At the moment when Su Han delivered the power of fifty trillion faith, the void suddenly distorted, and then a jade box appeared out of thin air.

"kindness?!"Su Han's expression changed drastically, and he even summoned his own phantom of the God Realm. After monitoring for a while, Su Han discovered that it was not his world plane that had a problem...

This should be The giant engine at the level of the Lord God activated the Space Avenue and sent it directly.……

"groove! Really wealthy."The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched.

Space Avenue, this can also be regarded as the top avenue!

A strong man who controls the space avenue at the level of the main god actually comes to work as a courier...

But when Su Han thought that this thing is worth fifty trillion, he He said that he could understand... The Lord God's action can at least ensure that it is foolproof.

If this thing is lost, it will be an extremely huge loss to Su Han or to the official who created the Inner God Network.

Enter the soul password and put the box Open it. Thirteen volumes of books appeared inside.

Su Han looked at them one by one with a strange expression, and then determined that although the internal scientific concepts were different, the first ten volumes were in the same category as the ten volumes of the Heavenly Book he had purchased before. one level……

"In other words, what if I converted this thing to the Industrial Revolution? It's equivalent to doing it thirteen times?"

Su Han looked confused. Although he knew in his heart that it couldn't be calculated like this!

After all, the civilization that has reached this stage and can even compete with the God King and the Lord God in a certain sense...all have gone their own way! Every one of them has are unique... their internal changes, the complexity of the routes they take, and the all-encompassing knowledge within them...are far from being summarized by the so-called industrial revolution... even their internal industry is nothing like the Soviet Union The industry that Han understands is completely different

"It won’t be used in a short time! In other words, simply using the previous ten industrial revolutions is enough to cultivate the group of guys in the chat group."Su Han smacked his lips and threw the thirteen volumes of divine books into the warehouse of the God Realm. But there was no regret in his heart. If he doesn't use it now, he will use it sooner or later in the future... He has no regrets about his future. , and full of confidence in the future of the members of the chat group. He casually scanned the Neishenwang again and found that there was nothing he needed in it. Su Han immediately turned off the phone. Then he closed his eyes and entered the chat group.

Descendants of the Ax Gang :"I spent a long time overseas! Finally returned to Yanhuang."

Heir of the Ax Gang:"It feels like a lifetime ago... When I read the historical information in the chat group for the first time, I never thought that one day in the future I would truly rewrite history, and even end World War II early!"

Wall-Facing Man:"Don't talk about you, I didn't even think of it."

Chen Xiaoyu:"I was thinking at first... It would be good if you solved the battle on the Yanhuang side in advance... The Second World War encompassing the entire world is so unexpected. Prince Zhu:"

So, weren't you prepared to deal with overseas affairs before?" Is this matter settled now?"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"……No! Can't I come back and rest? Anyway, with my current strength, it would only take one day to reach Lao Ou or Er Mei until they are exhausted!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……Two beauties are okay!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Of course, although I say I'm coming back...but I'm actually going back to the island country, after all, I set foot on the mainland. I guess the bald guy will do everything possible to get me to take sides!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"I'm a fucking hammer. Really...give him two looks, and he starts to swell."

Wall-Facing Man:"???"

Ye Hei:"What's going on? Are you kidding me? You've already settled World War II, and your bald head wants to show your teeth. Is he really desperate for his life?!"

Ye Hei was shocked. Although he knows that bald heads are a trap, at least that guy’s IQ is not a problem, right?

In the original history, he didn't even dare to offend Ah Mei and licked like crazy... Now facing Ah Xing who tricked Ah Mei into becoming a second beauty... his correct operation should be to lick like crazy, right?!

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Because he knows that I will definitely not hurt him! After all, he has joined the Creation God Religion and believes in God devoutly! And believers cannot hurt each other."

Chen Xiaoyu:"……This is too real for you."

Liu Peiqiang:"So it's outrageous to say that believers can't hurt each other! What if this believer committed a heinous act?

Ye Hei:"You can't hurt each other, you can just arrest him!" Then they sent non-believers to chop him up. (Being confident and confident.jpg)"

Great Qin Zulong:"???"

The most powerful man's deputy:"Is there such an operation?!"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Although there are many drawbacks... but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed feasible." The

Undead Evil King:"Are you sure? By exploiting loopholes like this... God won't be angry?!"

Wall-facer:"Why would God be angry? We don't deliberately find loopholes to kill each other! The main purpose is to punish sinners... Moreover, I think the God is kind and generous. , and you don’t want to see your believers doing evil in the name of faith, right?"

Dongfang Huaizhu:"That's true... I made a mistake! No matter your status, no matter what achievements you have made in the past, you have to do everything. Punishment. Without law, regulation... In the end, it will just breed a group of wild beasts."

Ye Hei:"It seems that you have understood a lot of things after becoming a leader."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"It's just some trivial things. It's just a truth! The more I know, the more I feel that I need to learn. Only in this way can I truly bring the Creation God Religion to the top... Only then can I live up to God's grace!"

Ye Hei:"So, it's easier to be a human being! What's wrong with living up to it? As long as you work hard, won't it be fine?"

Yao Lao:"That's what I think too."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"What's the situation over there, Yao Lao?" How?"

Yao Lao:"Not bad! After all, after I became the Emperor, I am a well-deserved invincible existence in this world... The only one who can pose a threat to me is also a person from my side. How can I lose? With one hand Wang-Zha, okay?"

Yao Lao:"By the way! I went back to the Yao Clan, one of the eight major clans, some time ago... When I saw the expressions on those guys, I felt funny. They expelled me from the clan at first, and now I became the emperor! So what if they regret it? Forget about the feedback from the emperor's bloodline... For the sake of the same clan and the same surname, I only give them the normal qualifications to join the Creation God Religion."

Liu Peiqiang:"……It seems like anyone over there can join the Creation God Cult, right? Yao Lao:"

Yes!" This does not prevent me from granting this qualification to is a kind of mercy."

Miaomushan Immortal:"???"

Prince Zhu:"This show of yours really makes my scalp numb."

Chen Xiaoyu:"What is your relationship with one of the eight major clans...?"

Yao Lao:"??? I am originally from the Yao clan. Tribe, didn’t I say that?"

Liu Peiqiang:"How many words can you say!"

Yao Lao:"Ahem, I’m sorry...but it’s not too late to say it now. By the way, I’ll show you my heroic appearance when I return to the Yao Clan. Boom!"

Immediately, Yao Lao uploaded the video.

Su Han clicked it open with interest, and after watching it for a moment, his expression became subtle.

"Damn it, this kind of person once said,"Don't bully young people who are poor!" Then when I grow up, I feel like I'm coming back to slap you in the face.……"

Su Han almost thought he was watching Dou Qi Two Point Zero.

All I can say is, no wonder Yao Lao and Xiao Huohuo are masters and disciples... the encounter between the two, and what they did after their comeback...are exactly the same. This compatibility is ridiculously high!

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