Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 124 A single thought leads to the gods

Bai Yu felt like a matador.

Waving his spear, he weaved and turned around among the herds of cattle.

Every move that seems elegant is actually dancing on the tip of a knife.

Obviously he is using the template of a veteran of many battles, but in fact it is Bai Yu himself who is holding the steering wheel, and in many battles, his self-style is also taking shape.

It is said that when playing a dungeon, you have to wear a suit to pour a glass of red wine and use a goblet to be elegant enough. So when fighting, thugs in suits must be more calm and leisurely.

It should be said that it is a kind of violent aesthetics, as if the slow playback of the fire while shooting is really indescribable beauty.

So blood and flesh are flying everywhere, and the only music composed with life is equally touching.

The veteran's spearmanship was originally simple, but now it is inexplicably more gorgeous.

Does this make marksmanship less practical?

Not at all. The seemingly flashy and gorgeous moves are actually a lot more confusing. The change itself is a variable, like a stick being raised and a quick and slow knife knocking down without knowing when.

Even top professional players will fail when they get up, so the pretense is useful no matter how much you add.

Although Bai Yu provoked the lion, beast and ape, the latter always stood outside the safe range, grabbed the ferocious beasts and alien species next to him, and drove them over to die one after another. It seemed that he had some brains, and he also knew how to wait for work and be like a snipe and a clam. fight.

However, this gave Bai Yu more time to hone his skills.

He is now in his prime, a third-level extraordinary at his peak. Even if he plays for five hours, he will not be tired. This level is not enough for a veteran to train every day.

Sometimes when faced with hordes of enemies, I couldn't rest for three days. I would lie down among the corpses and sleep. When I felt I was in danger, I would open my eyes and thrust my spear into the beast's mouth.

This kind of combat intuition produced on the battlefield is extremely accurate. This is different from intuition. Intuition is a temporary inspiration, while intuition is a long-term sense that is maintained and is a kind of advance judgment.

This lasted for almost a quarter of an hour.

The minions around him were almost running away. Bai Yu raised his spear and said, "Why don't you do it yet?"

He smashed the rock gun against the ground and opened a crack: "If you are afraid of death, then get away!"

At this time, the lion beast ape moved strangely to the side, and he almost saw a trace of human cunning on the ugly face of this ferocious beast.

Just as it turned sideways, a sense of crisis hit.

Something passed through the air, and Bai Yu's heart was alarmed. He instinctively turned sideways, and at the same time turned his rock gun to pick up a corpse of a ferocious beast as a defense.

Sure enough, the next moment, the corpse was torn open and pierced through the middle. A black light approached him. He leaned back in advance, still feeling pain between his brows, and a line of blood appeared on his forehead.

What was projected from the darkness was a palm-sized black beetle, but such a small insect was a top-level second-level disaster beast. Its sudden attack was so fast that no one could react.

Although he avoided this sneak attack, the attack of the lion, beast and ape that followed directly caused him to lose the space to dodge.

Seeing the lion, beast and ape jumping high and hitting the ground with both hands, Bai Yu could only twist his waist. The rock gun had already pierced into the ground at this time, lifting a huge blue brick with a volume of three cubic meters directly from the bottom of the ground. It's like adding a leftover material to build, turning the rock gun into a rock hammer.


The sound of the impact spread, and Bai Yu was knocked back. He stabilized his body after rolling more than a dozen times on the ground.

The lion ape smashed the green bricks, roaring again and again, and his hands were unharmed.

On the other hand, Bai Yu felt numbness in the tiger's mouth. The way he used his strength just now was too bad. Although this counterattack was beautiful, it hurt the enemy eight hundred and lost a thousand to himself.

The Lion Beast Ape attacks more than once. Once it attacks, it is like a violent storm. It not only relies on fists, but also uses weapons. Everything around it is held in its hands, and it also has the Lion Beast Ape's body attached to it. Talent, every weapon is like being coated with a layer of black light, even a plastic stick becomes indestructible.

The two sides attacked again. The lion, beast and ape twisted their bodies in mid-air and jumped over Bai Yu's head. At the same time, they threw out the black beetle from before. It hit from above and the angle was difficult to guard against. Bai Yu raised the rock spear and hit it with the tip of the spear. There was a roar, and the ground beneath his feet sank and cracked.

Bai Yu tried to distance herself.

But the lion, beast and ape didn't give it a chance.

"Damn, you beast." Bai Yu cursed. He lacked long-range attack means and could only be pulled by it... Being pulled by an orangutan?

No one would believe me if I told you, could this thing be a golden lion?

Another half minute passed, and Bai Yu's defense was finally broken. The jaw of his right hand was shattered, and the rock gun in his hand fell out, spinning and flying out, and was inserted into a stone pillar more than ten meters away.

"Oops!" he exclaimed.

With the weapon out of hand and the body out of balance, how could the lion, beast, and ape miss this perfect opportunity.

It decisively chose to pursue the victory and did not continue to throw bugs to distract it. It was absolutely confident in its ability to fight at close range.

It was in this flash of lightning.

Bai Yu, who should have lost his balance, moved his body on the ground just before the attack arrived, and disappeared from the place like a ghost.

The moon is hidden in the clouds, seemingly nothing but there.

The sound of his footsteps sounded again from three meters away from the lion ape, and at the same time, he had a new weapon in his hand... the lion's heart gun!

There is never more than one weapon.


Bai Yu took a deep breath and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't this flaw selling well?"

"Stupid monkey, you fell into a trap."

The effect of the deliberate performance is to seduce the other party to get closer.

Mr. Liu Huai will die from your long-range attacks, but he will not make the same mistake again.

No matter how smart the ferocious beast is, it is still a ferocious beast. In a competition of acting skills, Bai Yu will never lose to a beast.

The moment the opponent gets close, it's the moment when he explodes with all his strength!

The spear turned in his hand, and in an instant, the billowing Qi poured into the weapon like a tide, as if an illusory lion emerged from the tip of the spear.

Turning the weapon, the speed is slow, from slow to fast, the Gang Qi is like silk thread, wrapped around the weapon layer by layer, strangled like steel bars, overlapping layer after layer.

The overlapping and intertwined Gang Qi increased the thickness and length of the spear, making the Lion Heart Spear in his hand thicker, longer, and more deadly.

Then he launched into a spear throw.

After charging to the extreme, the Lion Heart Spear could no longer be held.

Just the moment he let go of his hand, he couldn't wait to fly forward.

Bai Yu felt that what he threw was not a long gun, but a rocket launcher... His arm was the turret of the Rat tank, and he could kill any armored tank with one hit even from a thousand meters away.

No one can block its edge.

Not even a third-level ferocious beast.


In just an instant, the spear whizzed past, and the entire upper body of the lion, beast, and ape was cut off, leaving only half of the body standing on the ground. Not even a few drops of blood spattered. It was swept into the storm and scattered evenly. into a light red drizzle.

It was so powerful that it could not be controlled at all, and it had already flown hundreds of kilometers away.

From a close distance, the power was not even weaker than the demon-killing arrow that almost killed him.

The one that directly kills the lion, beast, and ape with one blow is the special move that belongs to this heroic spirit who has fought hundreds of battles.

It is a combination of three extraordinary skills. It is second only to the mysterious ultimate move that belongs to every extraordinary person.

——Supernatural Power·Three Thousand Spirals

A total of three thousand fine Gang Qi silk threads are wrapped around the spear to exert such power.

But its power was too strong, which also meant that the price was not small. Bai Yu looked at his right hand and arm. His clothes were torn, and his entire arm was full of spiral-shaped wounds. Although they were all skin injuries, He was also bleeding profusely.

"Injure yourself before you injure the enemy."

"This move is too powerful, but it's really amazing."

"It is indeed a special attack technique developed by a veteran of hundreds of battles. He didn't even think about whether he could bear it."

Bai Yu opened a bottle of life potion and poured a small portion on his arm. The wound quickly recovered to be complete.

"However, I never thought of it before."

"It turns out that all extraordinary skills are melted into one furnace, which is magical power."

"Does the so-called supernatural power mean that one thought can lead to the mind?"

"This means that all extraordinary skills must reach a certain level before they are eligible to start creating magical powers."

"It seems I'm still a long way away."

Bai Yu picked up the rock gun and returned to its original position.

One by one, he removed the stones blocking the passage.

In the corner of the basement, Su Ruoji squatted timidly, hugging her knees. Her little head was buried between her knees. She hugged her legs in fear and did not dare to raise her head.

Bai Yu slowly approached, stretched out his hand and slowly touched her hair; "It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hearing the voice, Su Ruo immediately raised her eyes, her cute little face was stained with tears and runny nose. After seeing who it was, she rushed forward.

"Wow, grandpa, you're not dead. I thought you were already..."

She howled loudly: "Grandpa is a bad person. He left me here alone. I'm so scared."

Bai Yu didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of children, bad guys are always so innocent.

"It's my fault." He said softly.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think about what would happen if it followed the normal development path.

According to the original result, it should be someone from Chang Yesi who found her.

But, can these stones really stop the ferocious beasts outside?

Are there any other variables?

Bai Yu thought to himself, but was unable to judge or speculate.

He had no choice but to reach out and find a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe her tears and nose, and softly comforted her: "It's time for us to go back. Do you want to go back together?"

The little girl rubbed her eyes, sniffed, and nodded obediently: "Yes, we want to go back together."

One big and one small, the two walked to the ground holding hands.

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