Angers:"At the same... time? Wait a minute! This……"

The Pope of Wuhun Palace:"Does this make sense?"

Ying Quliang:"Maybe... the God got a lot of sacrifices in an instant! So he will be very happy... and therefore, when he rewards, he will reward more?"

Ying Quliang fell into deep thought.

Luo Feng:"It's also possible that because of your cleverness, you made the gods unhappy... so you were rewarded less."

Luo Feng poured cold water on him very calmly.

What to do:"……"

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"So, discuss it among yourselves! If you think it's okay, let's sacrifice together... If you think it's not okay, forget it."

Resurrected after ten thousand years:"Of course, actually I think... you Even if they are worshiping together. The greater possibility is that each world will have its own vision... and not interfere with each other?"

Dongfang Huaizhu:"I think so too!"

Yao Lao:"I personally have no problem! After all, , I had no intention of letting the gods appear this time...haha, the lower your expectations are, the less likely you will be disappointed when the time comes. But if God appears, it will be a big surprise!"

Rick:"It's too real... But I'll forget it and just spread the faith honestly. Accelerator:"

Yes... our ultimate goal is not to sacrifice!" It's about spreading faith. You are performing sacrifices like crazy……"

Accelerator looked confused. He had felt something strange before, but he couldn't place it for a while, but now he saw Rick's words and suddenly woke up. God didn't say that the more sacrifices you make, the higher the final evaluation will be... He is clearly talking about spreading believers!

Gudazi:"Miss Huang Rong wants to make her world that she can save it. Yaolao is just following fate...if it doesn't work, he will go to other worlds. But Miss Chen Xiaoyu……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"In my world, the belief in God has spread throughout China. Even in other countries, it has also begun... However, other countries have united their own local beliefs and began to suppress and strangle them. Belief in God!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"They control the power of the media...claiming that what was before was just an illusion, an Eastern magic, witchcraft! It's a deception."

Immortal Evil King:"……Don't tell me, the people below believe it?

Chen Xiaoyu:"That's true!" The power of the media…the power of fishing boats. It’s so scary! It would not be an exaggeration to say that the West’s attainments in this field are extremely proficient.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"But the most outrageous thing is that according to my tests... there are many high-level people in the Western world who are trying their best to suppress the belief in God. They themselves believe in God! They spend at least an hour reciting the words of sacrifice every day."

Wall-Facing Man :"!"

Descendants of the Ax Gang:"?!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I'm confused... I don't understand this operation at all."

Liu Peiqiang:"I understand! In fact, they want to use this opportunity to extend their lifespan and allow themselves to evolve. In my own hands... As for the ordinary people? Just be obedient and be exploited! How can you be favored by God and stand on the same ladder as them?"

Wall-faced man:"It's the old West! It's the old capitalists....That's what it is over there. They fool the people at the bottom, even preach that knowledge is useless, and then try their best to increase the cost of learning. In this way, many people can stay at the bottom for life! And the descendants of those capitalists receive the most elite Education... their starting points are completely different in terms of matching."

Wall-facer:"In the end, the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak... The ranks are solidified."

Ye Hei:"The West is really......One operation will kill you!"

Ye Hei:"I am still the best at Great Eastern. The spread of everyone the opportunity to change their destiny."

Ye Hei:"But let's talk, are we taking the topic too far? ?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I really like hearing this part of what you said! It makes me feel that it is an extremely correct decision for me to return to the East."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Ahem, let's stop talking nonsense... 7 The places where the big devil appears are all over the world. Citi, Mao, Daying... and other states and countries."

Chen Xiaoyu:"I finally used the history books to have a slight influence... to ensure that they The place where they are located is the most economically prosperous place in that region. In this way, their appearance will inevitably set off a huge wave from the beginning, spreading all over the world... Even if the officials want to suppress it, they will not be able to suppress it."

Chen Xiaoyu:" Then I officially performed the sacrifice... God will definitely appear on a global scale. With this evidence, combined with my contribution to saving various countries, plus the fact that Yanhuang is becoming more and more powerful now... a multi-pronged approach to promote Faith is easy."

Gudazi:"You are too strong!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Just average, third in the world. (Jiao-ao.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"……I think! Kind of sad."

Chen Xiaoyu:"?"

Wall-facer:"Chen Xiaoyu... has finally become a dirty adult. Such cunning tactics... are hard to explain in one sentence!"

Luo Ji sighed quietly. Let the devil appear directly in the bustling area of ​​​​the city center? How much damage will this cause? How many casualties will it cause?

Maybe Chen Xiaoyu doesn’t know? Of course it was impossible...but, she did it anyway.

Chen Xiaoyu:"……I just understand my position! In my mind, God can never be betrayed, and on this basis, I will take good care of my tribe and my country. As for these bastard countries that don’t believe in God and oppress my country!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"They suffered heavy casualties, what does it have to do with me! Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters."

Wall-Facing Man:"I don't mean to rebuke you or accuse you... I just express my gratitude that you have grown up."

You Suowei:"In her position, even if she doesn't want to grow up... the environment will force her to grow up."

Rick:"After all, she is already a big enough person to really influence the world."

Scanning the exchanges in the group, Su Han looked a little strange.

After a short silence, he said quietly,"Different worlds are offering sacrifices at the same time... It's really exciting."

Su Han lowered his eyes slightly, and his spiritual thoughts were divided into three rays and projected into the three worlds.

Huang Rong had nothing to say... He just built an ordinary Mount Tai altar. Su Han was sacrificed by Mount Tai more than once. Twice...

Yaolao's side is a bit interesting.


The world of fighting spirit.

Gu Tianyuan is currently in Zhongzhou. He came to the soul world and used shocking methods to condense and condense the entire world bit by bit... and finally turned it into a palm-sized boundary stone. Then, he used the method of returning to his roots to continuously absorb the blood of the soul clan scattered in the void... After Zhongzhou finished absorbing it, he came to the border area again, that is, the place where the Soul Emperor died... Continued absorb. at the same time.

Yao Lao was in Jiama City. He was sitting on the roof of a room, looking at Xiaoyan with interest... He held a strange talisman in his hand. This is the Talisman of Destiny that he exchanged from Liu Peiqiang... He can use it to peek into the destiny of his own world.

"Interesting, so interesting. Yao Lao's eyes were incomprehensible,"This guy must be the destined son of this world!" But what's interesting is that his destiny... actually has an extremely deep connection with me? And considering I once lived in that ring……"

"So it turns out that I was supposed to show up... to guide him on the path of cultivation! Keep getting stronger?"

Yao Lao smiled dumbly, and Yao Lao's expression returned to indifference. He turned his head, looked at the auction house in the city, and stepped out.

At this time, Ya Fei was sorting the auction items. Suddenly, She noticed something strange... It wasn't that she felt the enemy's energy! It was that she suddenly noticed that the silence around her was too much. Even the chirping of birds, beasts and insects was gone...

Yafei calmly stretched out her hand and reached in. She held a crystal in her pocket and could crush it at any time to summon the security personnel.

Then, she turned her head with a smile. When she saw the old man with an interesting face, her movements were stiff. She paused, first with doubts, then with thoughts, then with realization, and finally with shock and disbelief.

Without any hesitation, Ya Fei crawled towards the ground and said respectfully,"Greetings to the Medicine Emperor!"

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