Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 120 Words of Tiger and Wolf

If it weren't for the meatballs in his mouth, Bai Yu would have started to shout loudly, 'Calm down, restrain yourself, think twice before you act, Miss Su! ’

Unfortunately, there was a meatball in his mouth, and it was too big to swallow in a second or two. He could only move his mouth crazily to chew it, and his jaw was moving like a built-in power hammer, and the teeth collided with each other, making a pitting sound. , even so it's not fast enough.

Because Su Ruoli had turned into a flash of blue light and jumped next to the two of them.

She even used the principle of heroic spirits!


Only after hearing these words that seemed to be mixed with the cold wind of Siberia, Ruan Qingxue reacted.

She shook her shoulders and turned her head. When she saw Su Ruoli, she immediately degenerated into a little squirrel holding a hazelnut.

It seemed that it was a bit late to hide it at this time.

Bai Yu suddenly remembered with joy... Wait, why should I panic? This was originally just an ordinary exchange between classmates.

I just ate one of her meatballs, and I didn't touch her chopsticks. What's there to panic about?

Don't panic, it's a small problem!

At this time, I was panicking because there was no three hundred taels of silver here, so I had to act confidently.

He thought to himself, so Bai Yu immediately swallowed the ball. Although he was delayed for two or three seconds, he immediately and calmly explained: "Listen to my quibbles... Bah, explain! We are not playing some feeding game, we just happen to give in every now and then." You just saw this scene! Don’t have any weird misunderstandings, right?”

He said, casting a questioning look at Ruan Qingxue.

Ruan Qingxue immediately took back her chopsticks and nodded: "That's right."

She still looked a little nervous.

It's wrong to be nervous, Miss Ruan! You need to cheer up, you need to be strong! Don't look like you have a ghost in your heart!

Su Ruoli looked back and forth between the two of them for a few seconds, then snorted softly: "I don't care about that for now, I just think you are hiding in the classroom to eat lunch secretly, and you don't call me!"

"Is this what you care about?"

"I don't like being left out!" Su Ruoli said unhappily: "I'm so angry, I decided to give you an unpleasant nickname!"

As soon as her temper flared up, Bai Yu immediately understood that he couldn't turn a blind eye as he should cooperate with the performance, so he asked: "Then how can I appease Miss Su who is in a bad mood at this time?"

"I want to eat this, this, and this!"

Su Ruoli pointed to the three dishes in their lunch boxes.

"Okay, then let me offer a sacrifice to the beautiful Miss Su..." Bai Yu just picked up a piece of croquette and felt something was wrong, because he had just used these chopsticks.

He was thinking about taking out a piece of paper to wipe it with, but as soon as he lifted it up, Su Ruoli had already eaten the croquette.

"Wow, it tastes great." Su Ruoli said, "Qingxue's craftsmanship is very good."

Ruan Qingxue stared at the pair of chopsticks she had just held in her mouth with a subtle look in her eyes. She immediately lowered her head, her eyes slightly downcast, and then raised her head again as if nothing had happened. She smiled quietly: "I also have an onion ring here. , do you want to try it?”

"Okay, okay." Su Ruoli said and bit the onion ring that was handed to her.

By eating and drinking like this, the lunch for two people was divided up.

Basically, Bai Yu didn't eat much after that. Su Ruoli took the chopsticks and lunch.

After the two girls shared the table, it was none of his business.

But that's fine, just to avoid getting into trouble.

At this time, Bai Yu noticed a figure walking outside the door. The latter deliberately paused and then turned back.

"I'm going to London on a business trip."

"London?" Ruan Qingxue didn't respond: "Want to take the ghost ship?"

"That's not what he meant." Su Ruoli waved his hand: "Go quickly."

After walking out of the classroom, he came to the corridor and saw Tao Rusu with his arms crossed and shaking his legs.

The first question that hit the latter was.

"What is London?"

"London, the capital of the Principality of Midwinter, also known as..."

"I'm not asking about this London!"

"Then which London are you talking about? Are there two Londons in the world?"

"Stop pretending to me, tell me quickly, I'm very curious!" Tao Rusu took a step forward.

Bai Yu couldn't withstand this Chitanda-style offensive, so he had to take a step back and explain: "It's the homophone of 'wheel squatting'. Where else can we take turns squatting?"

Tao Rusu thought for a while: "Ah, the toilet!"

Then he stepped on Baiyu again: "You are so dirty!"

Bai Yu dodged flexibly: "It's not you who forced me to explain!"

Tao Rusu continued to lower her head and step on her feet, while Bai Yu stepped back.

The two of them advanced and retreated, dodging in the corridor one after another, and their bodies changed one after another. Bai Yu retreated all the way to the stairs, sat down on the guardrail and slid down to distance herself: "Are you coming again?"

"Hmph!" Tao Rusu folded her hands and snorted: "You really make yourself extraordinary... Tsk!"

"What do you mean by smacking your tongue? I can't be extraordinary?" Bai Yu said amusedly: "Is your jealousy too ugly?"

"It's unheard of for a white talent to be able to achieve transcendence within seven days. Is there a bug in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony?"

This is what is difficult for Tao Rusu to understand.

The awakening of her talent during the spiritual enlightenment ceremony was at the deep purple level, which was already at the level of purple and red, infinitely close to red. No one knew what her talent was, and she didn't even plan to reveal it to the school.

But talent itself determines the height and speed of practice.

Of course she would find it strange and even a little annoyed to be overtaken by Bai Yu in this way.

Losing to an innate heroic spirit like Su Ruoli was fine, but losing to Bai Yu was really unacceptable to her... She obviously saved this unfortunate guy's life.

Tao Rusu does not hate Bai Yu, and even thinks that he is very compatible with him and has a good impression of him. Otherwise, he would not have invited him to the Blackwater Martial Arts Hall to spar with each other.

But people's personalities are changeable and diverse. She is the genius that Nanling No. 3 Middle School focuses on. She is somewhat arrogant and competitive in this regard. This is also a matter of character.

People cannot be arrogant, but they cannot be without pride.

In the past, Bai Yu's reputation did not reflect her lack of strength, but now she has suddenly emerged. Of course, it will trigger changes in her senses. She lost a game before, and now it is a step too late. It is natural to feel annoyed, but she can't find a suitable target to vent her anger. , he could only step on Bai Yu a few times to vent his anger.

Bai Yu could only scream that he was wronged, and it had nothing to do with me.

After catching Bai Yu, Tao Rusu said, "Accompany me to the training room."

"What do you want to do?"

"Beat you."

"What are you doing? Oops." Bai Yu tried to break away: "Don't do this, Sister Tao."

"It's no use calling me mom, I have to torture you until you're exhausted today!"

"No, there's no need to arrest me even if you call for sparring! You go find the teacher in the martial arts class, who has rich sparring experience."

"I want to practice new moves, but the school will not agree. I am already extraordinary, so why should I focus on strengthening my foundation and cultivating my abilities?" Tao Rusu paused for a moment: "I think I still have some loopholes, so..."

"What are you going to do?" Bai Yu was shocked.

Tao Rusu also paused for two seconds, but she was not like other little girls who would blush and beat her chest with fists and shout "I hate it~". Instead, she laughed without shame.

"Yeah, that's right, that's it!"

Baiyu's tiger body trembled: "What are you talking about like a tiger and a wolf!"

Tao Rusu just smiled strangely: "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

Unable to escape, Tao Rusu dragged Bai Yu to the training room and immediately took out some snacks he had hidden in the wooden box in the training room and threw them there.

"Eat. Seeing as you didn't have much lunch just now, Su Ruoli must have done it on purpose."

"Have you seen everything?"

"Do you think I really want to see it? I just happened to see it. Just when I was about to go over to find you, I saw her fly over in a swish. I almost thought she was going to chop off your dog's head with a sword."

"Then why don't you come in and help me out?" Bai Yu slapped the bread bag hard, causing a crack to pop open.

Tao Rusu's smile suddenly became a bit more playful and charming. She lifted her hair behind her ears with her fingers, squatted on the ground and poked Bai Yu's forehead.

"You kid, are you sure I went in to rescue you instead of kicking you directly into the fire pit? If you really think so, I don't care~"

Bai Yu thought seriously for three seconds, then lowered his head: "Thank you for not killing me."

"Su Ruoli's character is always protective. Don't get too close to other girls next time." Tao Rusu reminded, "It will be very dangerous."

Bai Yu looked at Tao Rusu, who was less than two meters away from him, as well as the safety pants and long legs exposed when he squatted down, and couldn't help but raise his eyes.

"Of course, I don't care." Tao Rusu patched herself up, stood up and patted her chest: "Because I'm not afraid of her!"

Bai Yu was noncommittal and asked while eating: "Speaking of which, what is your extraordinary skill?"

Tao Rusu interrupted: "This can't be said, and you should try not to tell others."

"Sooner or later it will be known." Bai Yu said casually: "You can't hide it for long, unless you can master a variety of extraordinary skills."

Tao Rusu shook his head and said: "It's different... The extraordinary skills awakened by top aristocratic families can also be selected. The extraordinary skills awakened by family disciples cultivated through various methods are often the same type of strengthening or deterioration. "

"You want to say..."

"Of course I am also a special kind, so I can't say." Tao Rusu raised her finger in front of her lips: "And I have also begun to try to master other extraordinary skills."

Bai Yu held her cheek: "You really have many paths. Extraordinary skills are not something you can just learn. What kind of family do you come from? You are so rich."

"If I told you that I am of heroic blood, would you believe it?"

"Would you like to shake my hand?"

"Okay." Tao Rusu stretched out her hand

The two shook hands.

Repeated this ten times.

The young man's palms were very stable, and his fingers were slender. There were some calluses left in the palms of his hard work, which were a little rough. However, Tao Rusu's palms were not as delicate as they looked. Her joints were unexpectedly thick. She thought she would practice martial arts on a daily basis. We have worked hard all the time.

The two held hands, and Tao Rusu withdrew her hand first. The remaining warmth made her palms sweat.

"It's so hot... Why do your hands feel like soldering irons?" She asked deliberately: "Is there any point in shaking hands like this?"

Bai Yu didn't notice the change in Tao Rusu's expression at this time, but said seriously: "I verified it."

"What was verified?"

"You are not of the heroic bloodline." Bai Yu said with certainty.

"Ah?" Tao Rusu looked confused, even though she was not the one: "How did you verify it?"

"This is not important. I have to remind you." Bai Yu said, "The button on your clothes fell off."

Tao Rusu looked down and saw that a button on her chest had fallen off at some point, revealing the blue and white lining.

"When did it fall? Turn around!" She glared: "How long did you look at it?"

"Three seconds?"

"Huh! I'm giving you an advantage. No one else has seen this girl's heart-warming charm!"

She stepped on the white elm and turned around to pick up the button, but there was no affectation at all like a little daughter.

Bai Yu silently added: "The only things in this world that cannot be looked directly at are the sun and the human heart... Anyway, after reading it, I feel that we can only be brothers."

Tao Rusu: "?"

Bai Yu commented: "Not astringent enough."

Tao Rusu: "???"

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