Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 183 New Function Module: Realm Exploration

At this time, Bai Yu was unaware of the commotion outside.

He went directly to the principal's office.

After the assistant knocked on the door, a voice came from inside.

"come in."

When he opened the door, the assistant did not follow him in. There were only Bai Yu and a middle-aged man in the room.

The principal of Nanling No. 3 Middle School is appointed by the Ministry of Education of Nanling City. The position of principal of a public school is not simple and has professional title ratings.

The middle-aged man's name is Wu Xianfeng.

Bai Yu had only met the principal a few times at the beginning of the school year. Most of the school's work was carried out by the three vice principals, and this was the first time he met the principal.

Wu Xianfeng faced the tea tray, raised his hand and said, "Classmate Bai, please sit down, don't be formal."

Naturally, Bai Yu was not very reserved. After sitting down, he asked directly: "The principal came to see me. What's the matter?"

"I called you here suddenly. You must be a little confused, right?" Wu Xianfeng handed a cup of hot tea to Bai Yu: "Actually, I received a report from the school and came here to test your talent."

Bai Yu had a strange look on his face. He originally just mentioned that he wanted to retest his talent problem, but in the end, the matter was reported to the principal.

He asked: "It's just a talent, is it necessary to spend so much time on it?"

"Of course this is not necessary for the talent of ordinary students, but... your talent is extraordinary." Wu Xianfeng took a sip of tea and blew away the white air on it: "The white talent can arrive in less than two months. In the late stage of the first level, even the top golden talent holders are only slightly different. After getting the specific report, I was really curious and wanted to see it with my own eyes."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "I don't think my talent is of such a high level."

"Young people don't need to be too modest." Wu Xianfeng said with a smile: "I have lived for more than fifty years and have seen several students with extraordinary talents. Talent is not static and can evolve."

Bai Yu picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp without leaving a drop of water on the wall. He turned the teacup upside down and said, "Then, please give me some advice from the principal."

Wu Xianfeng took out a well-packaged wooden box from his pocket and handed it to Bai Yu: "Try it."

Testing talents requires passing the relic.

Bai Yu opened the wooden box and found a piece of crystal clear jade on the red cloth.

He raised his hand and touched the jade stone with his palm, and suddenly a burst of black-yellow light burst out from his palm.

At the same time, a flash of images flashed in his eyes.

You are on a vast starry sky with countless stars.

Three blazing suns patrol the sky.

Six-wheeled ice trays hang in the night sky.

But looking deeper, this vast starry sky is just a reflection of the earth beneath our feet.

Bai Yu looked back and saw an endless stream of golden light, flowing slowly like a living thing.

As if the vast universe has turned into reality, the mountains, rivers and land are taking shape in the eyes, holding the head high, carrying countless past and present.

That's a dragon.

It swam past my eyes.

The scorching sun, the bright moon, and the stars were all just dim spots of light on its back, passing by in a flash.

When this huge dragon shape was wandering, some light fell from it. It was not a collapse, but a gift from it.

One of the rays of light turned into a flying dragon and stopped in his palm. His fingertips touched its reverse scales, and the touch was extremely real.

What I saw and felt seemed to be a fleeting hallucination.

Bai Yu suddenly felt a burning sensation at his fingertips, and a line of text appeared from his sight.

[Holy Relic: The Black and Yellow Essence of the Earth]

[Five-star heroic spirit: Daxia Dragon Soul]

[Status: in full bloom]

【Not contractable】

The crystal in the palm is already a bright yellow, but there seems to be a faint golden glow in the deep yellow.

However, Bai Yu still let go of his hand and put the thing back into the box, and its light went out.

"The dark yellow talent actually jumped two levels." Wu Xianfeng saw it with his own eyes and laughed: "Not bad, very good!"

Bai Yu looked at the spar and asked, "Principal, what is this stone?"

"The dragon vein essence, although not precious, is also a rare treasure." Wu Xianfeng said: "Originally, you should not be able to access this until you reach the university level, but it doesn't matter, this can allow you to see Daxia in advance. The mystery of dragon veins.”

A five-star heroic spirit is indeed too mysterious.

Bai Yu thought of the dragon that stayed on his palm. With a thought, the dragon vein mark on the back of his hand suddenly lit up, and an illusory silver dragon surrounded his palm, rubbing it lazily.

Wu Xianfeng took a closer look: "It seems that the first time you came into contact with the dragon vein essence, you received the gift of the Great Xia Dragon Vein... Classmate Bai, at such a young age, this mental power is quite impressive. It is the first time for ordinary people to see this." When you reach the dragon vein, you will often be extremely frightened and unable to stabilize your soul body."

Bai Yu thought that he was indeed frightened, but he didn't scare himself to death. It should be the plug-in that played a role. The Chronicle of Heroic Spirits allowed him to avoid damaging the other party's memory when he came into contact with the heroic spirits.

"Is this a gift from the Dragon Vein?" He touched the illusory dragon shape on his arm: "I heard Lao Ban say that the Dragon Vein Seal is the proof of Daxia's transcendence and is also the path of our cultivation. How do you say this?"

Wu Xianfeng poured a cup of tea slowly: "This is actually not difficult to understand... Dragon Vein is Daxia. It is everything from ancient times to the present, and it is also the carrier of the entire history of Daxia."

"If we extraordinary people want to practice cultivation, our own efforts are indispensable, but relying solely on ourselves is useless. It also requires the accumulation of huge predecessors."

"The dragon veins record the paths that countless predecessors have taken. Through this dragon vein seal, we will be able to enter the dragon veins to follow the steps of our predecessors, and even surpass their paths."

His fingers tapped slowly on the desk.

"So, you may think it's very complicated, but it's actually very simple..."

"The existence of countless people is recorded in the dragon vein. Walking and climbing in the dragon vein means that you have to cross these people and defeat them."

“If you defeat the existence records and projections in these dragon veins, you can obtain the gifts of the dragon vein—dragon vein essence and dragon vein memory.”

"The further you go, the stronger your strength will be, and the stronger the dragon vein records you will encounter. Every step you take, the higher the difficulty will be."

"If you can travel a hundred miles in the dragon vein, you will have reached the third level."

"You can reach the fourth level by traveling a thousand miles."

"Traveling thousands of miles is the fifth level."

“Thus, thousands of miles are sanctified!”

Wu Xianfeng's tone was suddenly high and then low.

"It can be said that every fifth-level powerhouse in Daxia has traveled thousands of miles."

"Unfortunately, this journey is extremely difficult. Traveling thousands of miles is never easy."

Bai Yu looked at the lazy illusory dragon shadow in his hand.

"Since this is a gift from the Great Xia Dragon Vein, doesn't it mean that as long as you keep challenging, you will eventually be able to reach Wanli?"

Wu Xianfeng sighed and shook his head: "How can it be so easy? Although Dragon Vein is generous, it is not unlimited generosity."

"Walking in the dragon's veins is both difficult and rewarding, but how can it be without any cost?"

"If you challenge the record in Dragon Vein, you will fail."

"Once defeated and died, although it will not cause death directly, it will mean damage to the soul."

"This kind of injury requires a lot of time to recuperate. The injury to the soul is different from the injury to the body. It is not so easy to recover."

"The third level of extraordinary is called the golden soul. It requires the soul to be intact. If the soul is damaged, it may lead to the decline of the realm. Therefore, the higher the level of the powerful, the more concerned about the safety of their own souls."

"Although there are secret techniques and items that can restore soul damage, after all, such items are extremely rare... For ordinary people, the cost of trial and error is too high."

"If you lose to the same dragon vein record two or three times in a row, it is easy to feel frustrated, and most people will stop here in their lifetime achievements."

Bai Yu thought: "It is indeed more difficult."

The cost of trial and error is too high.

Many people will simply give up the game and stop playing when encountering a difficult boss, let alone encountering a strong player with a record that is far better than themselves.

Therefore, Laoban mentioned before that he was a dropout, which may be what he was referring to. The progress in strength slowed down, and powerful dragon vein enemies blocked the way, and he was unable to progress, so he fell into an endless loop.

He opened his palms, and the dragon vein energy was retracted into the dragon vein seal: "Thank you principal for your teaching."

"It's just some basic principles. I'm telling you, I'm afraid that you are young and energetic and are anxious to try." Wu Xianfeng waved his hand: "Don't be too anxious, just take your time... With your current achievements, you can pass the exam Penglai College should be 60% sure, and it really makes me happy to have so many good students this year."

Who wouldn’t want free credit and political achievements?

Bai Yu listened to the other party's greetings, feeling a little absent-minded.

Just after he digested all the information he had seen in the Dragon Vein Essence, an information box popped up.

[New function module has been opened]

【Realm Exploration】

[Map No. 1: Dragon Vein of Daxia]

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