The world of gods, Jinling Academy.

Su Han, who had initially finished sorting out the two pieces of information about the God King's Avenue, raised his eyebrows and said,"Have you started yet? It just so happened that... I just happened to have finished writing it here."

Although there is still work to be done later on to sort out and correct errors... but these , it’s not too late to do it after the sacrifice is over.

As soon as he put down the two thick books, a crisp sound sounded in Su Han's ears.

"Ding! The fox demon Little Matchmaker has been detected and the world has begun to offer sacrifices.……"

"Ding! Thirty-four hundred pieces of power of faith have been detected... The daughter of destiny: Tushan Honghong has been detected! Daughters of great luck: Tushan Rongrong, Tushan Yaya... The giant tree of sacrifice has been detected!"

"Ding! You have triggered a ten thousand times increase!"

"Ding! You have successfully obtained the power of 34 million faith, and you have successfully obtained the Holy Spirit to paint the mountain red! The heroic spirit paints Shan Rongrong, paints Shan Yaya! Ding! You successfully obtained the Desolate Beast/Desolate Kind of Bitterness Sacred Tree! Ding! You gain additional access to the God-level Path of Cause and Effect and the God-level Path of Marriage due to the Bitter Love Tree."

"……Did you trick Tushan Honghong into being on the altar so quickly?"Su Han's expressionIt was a little weird, and his thoughts suddenly came to that world. He instantly knew what happened, and he felt a little dumbfounded.

"Directly captured Tushan, and then used the ethnic group as a drag to force the three Tushan sisters to become willing sacrifices? Why don't I remember that Dongfang Huaizhu is this kind of person... Well, was he really led astray by those tricksters in the group?"

Su Han finished complaining. He glanced at the rewards he had received this time, and his eyes flickered.

"Three thousand four's interesting! I remember that the only people in that world who worship me now are more than a thousand people from Shenhuo Manor... So that's it, I almost forgot that their strength surpasses that of mortals. Therefore, the power of faith that can be provided is much more than that of ordinary people!"

Su Han was thoughtful, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

"However, desolate beasts, desolate species...what happened to the giant tree of bitterness?"

The giant beast of bitterness is a desolate species, which is understandable. But the desolate beast... this, Su Han said that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Where does that tree look like a beast from beginning to end? Even if you say that an innate god like Zhao Ling'er is Beast, he can barely accept it.……

"unless……"Su Han realized something. Yes, if he remembered correctly, the giant tree of bitterness seemed to have its own consciousness and practiced the demon way?

Can it be said that the giant tree of bitterness is now also a demon, or a kind of god?!

"If this is the case, then it is understandable that the system classifies him as a wild beast. Su

Han thought thoughtfully,"But did the Desolate Beast provide me with two paths at the level of a god... The water monster only provided me with the perfect path of water at the beginning... Huh?" Is it because of the ten thousand times increase? Understandable."

Su Han thought over and over again, he now has the Chaos Avenue of the God King Realm. In essence, it encompasses all laws... Even he now also controls cause and effect, and controls marriage...

But, even if they are of the same category... Tao and There are differences between Tao.

The simplest example is that Su Han has seven ways of light. Although they are all light, their essences are not very different. This is not much different... Another example is his root. Dao and Old Man Li's Heavenly Dao both belong to the Heavenly Dao classification, but the differences are equally huge.……

"By integrating these two ways of the gods into my chaos way, they can also be elevated to the god king level...which can further enhance my combat effectiveness and foundation at the same level."

"And having said that, my original method of cause and effect was more about deducing cause and effect... What will the method of cause and effect focus on this time? Is it changing the cause and effect? It’s really exciting...and the way to get married."

Su Han looked incomprehensible. After thinking for a moment, he entered the God Realm directly.

But this time, he did not enter the central heavenly palace, but sat cross-legged in the depths of the vast universe. Beside him, there were all the gods. The moon and stars are lingering in the bright starry sky

"Dongfang Huaizhu, is Tushan Honghong’s wish, to pray for peace in the world... Is my wish just to spread faith to every corner of the world and become my Holy Spirit after death? Su Han was silent for a moment and said with emotion,"It's really too gentle.""

"Well, since it is your request...and also to better spread the faith...what reason do I have to disagree?"


The world of the fox demon matchmaker, Tushan.

The altar exuded a faint luster, and the three Tushan sisters floated into the air. The terrifying evil energy condensed from their bodies, and even caused dense cracks to appear in the void around them, as if the world could not bear it and was about to Like shattering in the next moment.

Tushan Honghong suddenly opened his eyes, filled with shock and disbelief.

She had finished reciting the sacrificial text before, and suddenly she saw an unimaginably majestic being...

That being stood in the endless starry sky, with countless sun, moon, and stars surrounding him... What was even more terrifying was that, there Beyond the endless starry sky, there is also endless chaos, and in the chaos there are endless gods and Buddhas worshiping in the direction of the Supreme God...

That existence seems to have just opened up an unimaginably vast universe in the chaos. generally……

"The God of Creation, the Lord of Creation... is he actually real? How could this happen?!"Tushan Honghong's brain was in confusion and her expression was dull. She originally thought that what Dongfang Huaizhu said before was just to reduce the psychological obstacles for the fox demon clan to merge into the Creation God Religion...

But until now, she suddenly realized, She was wrong. Because of that god, she had gained tremendous fortune.

Tu Shan Honghong could not even imagine how huge the opportunity she had obtained this time. The reason was simple, because her strength had now reached an incredible level. And the speed of improvement shows no sign of slowing down. It is still moving towards a higher realm... How strong will it become before it stops? Tushan Honghong doesn't know.

Tushan Yaya's delicate-small body suddenly Inflated, her figure was enchanting, and she entered an adult state in an instant.

However, Tushan Yaya's control ability was obviously not as strong as that of Tushan Honghong or even Tushan Rongrong... The evil spirit turned into a storm, with her as the center. Spreading in all directions, sweeping across the vast world...


The contemporary Poison Emperor Huandu Qingtian suddenly opened his eyes, he soared into the sky, and looked in the direction of Tushan

"This feeling...this terrifying evil spirit! Tushan’s demon clan? No, this feeling is the demonic power of Tushan lineage... but its scale is much stronger than that of Tushan Honghong.……"

Huan Du Qingtian didn't even finish speaking. The demonic power he sensed increased exponentially... His body stiffened, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body plummeted from the sky.

With a crisp bang, Huandu Qingtian lay on his back on the ground, staring in the direction of the sky in shock and fear.

He didn't even dare to reveal his spiritual thoughts at this moment, because the feeling of oppression was too incredible... He had a vague feeling that if he really revealed his spiritual thoughts, perhaps his spiritual thoughts would be temporarily suppressed by this terrifying sense of oppression. crushed to pieces

"monster! What kind of power is this? Even the third young master from Aolai Kingdom... is far from as powerful as this."

Huan Du Qingtian's body is trembling because he is too afraid. The fear comes from the unknown and incomprehensible... And this power is what he cannot understand at the moment.

Aolai Country.

Aolai is surrounded by golden light. The third young master of the country stood on the ground.

He did not soar into the sky because his eyesight was much higher than that of Huandu Qingtian. He had already guessed that this demonic power would continue to grow when he sensed the doubling demonic energy before. What would happen if he went down... So he landed on the ground early!

And the facts proved that he was not wrong.

"It feels like the power of the three heads of Tushan! However, it has improved countless times, no, it is still improving. What on earth...what happened to Tushan?"

The face of the third young master of Aolai Kingdom was extremely ugly, and he looked in the direction of Tu Shan. He suddenly realized something, and his eyes suddenly widened,"Not good, if this kind of demonic power continues to increase.……"

The next moment, everyone standing in this world seemed to hear a crisp shattering sound.

The third young master of Aolai Kingdom was shaken violently, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he seemed to be unknown and murmured in a daze,"The circle I drew at the beginning……"

The third young master of Aolai Kingdom once drew a circle in the barbaric period to prevent life outside the circle from invading the circle... Only then did the human race come into existence. The demon race maintained peace on a large scale and established the basis for reproduction...

But now, this wave The demonic energy that was suspected to come from Tushan had already exceeded the endurance range of the circle he had drawn just by spreading... and tore the circle he had drawn covering China into pieces!

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