Next, Su Han officially began to introduce the Tao of Chaos.

He revealed all the information about the Chaos Dao that he had compiled before.

Not even just the Dao of Chaos... but also the ordinary Dao that merged into his Chaos Dao, becoming broader and easier to understand.

No one spoke at the scene. Even the god-level giants were like ordinary students at this moment, eagerly absorbing the knowledge Su Han told. And record that information on the sacred paper.

This lecture lasted more than two hours.

Soon, it was time for intermission!

"Student Su’s lecture today may be able to create hundreds of thousands of high-quality papers on the Tao of Chaos in the near future."Old man Li looked at the various topics he had recorded before and murmured.

"Yes," Zhang Qianwen, who was sitting next to him, said with an unconcealable excitement and excitement in his words,"Let's talk about the series of topics raised by Mr. Su! A series of possibilities about the path of chaos... If we dig deeper, we will be able to conjure up at least ten Nobel Prizes in the future."

"I think at least twenty!"Another God King Dean of the Jinling Faculty said quietly.

"Award, award, award! Damn, just know the Nobel Prize."The old principal suddenly turned around and cursed,"Actually, these so-called awards are not important at all!"

His eyes were a little red, and his voice was inexplicably choked,"The greatest significance... is that this path may be the birth of millions of gods in the future... but it is the path to the rise of the East that each path may represent in the future. This is much more meaningful than those foreign awards!"

"yes!"The Principal of the Magic City looked complicated, and he sighed,"Although there has long been a topic that the Chaos Path can rival modern physics... I am even one of the main proposers of this topic. But I only thought that he was comparable in a theoretical sense... It would be too difficult to give birth to millions of gods."

"After all, there are still two or three theories in history that can compete with modern physics, such as the way of mathematics... But only modern physics has allowed the West's power to surge like that."

"But I never expected……"The principal of Modu did not continue, but his meaning was clearly revealed.

"Forget it," the heroine suddenly said,"The second game is about to begin... The first game gave me such a big surprise! I'm really looking forward to what surprises Mr. Su will give me next.……"

"Don't expect too much."The old principal rolled his eyes,"Can't Chaos Dao still shut your mouths? Although the Tao of God is comparable to chaos in meaning... God is a philosophical Tao, which is similar to Eastern Taoist philosophy. Don't think about creating earth-shaking changes like the scientific Tao."

"Yes!"The principal of Kyoto also intervened,"More importantly, Chaos said, Mr. Su has realized it for some time! God said, I realized... It's really hard to say how much control Mr. Su has over him."


The time for the second session has arrived.

Su Han stood on the podium again. He scanned the crowd with interest and spoke calmly,"Everyone... Actually, at the beginning, I was invited by the old principal to talk about the Way of Heroic Spirits! I was just going to mess around with the content from the textbook I compiled before, and I almost left after talking for thirty or forty minutes."

"In fact, I have plans for the afternoon! I still want to continue taking courses from a certain divine instructor in Jinling... But now it seems that the plan has been ruined."

The eight gods looked at the old principal with incomprehensible expressions.

Damn it, your school is so full of talents? A big boss like Su Han still goes to listen to your god instructor's lessons every day.……

"……do not talk! That's just a habit of classmate Su."The old principal replied expressionlessly. In fact, he was a little broken and dumbfounded. He didn't know how to evaluate Su Han's words. Having said that, if there are classes in the afternoon...then the instructor in the morning should be No classes?

And the gods who don’t have classes... have basically come to the Jinling Auditorium now...

What is this, I teach you in the morning, and you teach me in the afternoon?!

The old principal is a little messy!

"Okay, let’s talk about teasing here," Su Han smiled, and his expression became serious again,"Then, what I want to tell you next! It is the Word of God."

At this moment, the white divine radiance on Su Han's body suddenly burst out. Then it gradually differentiated into tens of thousands of ways of holy light!

Su Han very calmly began to analyze the fundamental theorems of the way of God. And he answered them one by one. The Tao of Holy Light analyzed it, leaving them with no more secrets in front of the group of Eastern academic gods.

Two hours later, Su Han smashed his mouth and spoke seriously,"Basically... these are the theorems.. It sounds like the way of God is not as effective as the way of chaos?"

"After all, ordinary people look at it and think, tsk, the Tao of Chaos may be able to cultivate millions of gods... But the Tao of God can also make those ignorant people in the West think that God has come?!"

Many god-kings at the scene showed smiles that meant everything was hidden.

Dissing Western gods against intelligence is always enjoyable.

"However, upon further research, I discovered that this is not the case! Su Han's words suddenly changed,"The characteristics of God's way are divided into omnipotence and omniscience." I can use my omnipotence to simulate all great methods! I can also do everything with enough faith...including allowing me to temporarily possess the power of a main god."

People who originally thought that the lecture was about to end, all the casualness on their faces disappeared. Especially the main gods at the front looked at each other.

"How can this be?"The heroine felt that her teeth hurt a little.

"Mr. Su is just a god! The god directly stepped into the main god? Even if it's's incredible!"The Principal of the Demonic City clenched his cheeks,"Furthermore, if it is truly omnipotent, wouldn't it mean that with more faith power... Mr. Su can temporarily possess the power of the Lord God?!"

The Lord Gods stopped talking. Their hearts were shaken like never before...

If they can really do all this, then the value of God's way is really not inferior to that of chaos.

"I heard several elders say, can Almighty allow me to temporarily enter the Ancestral God?"Su Han raised his eyebrows and said,"My answer is, of course."

Before the people below were shocked, Su Han quickly added,"However, the power of faith required to reach this point is an astronomical figure beyond imagination... Ancestor God? Even I can never afford it!"

"All I can say is that if I maintain the main god state for twenty minutes, by spending the power of faith, I can completely wipe out the family of the person on the Internet who says that I don’t like the power of faith every day... The words of the ancestor god can be maintained for a whole day. You can use him up in seconds, right?!"

The expressions of the students behind became very wonderful.

"Is this dissing Ma Zhushen?!"

"What a show! Su Shen is awesome"

"It's a's not possible to shoot video here. Otherwise, this thing will become a famous scene! Putting him together with the power of the God of Horses that I don’t like, it can make the old horse’s face swell."

"……Are you trying to bring hatred to God Su?!"

"Pull the hammer to hate! I don't believe that someone named Ma dares to offend Su Shen……"

"There's one thing to say, it's true... So what about the Lord God? Didn’t you say two days ago that foreign countries would send ancestor gods over to force God Su away? In the end, there is still no news at all, right?"

"Dongfang said: Here comes an ancestral god from your side! Don't blame me, pull out the ultimate weapon and aim. Moreover, if your ancestor god did something bad when he came to my land and was really killed by us, you must not get angry... Well, then scare the western ancestor god back."

"Ah, this... can be said to be very real."

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