Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 13 Nanling No. 3 Middle School

Daxia in this world is similar to the country where Bai Yu stayed in his previous life. It has basically universalized compulsory education for all, and has gone further on the road of socialized upbringing.

Schools have stronger management rights over students and solve the problems of unequal power and responsibilities between families and schools and blurred management intervals at the legislative level.

The government also has specialized agencies to provide various assistance and care for families’ children’s education, and they also conduct regular visits and verifications.

All this is to cultivate a higher quality next generation of citizens.

Therefore, schools are not only responsible for the education of students, but also an important link in improving the quality of the entire nation.

Starting from preschool, primary school and junior high school students will go through two stages of enlightenment education lasting nine years.

At the high school stage, children begin to learn more advanced knowledge, and at the high school stage, the child's body enters a period of rapid growth. From this stage, various physical indicators begin to approach those of adults, which is the best period of shaping. Therefore, education at the high school stage The most urgent.

It is not only responsible for selecting talents, but also laying the foundation for the next stage of cultivation of higher education institutions.

There is no division of subjects in high school. All students must experience education from two aspects, namely liberal arts and martial arts, and the time ratio is about seven to three.

The college entrance examination is also divided into a literary test and a martial arts test... participation is compulsory.

In the end, I feel that the scores in the liberal arts test and the martial arts test will determine what kind of school I can attend.

It can be said that for ordinary families, the most mature period for raising children must be in high school.

The main learning goal of students in the first and second grades of high school is liberal arts, but in the third year of high school, the proportion of martial arts will suddenly increase. This is due to the emergence of the 'spiritual enlightenment ceremony'.

When human beings are sixteen or seventeen years old, their souls gradually mature. The spiritual enlightenment ceremony at this stage allows students to awaken their own talents, and their personal talents have basically taken shape.

The next whole year is the sprint stage.

Occasionally, some talented people will activate their talents in advance, which means they have more time to lay a solid foundation and sprint for the martial arts test.

The college entrance examination is fair to most people, because the time difference between all students is almost the same... If you don't know what your talents are, it is often easy to waste time in the wrong place.

There is definitely something wrong with an archer practicing long-distance running.

Of course, for families with a relatively high starting point, even if it is the same year, their utilization efficiency is very different...Families that originally have extraordinary people will mostly spare no effort in cultivating their offspring. These Elites often have laid the foundation for extraordinary sprints before taking the college entrance examination.

Nanling No. 3 Middle School, Nanling City No. 3 Middle School.

It is also the boy’s alma mater.

The overall layout of this school looks very similar to the school Bai Yu attended in high school, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

By the time Bai Yu arrived at the school gate, it was already half past seven. By this time, the morning reading class had ended and the students were preparing for morning exercises.

Originally he would not be allowed in.

After Bai Yu took out his student ID card, the school security took a look at it and then called the school phone. After a while, a middle-aged man wearing glasses rushed to the school gate and took him in.

This middle-aged man is the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 3, a Chinese and martial arts teacher. His surname is Zhang and his given name is Chushan.

A pretty domineering name.

When Zhang Chushan saw someone, the first thing he looked at was not the other person, but his feet.

After seeing no shadow, Zhang Chushan's expression became very solemn and sad.

As the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 3, he has taught more than 30 students in this class for three full years.

Even if it is a dog, it must have a deep affection after being kept for three years.

It can be said that every one of the thirty-seven students was brought up by him personally, whether they were naughty or mischievous or serious and hard-working, he saw them all.

Now, of the thirty-seven students, only this single seedling was left in front of him. Zhang Chushan, a tough guy, couldn't help but reach out and pinch the bridge of his nose when he saw Bai Yu, who was alone and without a shadow.

"Didn't I ask you to take a good rest at home for a while?" The head teacher took him to the office, and did not let him stand. He gave up his office chair before he could find a chair: "You should have a good rest now, and you can cope with the long night." Please cooperate with your work and don’t come to school for the time being."

Bai Yu shook his head: "I think it's still necessary to come here. There are some things I want to find out. I'll pick up some textbooks by the way."

Zhang Chushan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "When is it now? Do you still want to study?"

Bai Yu said: "Because of the amnesia, I can't remember many things. I need to read it again... Can Teacher Zhang give me the student handbook?"

Zhang Chushan frowned: "Have you lost your memory?" He frowned secretly: "Amnesia can indeed cause people to lose mobility or even become paralyzed. Amnesia should be a problem with the soul... It's such a big deal, why don't you go to the hospital?"

Bai Yu asked back: "Is it useful to go to the hospital?"

Zhang Chushan stopped talking, raised his hand to scratch his head, and sighed heavily... Amnesia is a terminal illness, and if you can't find your shadow, you will most likely not live for more than a month.

This is not the beginning of Baidu’s medical amputation, because Baidu cannot continue to exaggerate.

Zhang Chushan took out the student handbook and handed it over. Bai Yu read them one by one and began to memorize and recognize faces.

There are thirty-seven people in the class, and there are thirty-six people except him. Each one of them has a distinct personality in the head teacher's mouth.

He can almost casually tell every ridiculous thing that every student has done...and he tells it in such detail that he even remembers clearly when it happened. a good class teacher.

Bai Yu turned down a page and paused with his fingers.

He knew the students on this page.

Student photos, like the photos on ID cards, are often not good-looking, but this student photo is very good-looking. It can overcome the filters of student photos and ID cards, which shows that she is at least eight points beautiful.

"Su Ruoli, your childhood sweetheart, I have been very close to you since childhood... I didn't know that you lived together until I went to visit your home last year. I was worried that you would make mistakes when you were too young. But because it is you, after a period of investigation, I feel relieved." Zhang Chushan said pointedly.

...What do you mean, because it's me, you feel relieved?

Feeling that his abilities in certain aspects were being questioned, Bai Yu deliberately asked questions.

Zhang Chushan continued to recall: "Su Ruoli is a genius. Her talent is very high. All the students and teachers in the school know that she is very beautiful and has a good personality. Almost no one hates her. Privately in the school, there are Many fan groups have received hundreds of love letters..."

The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched: "I don't want to know this...but this is what adolescent boys are like."

Zhang Chushan shook his head and said: "60% of them are from girls."

Bai Yu was shocked... Good guy, is the social atmosphere here so open?

Zhang Chushan said with complicated eyes: "I think she is qualified to become the first city female champion in Nanling No. 3 Middle School. After all, she is extremely talented."

The head teacher asked: "You don't even remember her, right?"

"Remember." Bai Yu said.

"That's good."

"But only a little bit."

"...Which bit?"

"Beautiful and well-spoken."

"That bird food." After Lao Ban agreed, he reacted and gave Bai Yu an angry, funny and helpless eye roll: "You probably haven't remembered anything!"

Bai Yu continued to scroll down, recognizing people one after another. It took him an hour to recognize all the people. There were thirty-six people in total. His memory seemed to have been strengthened. The information he had just seen seemed to be engraved on his memory. In the mind, it may be the welfare of the time traveler, or it may be the superimposed enhancement of mental power.

Once you put the student handbook together, you will understand everything.

He looked at Zhang Chushan: "You don't have to go to class?"

"The next class is the martial arts class for Class 7."

Just after Zhang Chushan finished speaking, he heard the bell ringing for class.

'I love you walking alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel down, I love you so much like me, even the gaps are the same~'

Bai Yu raised his head, aware of the elements.

Is the school bell here so unique? Actually playing children's songs.

After hearing the bell, Zhang Chushan picked up the lesson plan: "I'm going to class. You can either wait in the office and wait for me to take you back after class, or you can go to the classroom and read for a while..."

After watching his old class leave, Bai Yu walked back to the class. Now there was no one in the class except tables, chairs and books.

I found the location in the memory review, opened the textbook, and briefly looked through it. The memories in the book were revived little by little.

It's like a college student going back to high school and re-reading the books, and he can quickly master the problem-solving skills that he originally lost.

But I have to admit that the level of high school knowledge in this world is very application-oriented... It does not mean continuous training of question-solving skills and eight-part essay writing. If it is an exam-oriented education, you only need to have enough memory to cope with it, but this This kind of application-related topic is relatively difficult. It often gives a random question and requires students to use their existing knowledge to answer it. The degree of freedom is relatively high... It is more complex, but not difficult, and there are flexible problem-solving methods. Bai Yu took out the last exam paper and started to review it. He found that if it were him, it would not be difficult to pass the 140-point paper from the 150-point paper...

"No, no, no, why did the bloodline of the small town's problem solver suddenly awaken?"

Bai Yu hurriedly covered the test paper to avoid being obsessed with studying.

After confirming that my knowledge level can be restored by reading books, I no longer have to worry about not being able to keep up with school courses.

In the college entrance examination, the proportion of liberal arts scores has always remained stable at around 60-70%.

If you only have excellent martial arts test scores, you will most likely be able to attend a higher education institution that only strengthens martial arts, which is far from being a comprehensive development.

It is worth mentioning that... about 30% of the liberal arts scores are the usual scores of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor, that is, the examination of students' personal thoughts and morals.

If a student's own moral character is not good, even if he scores well in the martial arts exam, his future achievements will not be very high...

After all, extraordinary people are a destabilizing factor in society. If you think about the experience of Mr. Kiryu in Fuso, you will realize how many security difficulties just an extraordinary person will bring to society.

We can't rely on society's self-regulation ability. After all, Ren Xia such as Kiryu Takajiro is a very rare case. How can one white blood cell deal with so many germs?

I don’t think about it that much…after all, I shouldn’t have to worry too much about my daily life.

When Bai Yu came here this time, he actually hoped that Lao Ban could give him some advice. Since the memory related to martial arts had been completely lost, he needed to review the way of practicing martial arts.

The more power you can have, the more confidence you will have in finding your own shadow and classmates.

He heard the unified and loud "Hello Teacher" coming from other classes, and looked at the empty Grade 1 Class 1, as if he could see the corresponding students in every position in the class.

A faint feeling of loss arises in my heart...

If there were no peers to support each other, the three years of high school would be so boring.

He walked through the classroom and gently closed the classroom door.

"I will save you..."

"Do my best."

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