One World is a society that looks like ancient times. There is a young female emperor wearing a yellow robe who was enshrined in Mount Tai and offered sacrifices to heaven.

And when you stare at that world for a long time, you can see a series of illusions...

That is the rise of the empress from her humble beginnings... Transforming the beggar gang with faith, conquering Lin'an with absolutely strong power, changing dynasties, offering sacrifices to gods, acquiring technology, Unify the Central Plains, continue to develop, destroy the Jin Dynasty, unify Mongolia and Ancient... and finally dominate the world with unrivaled power.

The young and magnificent empress united countless nations and creatures under one banner! Under one faith.

The other world is an extremely mysterious world. An old man with an immortal spirit stood on the altar...

On the altar were placed dragons, phoenixes, dozens of flames that were hot enough to burn the world, a graceful girl in white, and a enchanting monster. Jing...

When people gaze at that world, they can also see countless illusions... They can see the Yao Lao from another world resurrected by offering sacrifices to the gods, and even possess unrivaled power...

After his second sacrifice, he joined forces with an ancient giant from another world to dominate the world and promote his faith.

Many people reached out and pinched themselves hard in a tacit understanding... After feeling the pain, they were sure that all this was true. The next moment, they poured into the network in perfect agreement... not to mention Westerners, even Easterners who had witnessed a divine manifestation before and whose nerves had been sufficiently tempered. They were completely crazy at this moment... They vented their emotions crazily on the Internet

"Me...fuck me! My whole body is broken"

"Could it be that I stayed up late and worked overtime and hallucinated? But it doesn’t make sense, after God baptized my body last time! My body became extremely healthy and strong... After I recited the sacrificial words, my body got better and better day by day. Even if my boss gives me zero-zero-seven, I won’t have any other problems except feeling mentally stressed."


"Zero Zero Seven is okay"

"It's scary... there is such a boss now who is not afraid of death. Last time I saw a 996-year-old who was unwilling to give him a raise... he was dragged outside by the employees below and beaten violently. That was terrible!"

"There is no way... After divine grace, everyone's strength has been greatly improved. Everyone generally has the strength of 300 kilograms with one arm... There are even many people who can wield 500 kilograms with one arm. I even heard that someone has the strength of over a thousand kilograms with one arm... Now abroad All kinds of sports have been banned for Yanhuang people."

"Shock! People from Yanhuang actually know how to use both skills?!"

"This used to be a it has become a fact"

"Yes, after the rapid expansion of was replaced by abundant martial virtue. This is because Yanhuang society is stable and orderly... If it were Citigroup... I wouldn't dare to think about it!"

"terrible! Everyone is a super soldier... If they disagree, they will assassinate and kill indiscriminately."

"So, let’s just be a good boss honestly now! Don't think about exploiting... you will really die if you are not careful."

"So the key is not! Another world? Am I...really real? Who can tell me what is going on? Or is this an illusion? It's a mirage!"

"Your uncle’s hallucination! I asked a lot of my friends...and they were all in different areas. But they all saw this incredible scene! Tell me, what kind of mirage can spread throughout Yanhuang?"

"It's not just Yanhuang... I contacted friends from abroad... and they can all see it. I have a vague hunch that this time the vision...may be spread all over the world"

"It's a sacrifice! I saw the leader performing sacrifices here... This should be a miracle"

"!!! Scared to the point of peeing? It’s so big this time"

"It makes no sense... didn't it only appear in Yanhuang last time? Could it be that we are no longer God’s favorite cubs? (Cry bitterly.jpg)"

"It has nothing to do with that! Mainly...our leader is now performing sacrifices in different places around the world……"

"It's the leader...then it's okay!"

"Yes, as long as the leader is from Yanhuang, there is no need to panic...Loli leader, the eternal god"

"? ? If you change your mind, you will die!"

"The leader is still a child...are you still human?"

"Damn, I am a fan of the leader! What happen to you guys? Damn, it’s like they all exploded at once...and there are perverts, what perverts?!"

"Master...I couldn't figure it out for a while! Are you pretending to be innocent, or are you really innocent?"

"Wait a minute... If it appears because of sacrifices, are these real?"

"Haven't you noticed? Those people in the illusion... are all performing sacrifices! Considering that we are also conducting sacrifices's scary to think about it."


"That's it... no wonder it's so"

"Should I say it is true? That god is an existence that spans endless universes and endless planes... His followers are also spread all over the world."

"So... why are the other two worlds also speaking Yanhuang language?!"

"The world that the empress lives in... seems to be the Southern Song Dynasty? Damn it, I’m scared to tears, I’m really scared to tears"

"Dream back to a thousand years ago!"

"Yes, according to the vision I saw... the empress seemed to have subverted the Southern Song Dynasty, even penetrated the Jin Dynasty, and destroyed the rising Mongolia... This operation? Too cool"

"More than just invincible in East Asia? That woman has penetrated the entire world... Old Europe, Central Asia, and even Africa... all are shrouded under her authority!"

"Even in our time, we are blessed by God! Yanhuang has truly stood up... It can only be said that it shares hegemony equally with the free country across the sea... It still needs to develop silently, so that it can truly surpass the other side... But in the past, there were actually people who could truly With his own power, he can unify the whole world! What a great achievement is this? What a legend is this?!"

"The scariest thing...that person is a girl! She is an empress. She is still a very young empress who is less than 20 years old... and she is super beautiful... so magical!"

"It's over, I feel like I've fallen hopelessly in love...ahem, I don't even dare to say anything! Let’s not talk about being in two worlds... I wouldn’t even dare to do it in front of me."

"Yes, that one will definitely become the greatest person in history in another world……"

"? ? So what about the greatest? Haha, it was only because of God that she achieved such incredible achievements! If it were me, I could do the same."

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