Resurrected after ten thousand years:"!! Okay."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Well...according to what everyone said, as long as I sacrifice to the gods, I should be able to solve the problem of heaven?"

Ye Hei:"This...should It depends on the situation! First, it depends on whether you are pious. You cannot sacrifice to the gods just to let the gods take action. It is blasphemy and you may be punished... Second, that is the issue of sacrifices! As for the What kind of sacrifice is better...well, just look at the sacrifice ceremony and follow it."

The strongest man's deputy:"……The issue is! The future daughter of destiny in Chen Nan’s world, Qi Jue? She seems to be his future wife...this, emmm."

Marco fell into deep thinking.

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"……That's just the future! Now I don’t know them... If they willingly become living sacrifices, not only will I not stop them, but I will be happy for them."

You Suowei:"Besides... there is Yu Xin."

Su Han's brows twitched, and his expression became weird. He remembered that in the previous life, in the tomb of the gods that he saw... Yu Xin and Chen Nan were lovers ten thousand years ago. Of course, before he When I took a peek at the situation on Chen Nan's side, I found that this aspect was different from the tomb of the gods in the previous life.

On Chen Nan's side, Yu Xin was picked up by Chen Tianzhan and took back his adopted daughter. Although Chen Nan and Yu Xin have a very different relationship Deep feelings... But they treat each other as relatives, brothers and sisters...

Well, Su Han didn't directly copy the novels of the previous life... He took the novels, combined them with the glimpse of the future through the Avenue of Time, and then gave Chen Nan poured it in... If it was really copied and the situation was found to be different in the end, that would be the real embarrassment...

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Yuxin... You have all seen that she is incomplete now. state! The mortal corpse Yu Xin, as well as Yu Chen, including Fairy Yu Xin in the sky who has practiced the way of forgetting love...these together are the complete her!"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"What's even more deadly is that even if they are all integrated. She should and can only be regarded as the daughter of destiny... not the king of men. In the final analysis, it can be regarded as an error of fate that she became the king of men."

What you do:"……you mean?"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Well, let me focus on the Qijue Tiannu first! After all, I already know the identities of the Seven Heavenly Women... Capture them all, let them realize the power of God, and persuade them to believe in God... Yu Xin, I will try my best to restore her to the state of a human king. Until then, talk to her seriously! If she wants to, go to heaven, if she doesn't want to, forget it.……"

Oriental Huaizhu:"……"

Wallfacer:"……Are you treating me too differently?!"

The Immortal Evil King:"You only gave me the option of believing in God, the Seven Heavenly Goddess, and she was left in tears! Gudazi

:"There is no way, Yu Xin is too pure... Comparatively speaking, among the reincarnations of Qijue Tiannu, although there are some with good personalities, most of them are...They are extremely beautiful, but they are more utilitarian at heart... I personally feel that it is not difficult for them to believe in God when they feel the power of God.

Thor:"It's so true.""

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan suddenly opened his eyes. He stared at the empty room and said seriously,"Immortal... come here, you and I have something to talk about."

Between the breaths, the void twisted, and the old man guarding the tomb with an ugly face suddenly appeared. He looked at Chen Nan up and down, grinding his teeth,"I originally thought that your mother Xuanxuan was lawless enough! But now it seems... you are not weaker than her... I am also your master after all, can't you show some respect?"

"……It's not important," Chen Nan said with a serious face,"Now, please use the previous method to completely block the connection between this place and the outside world."

""The old immortal was a little surprised. He stared into Chen Nan's eyes and realized that this boy was really serious. He took a deep breath and clasped his palms together,"Boy, I'm warning you! Next time, don’t be like your mother who is the devil incarnate... I am ready for everything, and then tell me that you are playing tricks on me."

Chen Nan didn't reply. He just walked around inside and outside the house after Lao Immortal finished everything... he picked out the areas where problems were most likely to occur and asked Lao Immortal until Lao Immortal confirmed them one by one. Maybe something went wrong. Then I came back.

"Well," Chen Nan struggled for a moment and said softly,"Can you let me tell you a story? A... I'm afraid it will be a long story"

"……I have plenty of time!"The old immortal understood something. He sat on the chair with a solemn expression.

Then, Chen Nan began to confide. From the past ten thousand years ago, he talked about the future and the shocking situation laid out by Dugu Great God and others. When it came to Fatian, there were heavy casualties...

The gods were dead, the demons were dead, and the old immortal was dead... He was the only one alive in the vast world...

Chen Nan spat out the last word. The scene fell into a long silence, and the old immortal's expression Changing, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes doubtful, sometimes wary……

"I have to say, this story is very interesting!"All the emotions on the old immortal's face calmed down.

He stared at Chen Nan calmly and said meaningfully,"But I'm very curious, how do you know all this... With all due respect, even the Great God Dugu! No, even the Heavenly Dao cannot possibly know the final outcome, right?!"It

's a very simple truth. If Tiandao really knows so much information and is sure that he will die... then he will definitely kill Chen Nan completely at all costs.

Although, according to that story... Chen Nan, or Dugu Xiaobai, has been the architect of this shocking chess game from the beginning... But at the current stage when Dugu Xiaobai has not theoretically recovered, Chen Nan should be just a chess piece.……

"This involves another thing!"Chen Nan smiled bitterly and said,"You must have heard the sacrificial words I recited just now, right? And I think you must have memorized it! Otherwise, can you recite it once and try it again? After you finish reciting it, you will understand everything."

"……Boy, are you serious? I always feel that sacrificial language! It's very problematic, maybe it's a big trap set by the way of heaven."There was a haze in the old immortal's eyes.

"It’s impossible, you’ll know it once you read it!"Chen Nan glanced at Lao Immortal with some dumbfounding, and found that he still couldn't let go, so he could only come up with his trump card,"Please, how could Tiandao come up with so much information to set up a trap? Moreover, since he knows so much, wouldn’t it be better to just kill me? Using so much information as bait? You don’t really think he’s trying to catch that ancient, most taboo god, do you?……"

"That one is indeed very strong, but not strong yet! To the point where I can overturn the table with my own strength... If you kill me, the chess game will be broken."

"……Whatever! Then the old man will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman."Considering Chen Nan's status as a loser, the old man gritted his teeth, and finally made up his mind and believed it. To say the least, if you are cheated, you will be cheated... Anyway, Chen Nan really has a problem. That means God is right. Already paying attention to him...

Even if he doesn't follow Chen Nan's words, if Heaven wants to kill him, there will still be as many ways as possible...

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