu said softly,"I understand your obsession! I also admire your ideas very much... Demons and humans are hostile to each other and hurt each other, which will only make the hatred between the two parties deeper and deeper, and the population will become smaller and smaller."

"This is not good...very bad!"

"……what do you want to say in the end?"Tushan Honghong frowned. Every word Dongfang Huaizhu said at this moment went straight into her heart, but not only did she not get close to him at all, but she became more and more wary. Because this can only show that the other party knows her very well.

Bad intentions!

"Let's do this, I defeat you, and then I will take the disciples of Shenhuo Manor with me! Defeat Tushan, but I won't hurt you fox demons."Dongfang Huaizhu's voice was sincere. Tushan Honghong's temperament became more and more serious, and he used more and more force, but he still could not shake the jade flute.

"I only hope that Miss Honghong can give me a chance! Let me introduce to you our supreme Lord... As long as you are willing to serve in heaven, I am willing to pray to God to create a world where humans and demons can live in harmony. Dongfang Huaizhu said every word. In fact, she also has selfish motives.

If humans and demons live in harmony, she can naturally spread the belief in the God of Creation to the demon clan... In this world, the demon clan's The number is no less than that of the human race.……

"The winner takes all! The loser becomes the win, it's up to you."Tushan Honghong squeezed out a few words from between her teeth.

"A word is settled. Dongfang Huaizhu smiled hoarsely, and pure flames suddenly burst out from her body. Almost in an instant, the terrifying demonic energy on Tushan Honghong was torn apart.

"What?! Tushan's red pupils suddenly shrank. But before she could react, the jade flute was placed on her neck.

Dongfang Huaizhu stared at the girl in front of him with a smile, and said softly,"You lose!""

Tu Hong Hong's body stiffened, she bit her lower lip and said nothing.

On the wall of Tushan City

"how come? I do not believe! How could Sister Honghong lose so easily? conspiracy! The other party must have used conspiracy tactics."Tushan Yaya stayed where she was. After she reacted, she let out a low roar. She even wanted to rush forward...

However, Tushan Rongrong firmly grabbed Tushan Yaya's arm, and her face She was also filled with shock and disbelief. However, her brain remained awake after all. She took a deep breath and said,"Open the array! Isolate Tushan City from all contact with the outside world. Tushan

Yaya's body froze. She stared at Tushan Rongrong in disbelief,"But...Sister Honghong, Sister Honghong is still outside!" Didn't you abandon Sister Honghong?"

"……Everything is for the continuation of the race. Tushan Rongrong said expressionlessly,"Sister Yaya, you can be hateful!" Rebuke me! Insult me...but save the trouble for later. Now, it's time for me to take on my responsibilities."

Immediately, she gave the order in an orderly manner.

Tushan Yaya looked at Tushan Rongrong blankly. Tushan Rongrong's posture was the same as before, but she felt that Tushan Rongrong was stranger than ever before. She looked at the rising waves in the distance. Dongfang Huaizhu didn't care about the city defense formation. She nodded to Dongfang Guyue behind her.

"Father...I'm sorry to trouble you! That... try not to hurt the people of the fox demon clan"

"If you had said that to me before...I would have scolded you severely! Do you only care about the fox demon and not our disciples of Shenhuo Manor?"Dongfang Guyue curled her lips.

He looked at the Tushan fox demon in the distance who was panicking because of Tushan Honghong's instant defeat, and laughed,"But now, the Tushan lineage! Not worth mentioning."

Dongfang Guyue looked up to the sky and roared, and the pure sun flames burst out, twisting and burning the void. He galloped towards the distance at extremely fast speed, too fast, too fast, the flames wrapped around him, dragging out a long The tail flame made him transform into a fire dragon at this moment, smashing the protective formation.

Immediately, more than a thousand disciples of Shenhuo Manor followed closely and rushed over.

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