"So that's it."Su Han closed his eyes. Einstein, this is undoubtedly the most outstanding figure in the previous era, and even the previous era.

Every era has its own symbol...

In the previous era, except for the major gods, Apart from the old gods who have made great contributions, the only one that people think of first is Einstein...

Before Su Han was born, Einstein had been in seclusion for a long, long time. There are rumors that he is While trying to figure out the new way, there are also rumors that he is peeking into the deeper world of the Avenue of Relativity...

But it is precisely because there is so little news about his appearance in the human world that his status becomes more and more noble, and his fans around the world become more and more. There are many.

Once such a person speaks, his influence is naturally absolute.

Not to mention, those who speak with him... Even if they are not as good as Einstein, they are also top figures in various disciplines... Being so Many top bosses jointly condemned it, and the Western pantheon was only as uncomfortable as receiving a shot from the ultimate weapon...

He shook his head,Han stretched to the comment area below and started watching casually.


"Einstein is awesome, Su Shen is awesome!"

"I have always agreed that science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries... But Einstein's voice made me shake this idea! Einstein is awesome"

"Is the person upstairs an idiot? You don’t think Einstein did such a thing out of justice, do you? In fact, it is the best choice for the Western pantheon to surrender honestly now!"

"Is the one in front a primary school student? Do you know what the crystal wall Shenzhou technology means? I'm serious, the West actually didn't fail this time! Much beyond my expectation"

"I have inside information... The West must want to rely on you! But it’s too much to rely on... Don’t forget that the West originally wanted to kill two birds with one stone by killing God Su, and take away the heroic spirit technology at the same time! Do you think the West is not afraid of the East's default? They were also afraid, so they signed dozens of agreements at that time...and all the agreements were blessed with various contract spells! If this fails, the West, especially Citigroup, and the National Games will suffer heavy losses due to breach of contract.……"

"I see! This is in line with my understanding of the Western pantheon"

"Does this count as digging a hole halfway and burying oneself?!"

"In fact... Einstein was scapegoated this time!"

"? ? ? what happened?"

"Don't forget, giving the crystal wall Shenzhou technology to the East is considered selling out to the West. I will definitely give it. After all, the cost of rejection is too high and I can’t afford to be hurt, but if I give it directly! Aren’t the old gods of the Western pantheon throwing away their own futures? Now you see, they did this because of the protests of Einstein and many top academic gods, and in order to appease their hearts! Didn’t this pot just get pushed out?"

"? ? ? I was so scared that I read the news again... Indeed, Einstein and many top academic gods in the West were protesting against the official persecution of Su Shen! But the news forcibly linked the two together……"

"The show makes my scalp tingle! As expected, the masters of the Western gods are all evil at heart.……"

"How can there be any good people after reaching that point? It is said that the reason why Einstein retired to seclusion was because he was tricked many times by the leader of the Citizen God System at the time... Of course this is hearsay!"

"As we all know, sometimes gossip is more trustworthy than official news. I've actually heard that news... I didn't know if it was true before, but now after seeing a wave of the Western gods' shady operations... I don't think there's any need to look for evidence! that is."

Su Han looked confused. Although he didn't have a good impression of Westerners at first, it has to be said that because of his voice this time, he still had a slight change in his opinion of Einstein... Well, it was just a change. I can't say I have a good impression. Yes, that means I don’t feel bad anymore.

"By the way, should I write a letter to Einstein? Su Han fell into deep thought,"Invite him to settle in the ancient eastern country?" After all, the Western pantheon deceived him so much."

Su Han was quite eager to give it a try... But in the end, he thought that doing this would feel like he was cheating Einstein, so he gave up for the time being...

Although killing people is very satisfying! But others can help him move forward... He is Stabbing him with a knife is too unethical. It is also not in line with his philosophy of dealing with people!

Shaking his head, Su Han looked at the comments and replies below other news

"King Su Shen? emmm, God...God King? Which god-king? Is it a god-king of that level...or is it just some kind of title of god-king?"

"Saying this, I remembered the scene three years ago, when the Eastern genius who broke through to the level of a high god not long after graduating from college, vowed to call himself the God King of Annihilation!"

"Damn, that one really made me laugh to death! Just a few days after he claimed to be himself, he was surrounded by a group of powerful gods who didn’t like him and gave him a beating! Then he publicly apologized to everyone on Shenwang, saying that his naughty behavior had caused trouble for others."

"What trouble? Could you please take the time to give him a spanking? (Manual funny.jpg)"

"Are you afraid that you just want to make me laugh to death! Then inherit my Shenbei bill……"

"That man is actually a genius! Although he is far inferior to Su Shen... he is definitely a top figure among the younger generation. It's a pity that you can't be too arrogant!"

"Su Shen...God King? Damn it, really, when I saw the title, I thought Su Shen was inflated! I did something similar to that person... Although I was a little bit pained, I couldn't bear it considering that it was Su Shen after all... Then I went in and saw half of it, and I felt something was wrong! Then, I burst into tears... doubting life!"

"Yes, Su Shen did not become a God King... He just achieved the level of a God King... Tears of dissatisfaction were left behind!"

"Having said that, the Great Way understood by Su Shen seems to be very complicated... I looked at the Ten Questions of the God next door and gave a detailed explanation about the origin of Lao Tzu's Great Way... To be honest, I didn't understand it after reading it for a long time, I just felt very awesome"

"Isn't this a coincidence? Although I didn’t understand it, I also thought it was awesome! Su Shen, the eternal God"

"As the King of Gods, I am here to answer... I actually sensed the aura of my Tao in Su Shen's Tao. Moreover, I have also communicated with other powerful people at the level of God King... It seems that they also feel this way... Considering the source of the avenue, it is very likely that Su Shen's path can exert all known powers. Tao effect"

"? ? ? WTF? Are there tens of thousands of known ways now? You wouldn’t say that Su Shen’s path is worth tens of thousands of god-king paths, right? This isn't funny at all"

"However, the tragedy is... this is really very likely to be the case"



"Scared to the point of peeing"

"Who said Su Shen would run out of talents after promoting Heroic Spirit technology? Who said that? Come out and get beaten!"

"To be honest... Jiang Langcai does not exist! Su Shen only needs to continue on the path of the heroic spirit, continue to become stronger, and deduce the next evolution of the path of the heroic spirit. That is enough... This is not even about resting on the laurels! After all, if this can be considered as resting on one's laurels, Newton has rested on the laurels of modern physics for a lifetime, and Einstein has rested on the laurels of relativity for a lifetime.……"

"It’s okay to rest on your laurels! It made me cry. This is the slander of uneducated people! Even the slander cannot get to the root of the matter……"

"However, we are also about to understand... How unthinkable is it to establish a new way based on the way of heroic spirits? Su Shen is so strong!"

"who cares! I only know that the Heroic Spirit Path can be useful to me. As for those ten questions, haha, is it cheaper for me to buy divine food today, or can it give me more believers? It’s useless at all, so what’s the point of me caring about it?!"

"madness! That is to pave the way for the gods... Don't forget, hundreds of years ago, many people could only be demigods throughout their lives, and it was impossible to break through the gods... The West opened up the Age of Discovery of the Crystal Wall System, and There is a way of modern physics to explode productivity! Improve efficiency! This is the true era of universal gods!"

"The value of some theories cannot be seen in a short period of time... Only time can give these theories real answers... The only thing we can confirm is that this is the most precious wealth in our world of gods."

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