Ye Hei:"The God said: You just need to be pious to him. As for any disasters, He will help you to bear them all!" The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"This is the God we love! He is omniscient and omnipotent, and he is admired. God."

Luo Feng:"!!!"

Luo Feng:"It's over... My world is going to be destroyed early. Damn it! Why is it now? The time points are obviously different.……"

Luo Feng:"No matter so much... Although the world is big, in the face of disasters, there is only one way to go: fight... Everyone, wish me good luck!"


Thor:"Wait a minute... What's going on over there? Is it an invasion by a group of alien thieves?"

Luo Feng:"No! It's the egg of the golden-horned beast... that appeared in advance. And, it's the same as the one I got originally. History is a little different!"

Luo Feng:"This egg is floating just above the coastal city. It's like anti-gravity... The surface of the body exudes a faint light! There are countless strange beasts trapped by that egg. Summoned... Now, that coastal city has been reduced to a pot of porridge. It can be said that more than 50% of the world's powerful people! They have all gathered there... And, the most deadly thing is, according to what I have obtained Judging from future information, the golden-horned giant beast may hatch successfully within three days."

Angers:"?? Future information will also tell you about the viviparology of the golden-horned giant beast? (Jaw-dropping.jpg )"

Yuan Dagu:"Isn't the future Luo Feng a golden-horned giant beast... It's normal for him to know! It's weird if he doesn't know."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"There are too many flaws, I don't know where to start. Start vomiting comparisons."

Ye Hei:"Then, why don't you ask for help in the group?"

Luo Feng:"Because... I joined the group not long ago. I'm not familiar with you... and I don't have one at all. Something that can be traded with you! I am prepared to fight to the death... If there is no other way, I will beg for your help in the group at that time! Even if I give up my qualifications to spread faith and sacrifice in this world, You... also have no problem."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"……Oops, it's a heart-pounding feeling.

You Suowei:"It's so scary!""

You Suowei:"Actually, I think that if you have the mentality of not owing others... it will only cause more and more problems. Invite others to help directly! Everyone is willing to help you……"

You Suowei:"By the way, how is the spread of faith over there?"

Luo Feng:"The city I am in, and several surrounding big cities...are basically densely populated with believers! The numbers I saw yesterday are... One million and seven hundred thousand? However, after it spreads completely, basically every believer will bring his family into the religion! So the speed has increased very quickly recently... It should reach one hundred and eighty tonight One hundred thousand."

Liu Peiqiang:"Why do I think this is a pyramid scheme?……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"!!! MLM is a lie. Can the grace given by God be a lie? (Justified and confident.jpg)"

You Suowei:"This amount... is okay."

Luo Feng :"?"

You Suowei:"I will give you a friendly support of a thousand Prince mobile phones... Well, of course the ones with the time travel function deleted. After you use them! Just throw the Prince mobile phone back to me.……"

You Suowei:"By the way, you are using the Grand Prince. The Grand Prince is the leader among these Prince's phones... With the Grand Prince, you can disable the functions of other Prince's phones at will! Make those Prince's phones forcibly shut down... Or locate where these princes' mobile phones are. Even if these princes' mobile phones are turned off, it will still work! This will also prevent you from scattering your mobile phones... and causing problems."

Ye Hei:"!??"

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Awesome, awesome."

Luo Feng:"I...I don't know how to repay you."

You Suowei:"Hahahaha, you can't repay anything! You have to have confidence in your future. Ah... you are a super boss. After you become the master of the universe, just showing something between your fingers will make me advance by leaps and bounds... Moreover, I have always felt that we are quite destined, after all, we joined the chat group together"Yes."

Luo Feng:"Yeah, your kindness... I will never forget it."

Wall-facer:"!! Hiss, Mr. You Suowei's sense of smell is really sharp."

Ax Gang heir:"After all, he is The boss of a big company... is an old capitalist. When he sees someone who wants to invest, he invests immediately! This is normal... If he is not very capable, he will have been eliminated by the market long ago."

Ye Hei:"But there is one thing to say, Luo When Feng is weak now... If we can establish friendship with him, he will be very popular when he grows up in the future. Even if I throw a technique to you, you will still be awesome!"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Ye Hei realizes that My own future also has unlimited potential! So when facing Luo Feng, I responded calmly."

Liu Peiqiang:"I really want to invest in one! Unfortunately... I don't have enough strength. (Sigh.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Yes, weapons Or something... The ultimate weapon of mankind, Luo Feng also has it! Although the person has passed away, his combat power may be superior to Luo Feng... But I have no points. (Pain Mask.jpg)"

"Ding! Yousuowei sends a private red envelope! Luo

Feng quickly received it. He took a few breaths and then managed to calm down.

Luo Feng:"Then, I'll leave first!"

Angers:"I wish you a safe journey."

Ye Hei:"If the prince is armed with his cell phone... you still can't stand it." You can continue to ask for help! I still have some points in my hand……"

Yao Lao:"What's your point... exactly?"

Ye Hei:"Probably! I'm still a little short of being able to buy an invitation talisman, right? Although I don't have anyone I want to invite."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"……"

Miaomushan Immortal:"……"


Wallfacer:"Ye Hei is getting better and better at pretending."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Wait a minute, the prince's mobile it really useful?"

You Suowei:"No problem! The prince's mobile phone can be used to possess people. After the mode...the power he possesses is a genuine first-level god and demon...well, he is the first-level god and demon in our world! It's shameful, but it is also the God of War level, right? If you are good at playing games, The combat power can also be can it be the peak of the God of War?"

You Suowei:"A thousand gods of war! There are even many peaks of the God of War mixed in among them...and considering that the people in that world are originally strong. It's very strong. For example, Luo Feng is now a high-level God of War! If combined with the power given by the Prince's mobile phone... I believe he can completely withstand a planetary realm powerhouse that surpasses the God of War.……"

You Suowei:"A thousand guaranteed Gods of War... The upper limit may exceed the power of the God of War. Beat up a golden-horned behemoth that has not yet hatched... and a large number of strange beasts summoned by the golden-horned behemoth! That is definitely It's matter how you think about it, there can be no problem."

Ye Hei:"It seems... quite reasonable."

Liu Peiqiang:"It's terrible! Mr. You Suowei's world...although it is difficult to breed top-notch Strong, but this method of mass-producing strong men of the same level... is simply mind-numbing."

Seeing this, Su Han immediately opened his eyes. After thinking for a while, he followed the voice of prayer and explored the world of Swallowing Sky...

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