Ye Hei:"No problem."

Ye Hei's brows twitched, and joy appeared on his face. He had also seen the scene of Luo Feng's world sacrifice before. According to his inference, Luo Feng's strength is most likely to be at the level of an immortal... or even at the top of the true immortal level... the strongest man. Deputy:"I'm a little surprised. The destructive power of five or six Dacheng Hegemons is no less than that of a forbidden place, right? It may even be stronger than the forbidden place... For example, in the Immortal Mountain, there are only two or three supreme beings left dead. Yes. Why don't you stick to the principle of staying close and go to the forbidden area!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I also have this doubt."

Ye Hei:"……Because, if I show absolute strength to attack the forbidden area. It is very likely that it will trigger the sensitive nerves of other forbidden areas... If I narrowly escape death, that's nothing. But if I win ten points smoothly! That would be very troublesome."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"? If everything goes well, why not just kill them all in one go?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was stunned for a moment, unable to reflect the meaning of Ye Hei's words.

Ye Hei:"It's different... I am only the Great Holy Body after all, and those supreme beings came out together, and they were fully sublimated together... I finally Certain death. What's more important is that there will be many supreme beings among them who will flee in all directions! And then cause a huge catastrophe in the universe……"

Ye Hei:"Don't say I'm just a Great Holy Body, even if I become an emperor! My combat power is firmly above that of the Supreme Beings... I can't kill all the Supreme Beings with one move and stop them from escaping. Or maybe , without being able to kill all the Supremes! The more seriously I injure them, the more rampant and wreaking they will become in the bloodbath in the universe.……"

Ye Hei:"Not to mention that I have regarded many creatures in the universe as potential believers of God... Even if there is no such thing as God, I will not allow them to do such inhumane things."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I probably figured it out... After all, Dacheng Hegemony has not truly embarked on the original historical trajectory. So even if you attack them, it will not trigger the sensitive nerves of those forbidden areas... and make them feel Like those great emperors in the past, you hate those who devour all living beings.……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"They will more likely think that this is the old grudge between the Holy Body and the Overlord Body?" The

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"When you complete the sacrifice and become stronger with the gift of God...then you will In one go, capture them and then sacrifice them... It's perfect."

Prince Zhu:"But maybe, just by sacrificing the Dacheng Hegemon... you can let the gods take action and kill all the Forbidden Land Supreme Editions directly! (Funny.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Under possible circumstances... God will still try his best to cultivate yourself! Let you solve the problem by yourself, right?"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"I am thinking... you guys The empress of this world should be the perfect version of the ancient emperor? She may even be a mortal fairy... In other words, she represents the destiny of your world! Hiss, if she can be sacrificed……"

Luo Feng:"!!!"


The Pope of Wuhun Temple:"Your idea... is really incredible. Don't even think about the incredible power that the empress possesses! That is a genuine mortal fairy......She has become an immortal in the world of mortals. I feel that she may be much stronger than a normal true immortal."

Pope Wuhun Palace:"You asked Ye Hei to attack her? Doesn't this mean that Ye Hei will die?"

Anger :"But, the Empress regards Ye Hei as the reincarnation of her brother!"

Ye Hei:"!! Wait, the Empress has helped me a lot. Even though I am not her brother, I still owe her a huge debt along the way. The favor... If I sacrifice the Empress, what is the difference between me and the beast?"

Ye Hei refused instantly. He felt that as a human being, he still had to have a bottom line. You can't get benefits for the sake of sacrifice, you are treacherous, you only have interests in your eyes.

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"But why do you think it is bad for the empress to go to heaven to serve the gods? Don't forget, maybe with the grace of the gods, the empress can ascend to heaven in one step and achieve immortality... Well , the Immortal King exists? It’s the level of Tao you have now! Maybe even higher……"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"This is actually a kind of repayment of gratitude!"

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Ye Hei was shocked. But he thought about it and found that there was some truth in this fallacy...

Ye Hei:"Then... well, if my sacrifice is successful this time, my strength will be greatly increased! I can be equal to the empress... I will go Discuss with the Empress……"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Ahem, that... I personally think that! If you can't sacrifice because of your strength... you can ask for my help. I am willing to go to your side and help you Intimidate the empress! This will allow you to communicate on an equal footing."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Even, I can help you pacify the seven forbidden areas... directly kill all the blood-stained supreme beings in the forbidden areas.! Then I will turn it into your sacrifice and worship together... I can pay my own points to go to your world!"

Luo Feng:"?!"

You Suowei:"Luo Feng was completely stunned."

Wall-faced Man:"Luo Feng: It was obviously me first... It doesn't matter if I want to help Ye Hei or if I have a deep relationship with Ye Hei.……"

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched. Is this all in vain? However, after being speechless for a moment, interest appeared on his face...

In that world, the Supreme and Dacheng Hegemons... there were dozens of them in total, right? If Ye Hei performed sacrifices with specifications beyond the planet... would it be a hundred times higher level? Such an increase...the final guarantee is the God-King Way! Maybe it will be higher...

Moreover, the empress is increasing in the realm of the Red Dust Immortal... What incredible level will her final strength reach?!

After thinking about it, Su Han couldn't help but look forward to it.

Ye Hei:"……Your conditions are very favorable! But why are you so excited for no reason? Even if we have a very good relationship... there's no reason for you to be so eager to help me.……"

Rick:"Maybe it's because he just launched a wave of sacrifices in my world! In the end, he got a huge harvest, right?"……"

Thor:"?! Oh shit, I just felt something was wrong. Now I think that Chen Nan just went to Rick's place."

Ying Quliang:"?? Wait, according to what you said... The sacrifice in your world has been completed? Where is the video!"

The Pope of Wuhun Temple:"I just finished watching Ye Hei's side, and now there is another one... I'm happy."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"But speaking of this, emmm , the power displayed by the God this time... is actually a bit scary. It further verified our previous guesses about the identity of the God.……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

You Suowei:"What kind of speculation? Do n't tell half the story, leave the other half." Thor:"It's useless to ask Chen Nan... We should let Rick start quickly. After we read it, we will all know it!"


The corner of Rick's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything more and sent it very decisively.

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