【PS: I felt dizzy writing yesterday, and Meng Tian and Mengyi got mixed up in my writing. I’m very sorry. Modifications have been completed. 】

While thinking, the last two prompts sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the National Fortune Golden Dragon Han!"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the Destiny."

"Um?!"Su Han woke up suddenly, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face,"Another golden dragon for body protection is here? Is this...wait, Han, that's it...Liu Bang? But hasn’t that guy Liu Bang not created the Han Dynasty yet?"

Su Han frowned. Combining the TV series he had seen in his previous life and the knowledge he had learned about the world planes... a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Is it because Liu Bang was destined to become the leader of the dynasty in the future in that world trajectory?"

If it weren't for Su Han's intervention, Liu Bang would have become the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Even if Su Han intervened, Liu Bang still carried that kind of destiny... And now that the Han Dynasty has not been established, he and Qin Shihuang and even the entire descendants of the Ying surname, AllSimilar effect. In other words, one person can symbolize the entire Han Dynasty!

"Two dragons protect the body, one from the Qin Dynasty and the other from the Han Dynasty."The corner of Su Han's mouth curled up. Although in terms of the ultimate weapon, the effects of the two overlap. But even if the ultimate weapon is not used, the two are integrated into Su Han's body and can protect Su Han.

The two dragons of national destiny. The protective ability is naturally twice that of a dragon of national destiny.

"A huge harvest beyond imagination!"Su Han sighed with emotion, and finally cast his eyes on the last one,"Destiny brings me... This is a bit inexplicable! But Yi Xiaochuan should be the destined son of that world?"

"With this thing, could it be that I have become the destiny of the mythical world? That’s not right. My life essence is infinitely higher than the entire mythical world.……"

Su Han felt a little baffled. If it is as he imagined, the feedback Yi Xiaochuan provided to him would be too embarrassing...

You might as well provide him with some source power... Even if you only provide a few hundred or thousands, after After one hundred thousand times the blessing, that is an astronomical sum.……

"Forget it, maybe it has other functions! You'll know after it's integrated."Su Han shook his head, his eyes condensed,"Next, it's time to give that guy Gao Yao... the reward he wants."


Mythical world.

At this moment, not only the time and space of the Qin Dynasty, but also the modern time and space have also undergone changes.

There were dense cracks in the sky, as if it might collapse at any time. Moreover, no matter which time and space you are in, the scope of this crack can be seen as soon as you look up as long as you are on the Yanhuang land.

In the time and space of the Qin Dynasty, there were ordinary people, as well as the surviving princes and nobles from the Warring States Period. They were all horrified, raising their heads and staring at the scene above the sky!

Ordinary people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and prayed constantly. However, the princes and nobles were frightened, but their faces also showed joy, and they also knelt on the ground.

"that is! what is that?!"

"The sky cracked... Is this God going to send down a divine punishment?"

"Woo hoo hoo, it must be because of that tyrant Ying Zheng, because he acts wantonly! Conquer the Six Kingdoms! This made God angry and sent down punishment to destroy Bao Qin."

The hometown of Xi Chu.

Xiang Yu stood on the earth, looking at the fragmented sky. He looked calm on the surface, but in fact his fists were clenched tightly, and his body was even shaking because of being too excited.

He took a deep breath and murmured He said,"The day of our restoration to the Kingdom of Western Chu has arrived! Hahahaha... Tyrant Qin, tyrant, have you seen it? Even heaven is condemning you!"

Suddenly turning his head, Xiang Yu stared at his uncle Xiang Liang with burning eyes,"Uncle, now is the time for our uprising! You order it."

Xiang Liang couldn't calm down, but before he could reply, the scene above the sky changed drastically again.

It was a vast and endless palace.

It hung high above the sky, and there seemed to be something around it. Billions of stars, endless chaos swirling around it. It is the infinite chaos, the center of billions of worlds!

A gentle voice suddenly came from the infinite palace. It came to the world, in modern times and in the Qin Dynasty every day In the ears of a Yanhuang people,

"Yi Xiaochuan! Gao Yao...it's really an interesting story."

Everyone who heard this, whether modern or ancient, was shocked, and many pictures naturally emerged in their minds.

It was Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan who accidentally intervened in the archaeological site. Then they traveled to Pictures from ancient times...

Two time and space, billions of people, in a trance, seemed to see two ordinary people now, embarking on completely different destinies in the past.

One, destined by fate, He came to rescue Xiang Yu, became sworn sworn kinsmen to Liu Bang, was recognized as a relative by Meng Tian, ​​and saved Qin Shihuang... The other one was framed by Liu Bang, entered the palace by chance, and became an eunuch. After plotting and killing Zhao Gao, he became Zhao Gao instead......

Of course, in that scene, there was no such thing as Gao Yao joining the chat group. The two people were hostile to each other, and by chance, they got in front of Qin Shihuang, took the elixir, and lived to this day....In the end, one died in the Qin Emperor's mausoleum, and the other lost the ability of the elixir, became too old, and lingered in the world...

Qin Dynasty time and space.

Xianyang Palace.

Gao Yao's body was shaking violently, and he was briefly After being silent, he suddenly thought of something and fell to the ground, with tears streaming down his face. He kept kowtowing, and choked with sobs, he said,"Thank you God for your grace!" Thank you God for His grace……"

Gao Yao has already determined that if he does not join the chat group, if heIf he takes refuge in God, the picture that appears in his mind is his destiny... to become an eunuch and stay in the Qin Dynasty time and space forever. It was simply impossible to see his sister and his relatives... He could only keep the incomplete body and survive... to live two thousand years later...

Gao Yao could not imagine what it would be like. Life, what kind of torture it is. There is absolutely no exaggeration in saying that life is worse than death.

The nobles of the Six Kingdoms who had been shocked and delighted from all over Yanhuang looked stiff.

Isn't this... God punishing Ying Zheng?!

Wait a minute, in the scene just now... it seems that if Ying Zheng dies, Great Qin will collapse! Then all the heroes in the world came together, and finally a man named Liu Bang conquered the world and established the Han Dynasty that was not inferior to the Qin Dynasty... and it lasted for a long time?!

The expressions of the nobles of the Six Nations suddenly became uncertain. There were even many people with murderous intent and gloom in their eyes, and they secretly made up their minds to find Liu Bang and kill him completely... Even if they dig all over the world, they would find Liu Bang and kill him completely...

This world can only be... Are they, the princes and nobles, mud-legged? You deserve it too! Do you also have this qualification?!


Xiang Yu's face was filled with shock, confusion and disbelief, and his mind went blank.

Xiang Liang was silent for a long time, and then he spoke with a wry smile,"I see... No wonder Xiaochuan has such profound knowledge, no wonder he has so many doubts, no wonder his behavior is incompatible with people of our time.……"

"It turns out that he comes from two thousand years later, he is our descendant, the future Yanhuang people... Hahahaha, he, and the one named Gao Yao... They look at us, maybe just like we look at the Shang Dynasty or even the Xia Dynasty now Are they the same as those ancient people?!"

"Ogawa……"Xiang Yu hesitated to speak, remained silent for a long time, and finally changed the topic. He looked cold and said in a low voice,"Liu Bang...I will spare his life in the future! Did I commit suicide on the bank of Wujiang River in the end?""

"Han Dynasty?……"Thinking of the peace and peace in the world during the Han Dynasty, Xiang Yu murmured,"Perhaps Ying Zheng did not do anything wrong. The world should not be divided into feudal states, but should be unified... If I can establish a unified Chu Dynasty……"

"shut up!"Xiang Liang suddenly lowered his head, like an angry tiger,"How can you say such treacherous words?!"

"……uncle. Xiang Yu smiled bitterly and lowered his head, but before he could apologize... Xiang Liang came close to his ear and said in a low voice,"Even if you have such ambitions, you should hide them firmly!" In this way, we can better gather the remaining forces of the six countries."

"Perhaps, I also long for such a unified country... But, keep a low profile! You must be patient," Xiang Liang's voice was filled with emotion, and his eyes shone with an inexplicable luster,"Of course, because in that scene, you finally chose to enfeoff... So, if those people who are now the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, in their minds This kind of scene also appeared……

"This is a very big plus point for you... Even if you really want to establish a unified country, I hope you can start implementing it after you truly obtain this world. Don’t say it, do it!"

"……I see."Xiang Yu nodded seriously. After receiving the approval of his relatives, he no longer looked as confused and painful as before. He was full of energy, and his eyes showed the longing and desire for a unified Chu Dynasty in the future.

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