Modern time and space.

The military camps and schools have undergone tremendous changes. The brilliance that fell from the sky and evenly enveloped every corner of Yanhuang poured into the bodies of these people who were chanting the words of sacrifice!

"……This, this?"A teacher stared at the monitor of his class with a horrified expression.

This was a young and pretty girl. She clasped her hands together and recited the sacrificial ritual devoutly. Especially when she looked at the window, she saw the majestic and sacred majesty under the Bodhi tree. Looking directly at the existence of the place... the piety in her eyes became more and more serious.

At this moment, the brilliance far exceeding that of other classmates continued to flow into her body. Vaguely, there seemed to be an indescribable existence, lightly Gently caressed her head...

The next moment, the girl's skin instantly became crystal clear, like warm jade... And her hair grew at an unimaginable speed at this moment, growing rapidly... The whole person had a special charm that was sacred and could not be described in words...

Inexplicably, a sentence appeared in the teacher's mind, and she murmured,"……Immortals caress my head, knotting my hair and receiving immortality."

The phenomenon of the girl cannot be an isolated case... all schools have such cases. However, those who are pious and believe in God and have become the chief priests of modern time and space have received divine grace far beyond that the body can be baptized and become pure, and the hair can continue to grow...

The younger the child, the greater the proportion of such baptism...

This is a normal thing. In the final analysis, young people On the contrary, those who are about to enter society, their minds become noisy. Even if they recite, they only regard it as a task without thinking about taking it seriously...

Of course, the nature of change Not just students and soldiers... but also every corner of the Yanhuang land... every tree and grass on the earth is absorbing this energy at this moment... and then continues to transform, gradually With the effect of transforming birth spiritual power... the originally barren land became rich at this moment. It was as if oil could be extracted with a gentle squeeze...

Before, although the Yanhuang land was large, it was not suitable for human habitation. Therefore, the proportion is less than one-third, but now... It is no exaggeration to say that every land is extremely suitable for human habitation and survival...

The deserts have all disappeared, flowers, plants and trees are growing crazily, and the concentration of spiritual energy is extremely terrifying. The speed increased...

Then, streams of light suddenly fell from the sky! They were towering ancient trees tens of thousands of feet high...

They fell to the ground, took root with a bang, and were evenly distributed in every Yanhuang world in the two worlds. On an inch of land... on average, there are more than ten thousand in each world... and their efficiency in generating spiritual energy is tens of millions of times greater than that of flowers, plants and trees that have just been converted?! Even people in areas close to these trees , feeling a storm rising out of thin air, and he was almost blown out...

Of course, the spiritual storm is different from the ordinary wind after all...

Being washed away by this surging spiritual power, the old man felt as if he was more than ten years younger for an instant....The eyes are no longer blurred, the legs are no longer weak. Even the lost teeth have grown back...

As for those young people, needless to say. The body has become extremely strong and powerful! At the same time, the brain has never been clearer, and many The knowledge that had been forgotten before was instantly remembered at this moment...

The speed of comments on the Internet has reached a terrifying level beyond anything in the past... In fact, 50% of the platforms simply cannot bear this. This kind of traffic erosion caused a direct collapse.

And the bosses of those Internet giants could not even find programmers for emergency repairs at this moment.

It’s a simple reason!

Programmers have always been in poor health due to high stress, and now, they I feel that my body has never been more relaxed and healthy. Even the hair that had fallen out in the past has grown again at this moment...

This is a lot of repairs! Let's go to major platforms to praise the grace of the God of Creation.

"God of Creation, from today on, I will believe in you devoutly! Chant your name. Worship you! until death do us part"

"From now on, I am a devout believer in the God of Creation."

"Damn it, I looked around on and found... there is no statue of the God of Creation on the Internet! I was so angry that I gave him a hundred negative reviews...Brother Meng, do you think I did the right thing?"

" is in tears!"

"Nima, aren't you bullying people? How is it possible that there is a statue of the God of Creation now? But I bet 50 cents that as long as you wait for one day, there will be people selling statues or talismans of the God of Creation all over the mountains and plains.……"

"Yes, I feel it! This thing can spawn a trillion-level production line……"

"Maybe we can even go overseas! Damn it, now I finally know why the West once engaged in a war of faith, and even fought it so fiercely... I am so excited now that even if the official says they want to promote a war of faith, I am willing to join the army."

"It's true... Although I think so too, I have to remind someone upstairs that our Eastern officials are unlikely to do such a thing!"

"? ? ? God does not want you to fight this kind of battle of faith! When He bestows divine grace, he obviously wants us to live well and work hard... When we fight, we risk our lives directly on the battlefield, which makes the divine grace bestowed by God in vain... On the contrary, it is a kind of hatred towards God. Blasphemy"

"I have gone crazy... I am the dean of a primary school. In the third grade of our school, more than twenty students were baptized and their hair grew longer. The body became crystal clear, like a jade doll... What the hell is going on?"

"I'm a school teacher too! Just now, community members from our school... came to the door and took away all the students who had suffered this transformation. They said that the government would pay to check the physical condition of these students!"

"? ? ? What the hell? Could it be sliced! I am really scared……"

"impossible! Not to mention that our country in the East is completely different from those barbarians in the West... Even if we really want to cut it, we can't choose the time period when God has just sent down His grace!"

"There is one thing to say, it is indeed the case... To put it bluntly, even if we don't talk about the children being the treasures of Yanhuang, it is impossible to do anything... Simply, those children who have undergone transformation are undoubtedly the ones favored by God... Who Would you attack them during the time period when you are sure of God's existence and understand that God possesses supreme power? Isn’t this clearly an attempt to be hostile to God?!"

"yes! Isn’t it true that some people think that gods can only send down divine grace and have no ability to bring down divine punishment? No, no?!"

"Destruction is always easier than creation……"

"……It’s really hard to say whether there are such idiots. Nowadays, things are often uploaded on the Internet. I can’t control my fate?!"

"The guy upstairs is the real idiot, right? The reason why my fate is up to me and not up to heaven is because heaven and earth oppress us! Bind us...but what about the god? He has given us immeasurable divine grace... In this case, it is up to you to return my life to me? You stab yourself first! Let’s repay God’s grace"

"yes! At this time, you dare to shout such blasphemous slogans... Either you are suffering from the second grade disease, or you are an ungrateful white-eyed wolf... It is even possible that you are both!"

"I cried. As a man in his thirties or forties, I cried like a child... My old man had to work so hard to support me in school in the early years, and even made his body very busy! In addition, I don’t make much money, so I can’t give him the best medical treatment... I despair that he won’t survive this year! But with the grace of God, the old man stood up with a snap. That he seems to be back to his youthful state now? Feeling better than ever"

"The same goes for my child...she was diagnosed with leukemia right after she was born. However, just now, her energy and energy improved countless times in an instant...I am grateful to God. I am willing to believe in God for the rest of my life...Although all this cannot thank God for his kindness to me. But thank you... Really, He saved me and everything about my family……"

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