Bai Yu let out a heavy breath.

He has never used the Heroic Spirit Bullet Time with such intensity.

After stepping into the extraordinary world, you can clearly feel the difference, that is, your control over power has been greatly improved.

Even the degree of compatibility is constantly rising.

Therefore, the previous compatibility was stuck at 90%, not because the old man and himself had any differences, but because the strength was not up to standard.

Now that the strength has reached the standard, the compatibility has reached 99%, which is infinitely close to 100%.

Therefore, there is no burden. He walks in the world of slow playback. The rays derived from the pistol can connect everyone's head and body vitals. Pulling the trigger can take away a life, which is precise and fatal.

At the same time, his own physique is also strengthening. Every time he walks or steps, he is accompanied by ease and flexibility. The improvement of his physique allows him to charge directly against the machine gun, because the muzzle of the gun cannot even keep up with his speed. .

I have seen an anime called Licoris in the past. The heroine in it has extremely strong reflex nerves. She can judge the trajectory of the shot by looking at the muzzle of the opponent's gun, and can dodge bullets 100%.

That was so ridiculous, Bai Yu thought to himself that it was just a superpower... Although he also had superpowers, he could only avoid one bullet in ten bullets at most, but the other nine bullets all hit and he was still dead.

But now that he has acquired such superpowers, he has actually experienced how easy it is to dodge bullets.

It’s not difficult to meet people.

Pretty women may fool you, but bullet trajectory won't.

Therefore, most extraordinary people do not use thermal weapons... because thermal weapons that can be carried with them have their physical upper limits and are easy to predict.

Although there is no problem in taking away an extraordinary person with one shot of a supersonic missile, the human body is too small, so whether it can hit it or not is a problem.

Even if he hits the target, can he still carry Dongfeng Express everywhere? Is it really appropriate to carry such a large weapon for fighting?

Charge with steps, shoot while walking, run, pause, jump, sideways, squat...

All the movements were as smooth as if they had been rehearsed countless times.

Experience flowed into Bai Yu's limbs and bones, and all the muscles in his body were making conditioned reflexes subconsciously. Even the evasive path had been calculated successfully from the beginning. Everything on the battlefield could not escape his perception, as if he had been used to it for a long time.

True enough.

After all, when Kiryu was young, he often single-handedly dismantled yakuza organizations.

He has experienced this firsthand. Firearms are not actually dangerous, at least not to him.

Bai Yu grabbed a mercenary as a shield. Bullets fell on him, and the bulletproof vest made a ping-ping-pong-pong sound.

His companions were not merciful just because he was caught, and continued to pour out firepower like crazy. He was beaten into a sieve by his own people, and the fatal shot even came from the hands of the mercenary leader.

If he is caught, he will die, so it is better to just beat him to death to free him - Bai Yu saw this meaning from the other party's eyes.

But this is meaningless. Bai Yu's goal is not to capture people as a shield, but the grenades on the opponent's body.

Open the safety and throw out three grenades, then add three more shots.

The bullet bounced when it hit the grenade, and it accurately landed on the evasive route of the mercenaries who were trying to avoid it.

boom--! boom--! boom--!

After three explosions, everything calmed down.

The mercenary leader was still half-breathing. The mysterious Aztec pendant hanging around his neck saved his life, but he also lost his left leg and right arm, and half of his body was charred.

Bai Yu walked up to the other party and took a look. The latter's eyes were full of confusion and astonishment. Maybe he still didn't understand why his mercenary group was suddenly killed like this.

"Supporting the tiger."

Judgment is pronounced here.

Lift the muzzle and pull the trigger.

With a bang, there was silence.

In the car, the confidant dropped the walkie-talkie and sighed: "Boss, they are all dead."

"That's an entire mercenary group!" Zhuang Dao couldn't believe it, his eyes turned red: "I spent so much money to..."

"The name is not worthy of the name, or the other party is very good at fighting with groups with hot weapons." A confidant made an analysis, and then patted his cheek: "No matter what, we are the only ones left now."

Zhuang Dao suppressed the fear and panic in his breath, and said in a low voice: "You can win, you are a second-level transcendent!"

The confidant removed the firearm from his waist and handed it over: "Boss, while I'm stalling for time, you should go as far away as possible. This place is less than three kilometers away from the ferry. You go to the ferry, find the transport ship, and find a way to go to Beijing."

Zhuang Dao's expression was ferocious: "Do you want me to escape!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "No, I don't have to run away. That person will be here soon! When he arrives, it will be easy to kill this thug, madman, and lunatic!"

The confidant stopped persuading him and just lowered his head and said to Zhuang Dao: "Then I will risk my life to win..."

He took off the wig on his head and unbuttoned his clothes.

The confidant is called Zhou Youyi.

He used to be a black boxer in the black market... In order to raise money to treat his family's illness and buy medicine, Zhuang Dao later gave him a large sum of money. Not only did he find a magical medicine that cured his disability, but also allowed him to Taking revenge with my own hands also gave my loved ones a comfortable living environment.

He knew that these were Zhuang Dao's methods to bribe him, and he also knew that the other party was not a good person, but...

The boss treats him very well, and treats him as a confidant. He has been taught since he was a child not to lose his loyalty. At this time, he cannot escape alone.

He exposed his strong muscles and pressed his palms on the car door. The second-level martial arts cultivator burst out with all his strength, and the beating of his heart was like the beating of a war drum.

Bai Yu raised his hand and patted the dust on his body. He opened his collar and tie and rearranged them. There was not a drop of blood or dust on his body, except for a few drops of sweat that wet the bangs on his forehead.

After sorting out his appearance, he walked towards the vehicle blocked by the mercenaries.

As soon as he walked around, the car door was suddenly kicked open, and the metal door fell off the car, like a goose wing that was pulled off, and flew towards Bai Yu's front door with a fierce force.

Bai Yu directly kicked the car door into the air, waited for the door to fall, and kicked it back again.

Although it is a layer of steel plate, the weight of the car door is not light. At this time, it was like a football under the feet of the two people, being kicked here and there.

After passing each other three times, the car door twisted and fell to the ground.

The person who walked out of the car was not Zhuang Dao, but a bald man. He raised his hand and pulled off the shirt on his upper body, revealing his bronze skin, which was covered with scars and even traces of gun muzzles.

Zhou Youyi clenches his fists, his muscles are bursting, and his veins are like a horned dragon. This person would be very suitable even if he were directly placed in a Hong Kong comic. The painting style can turn the magnetic field.

The energy circulating around him was roaring, and it was obvious that he was a martial artist specializing in fists and kicks.

But unlike Lao Ban, he is not a skill-based player, but a strength-based player.

It has strong attack, fast speed, and high defense. There are no fancy moves, but only a pile of measurements and a body made of steel and iron.

Such an enemy is definitely difficult to deal with.

"As long as I'm here, you can't even think about it." The bald man said in a low voice.

Bai Yu moved his wrist, glanced at the opponent's armor-like muscles and the twenty-three level above his head, and then glanced at the Glock in his hand.

He put the pistol back into his waistband.

"Who are you?" This is the first time Bai Yu has seen this confidant. He only carries a mercenary group, and there is also a second-level extraordinary personal protection... It seems that Zhuang Dao is indeed very afraid of death.

"Just a bodyguard."

"Do you know what your boss has done?" Bai Yu asked pointedly.

"I know everything." Zhou Youyi took a step forward: "If you want to kill my boss, you have to kill me first."

The sound is loud and clear.

Bai Yu realized that the other party would definitely not listen to what he said about good, evil and justice. He was a typical reckless man... For example, he was the same type of person as Dian Wei. He only believed that a boss would work for him, and there was not much good or evil. The concept of right and wrong means that whoever treats you well will sacrifice your life for him.

Persuasion is pointless.

Then the only option is to step over his body.

There were two deadly battles in just one night.

Fortunately, I have fully warmed up, taking advantage of the current hot state...

Bai Yu closed her eyes and was silent for three seconds.

With his right hand, he pulled out a sword as clear as water from nothing.

Famous sword·Kuaiyu.

He closed his eyes, held the knife in both hands, and his whole body's temperament suddenly changed, becoming as quiet as a virgin.

Heroic Spirit Ignorant Ghost is now online.

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