Chenlong World’s online communication platform


"I don't know what to say anymore"

"Except fear! There is no second emotion in my brain"

"There is so much information...the other two worlds! Worlds appeared on the sky... and, most eye-catching, the divine realm hanging high above the sky.……"

"groove! In the video of the last admission... didn't the god only show the Nantian Gate? Isn’t it said that He is the Emperor of Heaven in the East? Could it be the Jade Emperor... Look at the terrifying scene in the sky! You call this, Nantianmen? You call this the Eastern Heaven!"

"There's nothing wrong with it...the heaven in chaos...well, that chaos only has an endless number of large universes, big worlds, gods...there is no heaven! (I fucking split open on the spot.jpg)"

"Prosperous, trance-like!"

"However, kneeling on the ground... there are indeed gods from the East."

"Yes, have you seen the one wearing the yellow dragon robe? Well, the first time I saw it, I understood his name... Jade Emperor! Therefore, the supreme god is not actually the Jade Emperor, but a taboo existence that the Jade Emperor can kowtow to. (Afraid.jpg)"

"You are still bragging! And I was already kneeling on the ground, praying devoutly"

"……Damn, I almost forgot about this one! I also knelt down"

"Kneel together!"

"Pictures of countless worlds appeared in the sky! That seems to be past history? But the weird thing is, when I look at them, I have an inexplicable feeling... There is a complete world behind every picture?"

"Isn't this a coincidence? I feel the same way!"

"Damn it!"

"Do you have one too? I thought it was an illusion... But if so many people are the same, then it's impossible... But it's also wrong. If they are all worlds, how many worlds must there be? Moreover, why do these worlds look like ancient times... are they the legendary parallel worlds?"

"I saw that the Southern Song Dynasty in other worlds had empresses! I feel like it’s normal to have parallel worlds"

"The amount of information is just too much...the dead devil on my side! A path was transformed on the altar... In Yanhuang language, it should be the Tao? My God, the dead can actually sublimate reason……"

"Although I am still confused now! But the only thing I can be sure of is...all of this was created by the supreme God."

"Do you even need to say this?"

"God of creation! eternal god"

"Oh Shet, I repent! I want to repent like the supreme God of creation! I didn’t believe in the existence of God before…I even sternly rebuked God on the Internet. I am guilty of promoting superstitious beliefs in God... I don’t ask the God of Creation to forgive me, but will I believe in Him for the rest of my life to atone for my sins?"

"I...I actually believed in a false god for so many years! Today, I want to abandon what is wrong and return to what is right. to worship the supreme god"


"Are these from the West? If you continue to use this weird translation accent, I will use Aunt Hans’ leather boots next door to kick your ass hard."

"Damn, it’s an old translation! (cover face.jpg)"

"Haha, that's so disgusting... There are indeed some sincere converts among this group of people. But there are still a bunch of scum who just change their surnames when they think it would be beneficial to change their faith.……"

"I think so too! The one who immediately said that God is a false god... Tsk, tsk, I don't know how they could say this with such force. God is real! It’s just that I kowtow at the feet of that god."

"Yes, we Buddhist believers in Yanhuang... are very arrogant. While chanting the name of Buddha, I earnestly offered sacrifices to the supreme god... As I chanted, I laughed out loud because I was so happy in my heart."

"There is nothing we can do about it! Originally, after the manifestation of God...the monks in the Yanhuang region were very difficult to get along with. After all, I don’t know if their gods exist or not… but God is 100% there! And as long as you recite the sacrificial words, you will be given divine grace... There is no need for you to give money or anything."

"Now, I am sure that Buddha is real! Kneeling at the feet of the God of Creation... Moreover, it was confirmed that the Buddha also belonged to the God of Creation... They converted to the God of Creation, and there was no psychological pressure at all."

"Considering the smooth and fickle nature of Buddhism, I'm a little doubtful...are they trying to promote God as another supreme Buddha?……"

"Pull him down, and he will become a Buddha! God is the lord of all gods...whether in the West or the East. To praise that god as a Buddha is to humiliate him!"

"Yes, the bald donkeys of Buddhism are very smart... Don't worry, they will never make such a principled mistake."

"I'm the only one thinking, how powerful are those gods...? My God, if those who kneel at the feet of God are really, as we perceive, a vast world and a vast universe... those gods whose size is the same as that of the universe! How strong will it be?"

"With just one move, you can destroy the universe, right?"

"I am reminded of a saying from God’s Bible! The world was created on the 7th... In the past, we always thought that this world was the earth. But now it seems that this world is clearly the universe...even if one's own strength is not considered. It took 7 days to create a body similar to my own. Isn't this a matter of course?"

"I have always been thinking about the myths of different countries... They all say that the original god of their own myths can create the world! I used to think that there was only one world... You all said you could create something, just create it with a hammer! Why don't you guys fight... But now I know, they can really create the world and create the universe"

"This is too cruel!"

Above the sky.

The giant god shrouded in endless chaotic light slowly turned his head. His eyes were calm, but at this moment they illuminated three big worlds, not just the earth, but also the universe. In the blink of an eye... with the next breath, He spoke, and every word revealed the charm of the essence of heaven and earth. It was as if a supreme heaven appeared in the world, and then spoke his own decree. God Once a word is spoken, heaven and earth execute it

"Devout believer Chen Xiaoyu, the sacrifice was meritorious! Reward the guards of the nine gods! The way to appreciate the sky"

"Devout believer Huang Rong, the sacrifice was meritorious! Enjoy the Immortal Martial Avenue! Reward the inheritance of the top civilization in the single universe"

"A devout believer in Yaolao, the sacrifice was meritorious! The way to appreciate the flame! Reward the power of breaking through boundaries."

Su Han was narrating, and inspired his divine power to manifest visions...while thinking.

The sky, the immortal martial arts, the flames...these avenues are all at the god-king level! Except for the immortal martial arts, Su Han pulled them out by himself. , and the rest were all made by their own sacrifices...

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