Of the remaining four, two hesitated for a moment and then started to move...

But the other two stood in place. After changing their expressions for a few times, they used their spiritual senses to probe over and sense the situation from a distance...

After all, Although they know Su Han's name, they are not familiar with Su Han... and they don't want to risk their lives for Su Han because of this matter... The most they can do is detect a situation where the situation there is not fatal and they can help. Please help me.

In fact, although Old Man Li and Zhang Qianwen rushed in with the consciousness of death... they were within a million kilometers of Su Han. Then he was suppressed by the terrifying aura and fell directly to the ground, unable to fly... He reluctantly walked forward tens of thousands of kilometers, and was directly pressed to his knees on the ground... He tried his best, but still couldn't move.

In desperation, they began to look at the distance. At this look... all their faces were glazed over... In the distant sky, there were dense shadows of gods and demons. That's not real, but it still reveals the charm of the God King level...or, fortunately, it's not real.

What if millions of gods and demons really come in their true form! I'm afraid that the world of Jinling Academy has been shattered at this moment because it can't bear this kind of atmosphere.……

"……Wait, something doesn't seem right."Old man Li suddenly thought of the millions of gods and demons he saw next to Su Han last time. The corners of his mouth twitched crazily... Could it be that Su Han himself had done something big? No, that's the case. Maybe he was attacked by a sneak attack... so he was fighting to the death at this moment... Old Man Li's thoughts were in a mess.

Zhang Qianwen, not far from Old Man Li, had a dull face,"Those gods and demons from the last time... were more of just phantoms! But this time, these gods and demons gradually transformed into reality, and even had the same god-king level, but different ways... Damn it, weren't the gods and demons at the god-king level last time a vision? I ride a horse……"

The one in the West seems to be nonsense, but it is inferred that it is actually true. Classmate Su Zhennima has millions of god-king-level believers... As long as he makes a breakthrough, those god-kings can truly contact him, and then reveal their entities... and truly become part of his power?

Zhang Qianwen's brain felt dizzy... He felt that this world was really too crazy...

At the door of the villa... No, at this moment the villa had been shattered by the aftermath...

The old military god finally reacted and exploded on the spot He used a foul language and said,"I'm screwed."……"

He slapped the old principal on the back, and the laws of heaven in his body also activated. Although it is not time, Tiandao's control over the world is unique. It has actually achieved something similar to the Avenue of Time while the space is stabilized... The damaged part of the world slowly reversed and returned to its original state.

Su Han gradually calmed down the divine power in his body. The millions of phantoms of gods and demons around him also slowly dissipated.

He glanced at everyone present, looking very embarrassed,"I'm sorry! I just broke through... I haven't tested what level my power has reached yet? In addition, you all swore before... so I will……"

The middle-aged military god opposite Su Han was completely stunned. His legs went weak, and he realized something was wrong in the middle of the process. He forced himself to raise his mind, and then he didn't kneel all the way... but he also knelt on one knee on the ground... and he no longer had the calm and masterful demeanor of before.

Of course, if it were in the past, the middle-aged military god's other main god comrades would definitely laugh at this scene. They even regard it as the dark history of this middle-aged military god's life...

But now, none of them pay attention to the middle-aged military god. They all look at Su Han blankly, all doubting life.

"Millions of gods and demons with god-king-level avenues...and Mr. Su's aura……"

"Is it the Lord God? A bit like! But it's not quite... it's mixed with the charm of the God King and the Lord God. But, how could he be so strong... This is no longer a question of Tao... Mr. Su, what is going on?"

"Hahahaha, fake! all fake. I must be dreaming……"

The old military god maintained the world of Jinling Academy with an expressionless expression, then turned his head and spat out blood,"Look at yourselves, how can you still look like a master god? Isn't it embarrassing? The god king is better than you. Stop it! If you guys do this again... when you go back, don't lead the gods' army. Instead, be a cleaner at the Military God's Camp for two years!" After a shock

, several of the military gods realized what they were doing, and their expressions became awkward. Apologize profusely

"……So, about where I live now?"Su Han asked cautiously

"You stay!"The old military god said firmly,"Don't say you live in Jiangnan County. Even if you live in Nanhai County and Heilong County, two areas extremely close to the border... no one will stop you."

Damn it, the old military god felt like a clown when he thought about what he said about Su Han before. Why should he worry about the safety of the monster in front of him? Damn it, if the person in front of him goes to a country where there is no ancestor god level powerhouse, That is the kind of sweeping... one person destroys the country...

No, I'm afraid it's not the one person who destroys the country. It's the person in front of him who can solve all the problems of all the countries in the world of gods without ancestor gods... After all, the terrifying number of god kings, Not only is it true, but now Su Han seems to be able to call part of it……

"OK, that's really nice of you."The old principal reached out and patted Su Han on the shoulder, his eyes were red,"It's okay, don't think too much. Regarding the damage to the world of the academy, I personally went to the Ministry of Theology to approve funding... I believe that based on the potential you have shown this time, they will be extremely happy to approve it... and pay for it for you."

Although what the old principal did this time is not very authentic, after all, the damage to the divine world this time has something to do with the Ministry of God's Religion. Why should he ask the Ministry of God's Religion for money... But even if he has a stubborn personality and hates evil, he will not see it. The gray old military god also nodded with deep approval at this moment.

"Well, your house is in ruins! I'll help you rebuild it here."The old military god suddenly thought of it, and quickly summoned up his divine power. At this moment, he was filled with immeasurable brilliance, and he stepped directly on the river of time. He observed the internal structure of Su Han's room in the past, and then used the laws of heaven to adjust it bit by bit. Reconstructing and reorganizing.

Su Han's expression was subtle. The person who rebuilt his house last time was the Lord of the Avenue of Time, right? This time came the Law of Heaven... and he was also the fifth level of Great Perfection of the Lord... the person who came to help him build his house. The realism is really getting higher and higher.

Feeling inwardly, Su Han suddenly thought of something and stared at the old principal seriously,"By the way... Regarding the video of my breakthrough that was spread to the Outer God Department, now Did you find out what happened?"

"……"When talking about this issue, there was a hint of gloom in the eyes of the old principal, but he did not hide it,"It's an undercover agent... the West, an undercover agent sent to our college. There may be more than one... The Military God Department is already targeting the college. A thorough search has been carried out."

The middle-aged military god stumbled up at this moment. When he heard these words, his body stiffened, he took off the hat on his head, and said in a low voice,"We were careless... If we were ordinary people at that time, If the military god conducts a search... he will definitely not let that person get through."

"But at that time, it was us, the Lord Gods, who investigated... You might think that the Lord Gods are so powerful that there must be no problems, right?"The middle-aged military god smiled bitterly,"But the Divine Machine and Divine Network, these were all built in modern times. We are not familiar with it...or in other words, we only know how to operate in ordinary ways.……"

"In addition, we checked once again at that time...the other military gods have similar ideas to you and have trust in us, so the second check will be much more relaxed! The skills of those undercover agents were superb... It was a combination of circumstances that caused such a big problem."

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