Underground bunker.

Cheng Xin, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was led by a group of official personnel. I met the previous sword holder...

This was a man who was extremely old. There are heavy age spots on his face, and his skin is like dry tree bark... However, his waist is straight and his eyes are like a bottomless pool. You can't see through what he is thinking. What

"Let’s start the handover."The leading consul clapped his hands. Finally, many official personnel scattered around, organizing, filming documentaries... and under the guidance, Cheng Xin walked little by little to the sword holder. In front of him, after going through one ceremony after another... he officially took over the authority that could continue the two realms.

From beginning to end, the sword holder did not say a word.

Cheng Xin was not surprised. Someone told him that the man in front of him had stayed in an underground bunker in a dark environment for fifty or sixty years without communicating with anyone... so he had lost the ability to communicate. Then,

Cheng Xin Watching the sword holder being arrested and taken away by a group of people for crimes against humanity.

After a long silence, Cheng Xin looked at the button in his hand worriedly, and then looked at the consul next to him with some confusion.

"Now you are! The Archon was smiling with joy from the bottom of his eyes,"Don't think too much, how do you usually live... Just continue living now!" The earth has always been safe"

"……good."Cheng Xin hesitated for a moment, then sat down where the sword holder was sitting... No one at the scene said anything. After bowing to her, they withdrew. Before

Cheng Xin could taste it carefully , For a moment, what kind of consciousness did the previous sword holder have to sit there for such a long time... She suddenly heard an extremely harsh alarm.

"What?!"Cheng Xin froze on the spot. It's not that she didn't know what the alarm meant... After all, she was elected as a sword bearer through formal procedures. Naturally, she had gone through the training that belongs to a sword bearer...

However, Cheng Xin subconsciously I refuse to believe that what was said in the training may have happened...

Trisolaran civilization has officially invaded!

"how come? It is obviously such a kind civilization! how could they……"Cheng Xin's lips were trembling. She stared closely at the button in front of her, following the alarm... she should press it now! Then, let the two civilizations die together...


"No! Cheng Xin shook her hand, and the button flew out and hit the corner of the wall.

Her fists were clenched tightly, Cheng Xin's body was trembling, and she lowered her head,"That's it... the Trisolarans will definitely not do anything big." of! this must be a joke……"

Although Cheng Xin knew that she was trying to comfort herself.

In the end, Cheng Xin lowered her eyes, as if narrating to others or talking to herself,"The worst possibility...is just the destruction of human civilization, right? At least the Trisolaran civilization can survive."

Luo Ji, who was lurking in the void at the side, had a distorted expression, but he only sighed. After all, he had experienced and even known all of this under God's grace from the very beginning... apart from lamenting his misfortune and being angry... what else could he do?

Of course, he didn't take action. Everything... has to wait until humanity reaches its lowest point! That is the time of reckoning.

Soon, Cheng Xin was officially notified. The deterrent device that could announce the coordinates of the solar system and the Trisolaran Galaxy to the entire universe... was completely destroyed by water droplets!

At the same time, the water droplets blocked the entire solar system, and they had lost all possibility of giving it a try.

After completing all this, Tomoko, the spokesperson of the Trisolaran civilization, spoke to the entire earth civilization with a smile. Although her posture is gentle and gentle, her remarks can only mean two things.

"The earth belongs to Trisolaris from today on!"

"From now on, all humans on earth will relocate to Australia... and they are not allowed to bring any wealth belonging to the Trisolaris with them."

It exploded, and all the people on the earth were exploded.

Going to the extremely barren Australia with nothing? What's the difference between that and death... Based on tens of billions of people on earth... how many people can survive in the end? Millions, hundreds of thousands would be good... This is a real crisis of genocide.

Anger, fear, resistance, too much... but it is meaningless. Water droplets are a super-era weapon. , it is no exaggeration to say that the power of a water droplet is enough to instantly kill all the powers in the world...

In the face of the Trisolaran civilization, human beings are even more fragile than newborn babies.

Suddenly, applause Sounded next to Tomoko

"?"Tomoko's pupils suddenly dilated. Although it is a simulated human made by the Trisolarans, under the control of the Trisolarans, there is no difference between Sophon and real humans...at least from the external appearance, there is no difference.

Suddenly turning her head, Tomoko had a cold expression. Then, when she saw the young man, her expression froze again... If it weren't for the fact that she was a machine, she even doubted whether she was hallucinating now.

After a brief silence, Tomoko almost groaned and uttered two words,"……Luo Ji!"

Yes, Luo Ji! And it's a younger version of Luo Ji... At this moment, Tomoko was thinking, is this all Luo Ji's conspiracy?!

But that's not right, Luo Ji is already over a hundred years old. , humans have not invented the technology to rejuvenate...

Could it be that he is Luo Ji's son? But doesn't Luo Ji only have a daughter... And how did he suddenly appear in front of her...

She is a sophon.!

She can even observe the microscopic world! She can even directly block physical phenomena... Her monitoring ability is incomprehensible to the earth... It is not only the Trisolarans who control the sophons who are confused... At this moment, the network is also the same It's a mess

"I don't believe it... How could the Trisolarans invade the earth? Haven't they always said they are our best friends?"

"Hahaha, now...does anyone still believe such stupid words? That's disguise...that's deception!"

"Didn't I say that there is no way to deceive people with the Three-Body Problem... If I hadn't known this! Is it possible for us to believe them?"

"People use machines to chat with you... but you are trying to force Trisolarans to deceive you? What about your horse?"

"Luo Ji... wait, is that the tyrant... no, is it the sword holder who has been protecting mankind?!"

"Impossible, I don’t believe it! The tyrant has lived for more than a hundred years. How could he be so young?"

"I understand...Luo Ji must have taken refuge with the Trisolarans! As a result, he obtained the technology of rejuvenation... and now he can appear in the Trisolaran live broadcast footage."

"? ? Sometimes, I really wonder what age people are online.……"

"I'm torn! Do you have some logic in your mind? Didn’t you see that three-body liar woman’s frightened and horrified look? Could that be defection?"

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