Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 115 Civil and Military Studies

The meals at the dinner were quite rich, and they were all cooked by Shang Ming'e himself.

Baiyu tasted it and felt his mouth full of saliva. It tasted very good and was not inferior to the chef at all.

Most of modern people's tastes are based on various spices. Usually, as long as there are enough seasonings, the taste of the dish can always be varied.

However, even if Shang Ming'e's cooking is home-cooked, the taste itself is excellent. The seasonings are just right and there is no added oil or salt in it.

Unfortunately, Baiyu also had to divert his energy away from delicious food.

Su Haoran also ate slowly, but his speaking speed was not slow at all. He spoke clearly and quickly.

"I was not in Nanling during this period, but a lot of things happened."

He put down his job and said in a low voice: "It makes you two children suffer a lot... It's because I, as a father, didn't do my job well."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "To put it seriously, no one can detect that kind of situation, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it."

Su Haoran did not deny this, but he still seriously reviewed himself: "That's true, but I still need to review it. When the parents of other children were worried, I was not at the scene at all and could not be with them. Bearing pressure is a dereliction of duty as a parent, Ruoli, Yujing... I'm sorry."

Su Ruoli took a bite of the spring roll and said in a crisp voice, "I don't care. In fact, it's back intact."

Bai Yu said: "Parents are not omnipotent, and they are not children anymore. They should be responsible for their own lives."

"You are children for the first time, but this is not the first time for us to be parents." Su Haoran smiled bitterly: "I didn't want you to encounter this kind of thing again, but I didn't expect... Hey, things are unpredictable. .”

Bai Yu's heart moved, and she asked without any trace: "Are you talking about... Su Ruoji's matter?"

Shang Ming'e sighed softly, put down her chopsticks, and had no intention of eating. She said with sad eyes, "Ruoji has been missing for more than three years."

Su Ruoli lowered her head and silently bit the rice grains.

Su Haoran put his hands on the table and held hands: "As parents, what we hope most is that you can be safe together. In fact, after experiencing this incident, I think you have already experienced enough. It’s a risk, so…”

He said slowly: "Ruoli, Yujing... I hope you don't apply for martial arts."

He said seriously: "Choose a liberal arts university to study. As long as it is in a nearby city circle, I guarantee that you will be able to find a university that satisfies you."

Martial arts, extraordinary martial arts, in Daxia, the ratio of civil and military subjects is twenty-two to one.

If you choose liberal arts, you can only do ordinary jobs, and the scope of employment is not too narrow. But if you choose liberal arts, you are destined to have no hope of extraordinary life.

Su Ruoli raised her eyes and said quietly: "I have awakened the principle of heroic spirits, dad."

"Even so, I hope you won't take the martial arts exam..." Su Haoran said with a serious look: "So what if you are an innate heroic spirit? It doesn't mean you won't get hurt or die... You know, in our research institute, They store several high-level bones donated by innate heroic spirits after their death to study the mysterious principles of heroic spirits! This is certainly a talent, but it doesn't mean you have to live like this!"

"I've already thought about it." Su Ruoli looked at Su Haoran and said seriously: "I want to go to Penglai!"

Shang Ming'e frowned: "Do you have to follow your sister's old path?"

"Sister is just missing, maybe just lost. I want to take her home." Su Ruoli said stubbornly: "I don't believe she will die. How could such an energetic fool like her die? Don’t mom and dad not want to see my sister come back?”

"I think, I really want to! I can't even dream of it!" Su Haoran said with absolute certainty, clenching his fingers tightly: "But I regret more. I regret that I agreed to let her apply for the martial arts exam seven years ago. , if it hadn’t been for this incident, if it hadn’t been for a moment of soft-heartedness, she would still be staying at home well until now.”

As a father, what he regrets most is that he agreed to his daughter's willfulness but was not mentally prepared for it.

Su Ruoli picked up the rice bowl and, regardless of her ladylike image, finished the meal and stood up, moving her chair back with the movement.

"I'm stuffed!"

She couldn't convince her parents, but she didn't plan to change her mind.

Bai Yu silently watched her leave.

"This child is always like this." Shang Ming'e had a headache: "She is always so stubborn, Yu Jing, can you persuade her?"

Bai Yu took a bite of the croquette, shook her head and said, "On this point, it still depends on herself."

"Then you plan to..."

"Auntie." Bai Yu interrupted her and replied: "I have already entered the extraordinary level."

Shang Ming'e was suddenly stunned.

Su Haoran sighed heavily, now there was no reason to stop him.

According to the laws of Daxia, all extraordinary persons must be recorded, and young extraordinary persons must also study in martial arts. This is a mandatory obligation.

Why is there such an obligation? It’s like the country’s compulsory conscription. Once the war enters the war era, if the war leads to a large consumption of the population, then according to the law, everyone has the obligation to protect the home and the country. In fact, military service is also obligatory. One way is that you don’t have to perform military service because you don’t need it. Once you need it... it will definitely be mandatory.

Nowadays, Daxia needs to invest a lot of manpower in order to recover the subsidence area, so it is also mandatory not to let go of anyone who steps into the extraordinary.

This is actually the same all over the world. Extraordinary people are exactly the barriers used to protect the safety and ordinary lives of ordinary people. Therefore, becoming an extraordinary person means taking hundreds of times the risks of ordinary people.

Of course, there are not only risks, but also huge rewards. Once you become an extraordinary person, you are destined to climb up. You will never stop and improve throughout your life. Otherwise, it will be like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Strong power means higher status and power. After becoming a high-level transcendent, you can get everything you want, and the mortality rate will be greatly reduced.

Data proves that for those who become a third-level transcendent, the mortality rate during mission execution is less than 3%, while that of a fourth-level transcendent is less than one thousandth, because high-level transcendental beings are also equivalent to the country's strategic reserves and cannot be consumed at will.

But there is no guarantee for the first and second levels.

Su Ruo even disappeared while performing a mission in Penglai. At that time, she was about to advance to the third level of transcendence.

Death is like a lamp going out. Su's father and Su's mother's thoughts are the thoughts of normal parents. However, both Su Ruoli and Bai Yu have reasons why they cannot stop moving forward.

This family dinner cannot be said to have ended on bad terms, it can only be said that both parties were helpless.

Bai Yu also has a room here, so there is no need to go back at night.

After dinner, he came to Su Ruoli's room. The latter did not turn on the light, but sat on the balcony by the window and looked at the starry sky outside.

"Mom and dad didn't say much about you, did they?"

"They just accepted it naturally."

"They are always very tolerant towards you, but they are more serious towards me." Su Ruoli hugged her knees: "I just don't understand why they don't let me go find my sister."

"Isn't this simple? If you lose one child, do you have to lose a second one?" Bai Yu approached and sat on the other side of the bay window.

"I miss my sister." Su Ruoli lowered her head: "I miss her very much."

She showed a fragile look, and Bai Yu reached out and touched her hair: "I know."

"She won't come back, so I have to go find her." Su Ruoli accepted the comfort of the touch, with green light shining in her eyes: "I want to take her home."

"So, you are going to Penglai Academy."

"Yes, my sister went to Penglai, there will definitely be news about her there." Su Ruoli replied: "I can pass the exam, but..."

"Are you worried that I won't pass the exam?"

"Mu Mu also said in the past that he would take the Penglai exam. I understand, but..." Su Ruoli hesitated because Bai Yu's talent was not high.

"I will go too." Bai Yu looked at the starry sky outside the window and muttered in a low voice, "Of course I will go."

Because this is the boy's wish.

Because the boy's mother said that if she could go to Penglai in the future, she hoped that he could help her complete something.

Bai Yu's biological mother once left something behind in Penglai, but she didn't explain it clearly, but kept it secret.

The boy's memory of his parents was not very profound, and even his memory of the old man Bai Pojun, who had been away from home all year round since he was a child, was quite vague.

There are quite a few mysteries about his life experience, and there are almost none about his relatives and friends.

There is only one old man in Lao Bai's family who disappears, and Su's father and Su's mother are also acquainted with the boy's biological mother... The Su family behind the biological mother seems to have a long history, but they have almost no contact with her.

The Bai family is even more mysterious. Even his own father doesn't know where he has gone, and he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Even if Bai Yu takes the initiative to ask about this, the answer he gets is that he doesn't know anything about it.

If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Bai in Lao Bai's family was always thinking about sending souvenirs and specialties to his grandson, he would have doubted whether his own mother had been deceived into a marriage.

Moreover, there are many doubts about the death of the boy's biological mother. She was obviously in the prime of life, but she still died.

The specific reason is not clear at all. It even seems that the funeral was ordinary, with no guests and very low-key.

Because his memory of this part is very vague, Bai Yu doesn't know what the elders are deliberately hiding.

But he couldn't ask now, so he could only leave it at that.

"That's right." Bai Yu suddenly remembered something, took Su Ruoli's hand and walked out.

The latter followed me obediently and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Yu walked to a door and asked, "Do you have the key here?"

"Isn't this sister Ruo Ji's room?" Su Ruoli opened it with a gentle push: "Her room has been unlocked for a long time because no one has used it for a long time."

Bai Yu turned on the light and saw that the room was clean and dust-free, and the bed was newly changed, which showed that it was cleaned frequently.

Su Ruoli looked at the familiar scenery, her eyes dazed for a moment.

Bai Yu immediately interrupted her thoughts: "Okay, let's talk about it after we miss it. Do you still remember Su Ruoji's diary that I mentioned to you?"

"Ah, that's what happened."

"I found three pages and I was wondering if I still had the last page of the diary at home."

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