Amemiya Mahiru tilted her head, her little fox mask full of confusion.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I haven't seen that sword move just now. What new move is it?" Bai Yu asked.

"I haven't chosen a name yet." Amamiya Mahiru shook his head: "It's a self-made move combined with the existing swordsmanship... If you don't mind, sir, can you help me choose a name?"

Bai Yu suddenly had an idea and suggested: "Then let's call it Yingfeng's sword slash."

"...Isn't this the secret of the Yagyu family?" Amemiya Mahiru asked doubtfully.

"Where is the Ba Conferring God Slash that day?"

"How could it be so domineering? It's indeed a nice name."

Baiyu is a little stuck.

Amemiya Mahiru also mentioned it casually and said quickly: "If it causes you any trouble, I don't need a's just an ordinary sword move."

Instead, Bai Yu worked hard and frowned: "I have to think of a suitable name. I have to go back and look up the dictionary..."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, right?"

Amamiya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was a little happy inside unconsciously, because the other party even took such an ordinary sentence to heart.

After being treated as a tool by her family for so many years, no one except Ah Zi really cared about her so much.

[Increased bond value]


Bai Yu thought to himself: Didn't he think of a name yet? Why did his bond value increase?

Will the system also have bugs?

But that's not important.

Bai Yu had already thought of a good name. He took off the white fox mask on Amamiya Mahiru's face and said, "Let's call this move Fox Shadow Sword."

"Good name." She nodded with satisfaction.

[Increased bond value]

Another tip.

Sure enough, what just happened was a bug, Bai Yu thought.

He looked at the defeated puppet. There was no way he could try Fengjuan Canyun now. He could only raise his hand and ask the other person to sit down: "I'll give you a gift."

"Yeah." Amamiya Mahiru couldn't help but start to wonder what kind of gift it would be.

She has actually gotten a lot of things. Although she doesn't want to admit that she is a greedy woman, she can't help but be curious about what Mr. Destiny will give her.

I can only say to myself in my heart, no matter what it is, be happy and surprised when you receive it.

Regardless of whether it meets psychological needs or not, disappointment cannot be expressed. This is immoral, impolite, and even hurtful behavior.

"Sit down first." Bai Yu pointed to the body of the sword puppet beside him.

"Hmm..." Amemiya Mahiru sat down and closed her eyes without even needing the other party to speak: "When do you agree, I will open my eyes again."

"You're so understanding."

"My mother taught me this. She gave me a beautiful handkerchief on my birthday before." Amemiya Mahiru recalled the past gently and tenderly.

Then her body suddenly trembled, and her voice trembled.


Because she closed her eyes and deliberately closed her eyes, she returned to the blind person's field of vision, and could only feel her legs being lifted up.

She was wearing clogs before, but for the convenience of movement, she even took them off, so she was now barefoot, touching her heels, soles, and ankles.

Most women in Fuso are not known for their legs. Yamato Nadeshiko is a woman with short legs. Most girls have short legs. It is rare to have tall supermodel figures.

And according to the teachings of Fuso's ladies, feet are also a very private part and cannot be touched by others at will... Unlike exposed hands, feet must be touched by specific people.

No matter how much Mahiru hates the Nan family's family education, she cannot deny that over the past ten years, her values ​​have been shaped and changed, and part of her heart is still very traditional and stubborn.

Even the thoughts and ideas of breaking out of the prison are also the result of this kind of cramming education.

If it were someone else here, she would definitely kick him directly on the chin and let the back of his head kiss the ground to feel what a concussion is.

But now, the fact that she is relatively introverted and doesn't resist speaks volumes.

Of course, Bai Yu didn't have so many ideas. He just wanted to help her put on her shoes on a whim... She was blind, so this small favor was nothing.

It also included Bai Yu's apology for wanting to sharpen her temper just now.

However, an idea is an idea. Once you get started, your original idea becomes a little distorted.

Even after walking from Osaka to Edo during this period, the soles of her feet showed no signs of wear and tear, and were still white and slightly pink. After becoming a transcendent, as long as you use zhenqi to protect the blood circulation in the soles of your feet, the soles of your feet will not wear out and develop calluses.

The feeling of getting started is just four words.

——It feels good in hand.

Bai Yu heard that there are different types of foot masters. Some like the thighs, some like the curves of the calves, and some like the feet.

He didn't understand it before, but now... he somewhat understands it, the toes with distinct joints, the fair skin, the insteps covered with fine blood vessels, and the soft but strong ankles.

After contacting these parts, you can obviously feel...


Bai Yu suddenly came to his senses, why the hell did I suddenly start tasting it with dignity?

what's the situation? Not quite right!

And when did you unconsciously raise your feet to a distance of only thirty centimeters from your face?

My body, body what do you want to do?

He was actually attracted so involuntarily.

Could it be...

Am I a foot-controller?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, it has never happened before. If you say black and white silk stockings are fine, that’s understandable, but what’s so good about feet!

Most people's feet are a combination of dirty smell and strong smell. If you smell it, you may be infected with athlete's foot. It's just bare feet. It...

But this one was completely tasteless.

It seems like there really isn't.

None of the extraordinary beings in this world seem to have foot odor. Are the ones I encounter special, or are they all like this?

Based on scientific principles, I think speculation is not as good as practice. You can smell it and try it...

When Bai Yu really wanted to lower his head subconsciously, he quickly raised his neck muscles to pull himself up.

Gan! I almost got hit again!

Is this some new type of bait?

When did I, Bai Yu, start to have such a weak resistance?

He couldn't help but start to question, it's obviously just the bare feet of a sixteen-year-old girl, what on earth are you doing! Li Zaigan is the devil!

They are still underage!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu immediately contained all the uncontrollable thoughts, relied on her strong willpower to use the magic sealing wave to take it back to the depths of her consciousness and sealed it with a rice cooker. Then, at an extremely fast speed, she took out the blast boots to her. Put it on, then let go: "Okay."

Amemiya Mahiru's face turned red like a ripe apple, she lowered her head and made a sound like a mosquito; "Well..."

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground.

Bai Yu didn't realize that he had actually been playing and kneading for more than three minutes.

While I was having an inner struggle and complaining about myself, my hands didn’t was a case of losing control of my body.

And the feedback from the entire process was doubled on Amamiya Mahiru's side.

She felt like she was getting a foot massage.

Bai Yu unconsciously pressed the acupuncture points. Anyone who has ever had a massage knows the sour and refreshing feeling.

Although he didn't use much force, he was still so stimulating to this little girl Amemiya Mahiru that he almost couldn't hold it back.

Because she thought this kind of massage was a gift. Although it was unexpected, of course she could only accept it happily.

Unexpectedly, it turned out not to be...the gift was a pair of boots for my feet.

This made Mahiru Amemiya, who was thinking wrongly, panicked. At the same time, she also realized that the other person's ulterior motives in pinching her without letting go for three minutes made her heart beat faster and Xia Fei's cheeks increased.

The toes hidden in the boots gripped the insoles hard out of shame.

She thought to herself, does Mr. Destiny really like my feet?

If that were the case, I would be very happy...

However, this is not easy to ask in person.

This intimate contact was beyond her shameful tolerance, and she was a little shaky when she stood up.

Bai Yu asked: "Does it not fit my feet?"

"No, it's very suitable." Amemiya Mahiru didn't dare to look up, so she picked up the fox mask on the side and covered her face to cover her cheeks: "I, I have something else to do, can I go back first?"

She almost fainted.

Bai Yu was also a little embarrassed, saying that the fragrance lingered on her hands when she gave roses to others, but she helped others put on their shoes and left the fragrance on their hands.

Seeing Amamiya Mahiru's reaction, she knew that she had gone too far, but according to the other person's temperament, it wouldn't be nice to apologize.

She actually wished she could get a little more advantage, and her shyness was part of her personality.

Mahiru Amemiya is her own heroic spirit and her own person... Well, let it be.

"Okay, then I'll see you some other time... These boots are called Wind Boots, and they have their own benefits. You will naturally notice them if you use them a few times."

After Bai Yu said this, he ended the copy, and the two figures faded and disappeared.

Fuso, summer fireworks venue.

On a river embankment, Amemiya Mahiru sat down. The clogs under her feet were gone and replaced with a pair of boots. The other boots were too thick and too closed, not suitable for summer, but this one was different. The feeling on the feet. Incredibly soft and lightweight, the breathability is almost akin to walking barefoot.

"It is indeed a treasure." She crossed her legs and gently stroked her ankle: "Giving it to me is a bit too wasteful."

She couldn't tell the difference between men's and women's styles, and she didn't know what the colors were, so she just thought she got a bargain.

The more treasures you carry with you for daily use, the more precious they are. This is the first time she has seen a rare item like boots.

If it were any other woman, let alone having her feet touched for three minutes, even if she had to pay more, it would still be worth it in exchange for a treasure.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but blush slightly.

At this time, a burst of fireworks rose and exploded in the sky, turning into streaks of radiant light that illuminated her cheeks.

There are also corresponding threads crossing and blooming in the celestial eye vision... There is no color, but it is still beautiful.

She was obviously in a good mood before, but now while watching the fireworks, she felt a trace of loneliness that was difficult to resolve.

The girl hugged her knees.

She looked at the fireworks and imagined with her eyes open.

"Next year...can I watch the fireworks with my husband?"

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