Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said calmly,"I understand?"

Luo Hua looked at the man and woman in front of him with dumbfounded eyes... Finally, his eyes fell on Luo Feng.

Luo Hua was in a mess in the wind at this moment. Damn it...Brother, what exactly are you doing? Why can't he understand it at all... Or is this the strong man? Strong people don’t need love?!

After a long silence, Hong spoke first, his voice a little dry,"Should I call you... third brother now?""

"Of course you can if you want. Luo Feng smiled calmly.

After a while, Lei Shen and Hong finally digested everything. They breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and slumped down on their chairs. They no longer looked dignified as before, but looked much more casual.

"I have heard before that there was a special type of novel in the East before the cataclysm... called the flow of time travel and rebirth?"The God of Thunder rubbed his chin and laughed,"It seems that the third brother also got such an opportunity this time."

"You have misunderstood. Luo Feng shrugged,"The me in the future is alive and well... No, it should be said that I can obtain the memories of the future." I'm afraid the future me will be in a very bad situation...maybe even dead."

Thunder God, Hong:"???"

Luo Hua and Xu Xin were also stunned.

However, Luo Feng didn't say much in this regard. He then explained the existence of the God of Creation to Thor and Hong in detail... the mutation of the golden-horned giant beast... his own purpose... He didn't even hide the magic phone, and fully explained it to both of them. Take it out.

The future Luo Feng and Thunder God, Hong, are brothers... He naturally has an extremely deep understanding of the two. There is no doubt that these two are people with perseverance, unlimited potential, and full of loyalty...

Of course, Luo Feng also knows that because of the mountain guest, the two top geniuses who were born on the earth have extremely sharp spiritual senses... If he treats her with sincerity, the two of them will naturally feel it...

But if he conceals something, it will eventually arouse the suspicion between the two of them, causing trouble in their lives... it will be very troublesome. After all, the egg of the golden-horned beast was about to be conceived, and they had no time to waste.

After a moment of hesitation, Lei Shen and Hong looked at each other. After whispering for a moment, they took out their communicators and looked up the information on the Golden Horned Behemoth. Moreover, after comparing it with what Luo Feng said several times

"That's right! Everything is correct...that is to say, what brother Luo Feng said is true...the egg is really going to hatch."Hong pounded the table hard and almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth,"Golden-horned Giant Beast"……"

The God of Thunder hesitated for a moment, looked at Hong, and then began to recite the sacrificial words that Luo Feng had said before seriously.

This is their last test of Luo Feng's words! If you really see God... then what Luo Feng said must be true!

Hong opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just clenched his fists and listened quietly. He understood that this was Thor's expression that he was the second most powerful man on earth, and the impact of his death would be much greater than that of Hong Xiao... So let him do this risky recitation first.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, Hong knew that this was the right thing... and what he had to do was not to push and pull, but to prevent the efforts of the possibly sacrificed Thor from going to waste... After spitting out the last word, the Thor's body trembled violently. - started to tremble, and as he breathed, the breath on his body began to increase rapidly.

Hong's eyelids were beating wildly. He even felt that if the Thunder God fought with him at this moment, he might lose more than he would win... This! Obviously the gap between the two before was still big……

"Do you believe it now? Luo Feng said with a smile.

The God of Thunder was silent for a long time, and said quietly,"It's really an existence beyond imagination... What if you have such a terrifying future!" It is also known because of the God of Creation... Then the God of Creation should be far superior to the Lord of the Universe, right?"

"Think of the Lord of the Universe... you can reverse the flow of time with just a single movement of your hand! This is really……"Thor smiled bitterly. He remembered what he had seen before, the endless Buddhas he believed in...as well as the gods in the east and the angels of God in the west, all of them kowtow to the supreme god at the Chaos Bell.……

"God of creation! The Lord of Creation... He is the Creator of the universe, He is the origin of life, He is our Father and Lord. Luo Feng seemed to be praying, but also seemed to be simply narrating,"Lord of the Universe?" Even higher-level existences... are also created by God... It is normal for the gap to be large!"

After confirming that there was no risk, Hong Ziran followed closely, and then his strength was improved.

After this, the two of them agreed to Luo Feng's invitation and joined the Creation God Cult without even saying a word. They became the right and left Dharma protector

"Two of you!" Luo Feng stood up suddenly and said word by word,"Now, please use all the strength of the God of War Palace... together with our strength. Clean out all the guardian beasts of the golden-horned beast eggs!"

"It is my duty to protect the earth."Thunder God's voice was sonorous.

Needless to say, Hong controlled the liaison device on the spot and began to contact the God of War Palace. In addition to having the top powerhouses gather in the direction of the golden-horned beast egg... at the same time, he also asked the God of War Palace to send a large number of Ordinary warriors, let them gather a large amount of resources and build an extremely large altar near the battlefield.

Luo Feng turned to look at Luo Hua again. Luo Hua nodded quickly with a cautious expression,"I understand... I will call on everyone now The strong man from the Creation God Cult who owns the prince’s mobile phone! Let them all rush to the front line……"

"that! Is it really possible? There was worry in Xu Xin's eyes,"That's a giant golden-horned beast... Moreover, his sudden appearance now is different from the original situation." I always feel like there's something wrong behind this."

Women, after all, are more careful than men.

Luo Feng pondered for a moment and said seriously,"But now he has not hatched after all. We just need to sacrifice him before that...all the problems won't be a problem"

"In other words, even if something unexpected happened along the way, causing it to hatch early! The worst possible thing is that we don't treat him as a sacrifice... Then you will go to heaven as a holy sacrifice... As long as you go to God to show your holiness, let alone just a golden-horned giant beast. Even if the entire golden-horned behemoth group comes over, so what?"

Luo Feng has never doubted the power of the god he believed in.

"As for the problem he had in advance," Luo Feng smiled bitterly,"I feel like it might be because I met my future self, which caused waves... The butterfly effect... Well, don't look at me like that, it's the worst anyway The worst case scenario is that human civilization can be preserved."

Although Xu Xin still couldn't let go, Luo Feng said so, so she could only accept it.

The War God Palace had already completed its operations and gathered enough power. Under the orders of Hong and Lei Shen, they quickly ’s confluence, and then rushed towards the seaside where the eggs of the golden-horned giant beast were...

Although some members were confused, they still didn’t understand the situation. Didn’t they want to collide with this creation god cult before? Why did they merge inexplicably now?...

And they felt that such a powerful force was really overkill to deal with that wave of alien beasts...

But under the orders of Thunder God, Hong... and even the top giant who had recently joined the God of War Palace, Luo Feng. They still Agreed!

Yes, Luo Feng has also joined the Ares Palace... Although he can only be regarded as a councilor now. But no member of the Ares Palace dares to really treat him like this...

Damn, this person is standing behind With more than fifty council-level masters! Nearly a thousand war-god-level experts...and their own strength may not be inferior to Lei Shenhong! No matter which angle you think about...this is definitely better than the two giants. A tough one to mess with, the new giant!

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