The world of martial arts.

The center of the Wuhun Empire, the entrance to the Wuhun Palace.

Pope Bi stood here quietly. She stared at the titled Douluo and Soul Douluo who were performing sacrifices devoutly in the square in the distance... watching them bathe in divine grace, thereby increasing their soul power level.

"pope!"Ju Douluo stood next to the Pope. He lowered his head and said,"In the Wuhun Empire... the personnel who used to belong to the Wuhun Palace have been increasing in strength very quickly recently. this is a good thing"

"'s also because it's too fast. Coupled with the disappearance of the Star Dou Forest... and the need for sacrifices... therefore, there is not enough soul beasts."

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ju Douluo's face. After saying this, he himself felt a little dazed... I can't believe that there were once so many soul beasts that people felt that they were inexhaustible to kill, and now they are endangered. Species...

Ghost Douluo on the other side swallowed his saliva, worried that Ju Douluo's words would offend Pope Bi, and added in a low voice,"The Grand Priest sent news before... saying that traces of the Sun, Moon and Earth were found from the west.. If we can digest the steel ship blueprints you gave us, Pope! Let us open up the air route between the two places... Then, the pressure on the soul beasts will be drastically reduced."

"It's just temporary!"Pope Bi showed a noncommittal look, and she murmured,"But it doesn't matter... In another world, there is a way to deal with the soul beast."

After a short pause, the Pope gave the order calmly,"In order to find new sacrifices for God... I am going to leave for a while. During this period, all official affairs will be transferred to the Wuhun Empire Cabinet for processing! Difficult to decide, wait until I come back."

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo suddenly knelt down and responded loudly.

Pope Bi reached out his palm lightly, and the next moment, a brilliant divine light rose up from the depths of Wuhun Palace. One after another, huge and incomparable The crystal cage soared into the sky in an instant, and what was imprisoned in it were one after another powerful gods from the God Realm...even the God King.

"You devil, let us out."The God of Evil was roaring, and his face was very ferocious, with a hint of fear.

In this regard, which was a little understatement than the Pope, the God of Evil's body was violently shaken. He instantly collapsed on the ground... The God of Goodness stared closely. Looking at the God of Evil, a bit of unbearability flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything... They are just prisoners now. What qualifications do they have to argue with the successor of the Rakshasa God...

"Soon."Pope Bi said softly, with a meaningful look in her eyes,"The time for your liberation will come soon."

"I hope you can satisfy God by then.……"

The God of Kindness' pupils suddenly dilated, and he felt something was wrong. But before he could say anything, the world in front of him dimmed instantly... Apparently they were taken back by Pope Bi.

She was prepared for everything, and there was nothing earth-shattering about the pope's thought. She disappeared from the spot without any sound.

Ghost Douluo and Contra said in unison,"Congratulations to the Pope!"


When he opened his eyes again, Pope Bee was already in a lush forest. This forest is full of vitality, and there are even powerful soul beasts within the radiation range of her spiritual thoughts.……

"Star Forest," Pope Bi sighed quietly, with nostalgia in her eyes,"I really have a destiny with this place... huh?"

Frowning his brows, Pope Bi looked to the left with a strange expression,"This feeling... interesting! Was this the original time period?"

With a dumb smile, he took one step ahead of the Pope, and instantly appeared next to a young man with short black hair. And in front of the young man, there was a huge silkworm...

This chubby silkworm was looking with evil intentions on his face. He crawled towards the young man, muttering,"It will be fine soon."","Don't worry, it won't hurt at all" and other weird words.

When Pope Bi reached out and grabbed it, Tianmeng Iceworm's body suddenly shrank, and soon turned into the size of a normal silkworm.

Tianmeng Iceworm's face was confused at first, and when When he realized what had happened, he let out a howling sound,"Help... Kill the silkworms... Boss, don't kill me!" Although I am almost a million years old, I am useless and useless.……"

"I am willing for your soul! You guys probably don’t know what a soul is, right? Once that thing is available, it can play a role similar to a soul ring... or even stronger than a soul ring."

"Believe me...if you don't kill me, you will get more than if you kill me……"

"Shut up!"Pope Bi uttered these two words coldly. Tianmeng Bingcan shook his body, hugged his body obediently, and forced a smile, but it was uglier than crying...

He felt that he was completely finished. This person in front of him The woman who was extremely beautiful, but looked even more monster than a monster... obviously didn't believe him.

He was very sad, thinking of his perfect plan, but it fell short... and tears fell down his face.

"……You, you are?"Huo Yuhao swallowed his saliva and spoke carefully.

"It has nothing to do with you!"Bi Pope's voice was colder. Huo Yuhao responded, and after thinking about it, he said obediently,"Um, are you hungry? I can grill a fish for you... My skills are very good... Thank you for saving my life."

Pope Bi's expression suddenly became strange. Thinking of what Huo Yuhao had done in the future given by God, he suddenly laughed,"The gap between you and your ancestors is really astonishing... I can't understand it. , How could that scumbag give birth to a kind-hearted offspring like you! Sure enough, is it still because of the living environment? The edge of a sword is sharpened……"

"My... ancestor? Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed slightly,"You know me...and, are you here to take me back?""

"That's not right, I'm just a little transparent... Even if I disappear, those people shouldn't……"

"You are wrong," Pope Bi regained control of his emotions,"Your ancestor was killed by me... and suffered a lot before he died!"

Huo Yuhao grunted and swallowed, his body trembling. Feelings, this is actually being found by his enemies?!

Thinking of his experience at home, Huo Yuhao silently clenched his fists, feeling bitter in his heart... What a famous family, It brought him nothing but sorrow and disaster.……

"Of course, contact between you and your family is semi-cut off. So I will not continue the grudge!"Pope Bi said with great interest,"Let's go cook. If it's delicious, I'll let you live……"

When Pope Bi first obtained the memory of the future, he actually thought of giving Huo Yuhao a blood sacrifice as well.

But later, she had an inexplicable feeling that the god she believed in and respected was not willing for her to commit massacres... In other words, that one did not allow her to start massacres without a bottom line for blood sacrifices..

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