Rick knew about Tetu's existence...and knew about this god who had played chess with him since childhood...and naturally developed some feelings for him! But that's all.

If there is really no other way, he may be willing to give the Star Cup to Tetu in the end...

But now, God is so kind to him, giving mankind the possibility of doing better than the original history. Think about it again, what Chen Nan next door gained after offering sacrifices... This also gives Tetu a hammer... Only the gods deserve to have the Star Cup!


Spirit world.

Su Han felt the new coordinates in his mind and looked a little confused,"The game world... What a pity."

Su Han shook his head noncommittally. After all, although the power system of the game world is quite good... the population of that era was too sparse! There was nothing that could be done about it. That era was really unsuitable for life.

Even if you add all humans and even gods into it! It would be nice if there were tens of millions of living creatures in that world.……

"Might as well add it blank."Su Han had a headache. Suddenly, he thought of something, and his eyes lit up for a moment,"Wait a minute, blank... the future! human world. Yes, why should I stick to the ruined world of Game Life?!"

"According to Wuhun’s experience in that world, maybe after Rick rewrites history, Blank will be in the future era! It can also split into a parallel world... At that time, I will give Rick permission to travel through. Didn’t the number of believers come?"

Suddenly, Su Han's mood became very good. He glanced at the chat group and found that Rick had uploaded the future he had glimpsed, and the chat group exploded.

Liu Peiqiang:"Oh my god, Rick is too miserable. Bar."

The strongest man's deputy:"I was wrong... I was standing in the shoes of a senior and pointing fingers at Rick. But in fact, Rick doesn't need my evaluation at all...The perseverance he showed, the tenacity he showed, the courage he showed...all are above me, an ordinary pirate!

Thor:"It's okay to be ordinary!" Is the King of the World kind of ordinary?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I'm thinking...how powerful the God of War is in that world."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"According to the existing information, the divine concept of the God of War is most likely war... Or does he himself possess the strongest concept?"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"If he is the strongest, then if Ye Hei comes over, he will be stronger than the God of War! With the blessing of the concept, the strength of the God of War will also increase crazily, and then he will be able to overpower Ye Hei again."

Chen Xiaoyu:"? ? Come on, is this too ridiculous?

Gudazi:" No!" When thinking about problems, you should also consider the specific situation... Ye Hei has quasi-emperor combat power, the kind that can shatter the vast star field with one fist. Just the God of War? Believe it or not, Ye Hei could suppress him with a burst of energy!"

Wall-Facing Man:"No, no, no! On Rick's side, the water is actually very deep... mainly the star cup. Did you see that review in the video? The universe is just created by the energy overflowing from the Star Cup... This is stupid.

Yuan Dagu:"The strength of the universe has been cut again!" Angers:"

Universe: Anyone can beat me!" Anyone can create me."

The Pope of Wuhun Palace:"? Among the group, only God can create the universe, right? What nonsense are you talking about?"

You Suowei:"Considering the worst case scenario...the God of War's concept of godhood is the strongest. At the same time, his concept originated from the Star Cup. The Star Cup is much higher in nature than Ye Hei... Ye Hei used to be emm."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"If it doesn't work! Just let me go... I'm actually very curious, which one is stronger, my law of heaven, or the world's strongest marrow derived from the Star Cup? Ye Hei:"

That goes without saying!" You are definitely the strongest."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes... your laws of heaven are directly derived from God. In front of God, is the Star Cup just a hammer?!

Luo Feng:"I've been looking for a long time, but I still can't see where the God of War's essence is strongest?" I can only say that he himself is known as the strongest.……"

Luo Feng:"Besides, I don't see how his concept of divine essence is connected with the Star Cup... You are just thinking nonsense. And then you scared yourself!"

Thor:"I was thinking... what is Blank? Not the reincarnation of Rick and the others? If so, this can be considered a rare consolation.……"

Luo Feng:"Most likely not... maybe, they are just similar in appearance."

You Suowei:"I have always felt that Tetu's attitude towards the blank future is more complicated... After thinking about it, there is actually a big difference. It's possible!"

Ye Hei:"@RICK. Do you need friendly support?" Rick:"!! If you are willing to come."

Ye Hei:"Me? I'll forget it! @ Resurrected after ten thousand years. You Are you interested in going there? In addition, you can actually perform sacrifices with Rick."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"I am interested...but, I don't have points.……"

Ye Hei:"What's the relationship between us? I can lend you money."

Ye Hei responded confidently.

Resurrection after ten thousand years:"……I'm a little excited when you do this! However, when Rick needs help, I'll see if I can do it. If possible, go over there and take a look. Immortal

Evil King:"With all due respect... Why do I feel like Ye Hei is a pimp?""

Wall-Facing Man:"Pfft, hahaha, I feel the same way... I just kept it in and didn't say it! (Manual funny.jpg)"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and then moved his eyes away from the chat group. He closed his eyes and savored his current situation carefully.

"Um? My current number of believers...has exceeded 19 billion? Damn it! It is still soaring at an extremely fast rate."

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched wildly. What happened? Damn it, according to the previous growth rate of believers, he thought he could reach 13 to 4 billion at most now... His divine mind swept through many worlds one by one, and Su Han understood What? His expression became weird.

This time, the worlds of the multi-dimensional Yanhuang Alliance are attacking...

These worlds are all in modern time and space. They are densely populated... Under Luo Ji's unification, these worlds have all turned into a giant As part of an incomparable industrial system... the level of civilization and science and technology is improving at an extremely rapid rate!

Coupled with the effect of Su Han's manifestation in all major worlds, almost every multi-ethnic Yanhuang alliance has naturally become the center of the entire world... and even Therefore, these Yanhuang in different worlds feel baffled...

Damn, why did the free country across the sea surrender before I even exerted my strength?!

Why are there surrounding Sakura Country and Han Country in the Laoou area... He started licking me out of nowhere?!

Of course, after a brief surprise, the Yanhuang Kingdoms in different universes naturally started the operation of their own world community of destiny...

After all, they are developing a new industrial system! The population is originally I'm nervous... Now that we have gained world hegemony, we can move more levels of industry to other countries and carry out a wave of production capacity upgrades...

Just in time, after the multi-dimensional Yanhuang Alliance's domestic production capacity has been absorbed, the population is nervous again.

Well, such a wave of technology transfer... The people around the world who were angry because of Citigroup's surrender were shocked.

What the hell? The backward production capacity transferred by Yanhuang... is so much better than their own technology? Can it even be called black technology?!

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