On the open rooftop.

A figure pushed open the heavy door, and the wind roared in. The hot soot mixed in the wind made the man stagger back a few steps subconsciously.


The man with the animal skin mask on his face coughed and walked towards the back of the man sitting on the edge of the rooftop.


Just as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly grabbed his throat with both hands and fell to his knees. He felt like he couldn't breathe, as if he was being hung up by something invisible.

"You failed in your mission."

The figure sitting on the rooftop did not turn around, and his voice blew along the wind: "This is your second mistake, trainer. How are you going to explain it?"

"Please, please forgive me..."

A dry voice came from his throat, and the animal trainer fell to his knees and could not make a sound.

"What I need is not your apology." The person on the edge of the rooftop turned around, her exposed side face covered with red roses, as if growing out of her eye sockets, and said coldly: "What I want to hear is what you plan to do How to deal with it."

The force that was holding his throat loosened slightly, and the animal trainer grasped the tight time and said with difficulty: "Give me another chance, and I will definitely complete the task."

"Looking at you, do you still have the energy to finish?"

"Yes, I will complete the mission even if I die!" The animal trainer swore with his head on the ground.

"Your life doesn't matter. What's important is the task you perform on the mountain. If you are unable to perform this task, the organization will consider replacing you."

“The sheep have gone to the slaughterhouse and the last one has been harvested, and the Lord is pleased with it.”

"This is the final work. This operation cannot leave any clues, otherwise it will become a stain on the organization."

The animal trainer did not dare to raise his head and remained silent.

"You have one last chance. If you fail, you don't have to come back."

The high-heeled shoes came closer and stopped next to the trainer. His voice was cold and accompanied by the clanging sound of the iron ropes cutting across the ground.

"Another point……"

"Summary and summarize the reasons for your failure. Don't simply think it is luck. If a person can escape death twice in a row, it is definitely not luck."

"Such carelessness will bring death to you."

The feeling of oppression dissipated.

The trainer stood up, his legs fighting, the fear remaining, but it soon turned into a surge of anger.

"Damn, damn thing... you made me suffer this humiliation. I want to kill you, I must kill you... a mere mortal, a student..."

He gritted his teeth, his anger swallowed up his rationality, and he completely failed to listen to Rose Girl's last two life-saving advices.

Of course, if he could listen, he wouldn't still be a conscientious grassroots killer today.

A person's character is his life.

"You can choose any item, but you can only take one."

The reviewer is taking notes.

Bai Yu lowered his head and looked at the dozen relics scattered on the table, thoughtfully.

Now he clearly knows that he is in a state of memory recall.

This is the second memory recall, but it comes a little later than the previous one.

He is experiencing another spiritual enlightenment ceremony. Although he is experiencing the same moment, his choices can be different.

Although the awakened talents will not change, there are of course benefits, as you can recharge your prayer pool.

For ordinary people, it has no effect except a few more invalid records... But Bai Yu is a guaranteed ability user!

In this world where there is no guaranteed card pool, he will definitely get a heroic spirit as long as he draws it ten times!

So next, you need to recall your memories nine times. Before that, you can try out which of these relics are more useful... This is a level higher than the relics at home.

He picked up an empty bottle on the desk.

[Ancient Relic: Hand Sanitizer Bottle]

[One-star heroic spirit: Senyi]

[Status: Afterimage]

[Contract failed]

[The afterimage of the heroic spirit has been relegated to history]

Bai Yu woke up again, and his dazed vision refocused.

Across the table were Officer Liu and the memory expert wearing a mask.

"The memory review is over." The light in the memory master's eyes retracted, and he also put on an eyepatch.

Officer Liu took out his notebook: "Did you notice any other information this time?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "It's still the same. When I entered the shadow world, I was ejected."

Officer Liu didn't show any disappointment and just nodded: "That's it. You should rest for a while first. Don't be too anxious."

[The heroic spirit contract has been recorded, currently 1 time]

Bai Yu confirmed that memory recall was indeed effective.


"I can still do it," he said.

Liu Xinghan raised his eyebrows and frowned.

Bai Yu repeated: "I'm okay."

"It's not that I didn't hear you, but do you really think there's nothing wrong with you?"

Bai Yu glanced at the memory master for confirmation, and the latter nodded slightly after thinking: "He seems to be conscious, and there should be no big problem if he performs a few more memory retrievals."

Bai Yu took a deep breath: "Come on, don't pity me! Just hypnotize me vigorously!"

"This is not hypnosis, this is much more difficult than hypnosis."

The memory master lifted the blindfold: "As you wish!"

"Please choose a relic...any one will do."

This time Bai Yu chose a short dagger.

The scene began to change again. It was a forest, with a flexible figure flying up and down. The dagger in his hand was a deadly item, constantly assassinating enemies hiding in the jungle. The silk thread wrapped around the dagger It's even more deadly all around.

[Ancient Relic: Celestial Silkworm Dagger]

[Two-star Heroic Spirit: Spring Silkworm Assassin]

[Status: Afterimage]

[Contract failed]

[The afterimage of the heroic spirit has been relegated to history]

"It's actually a two-star heroic spirit."

Bai Yu was slightly surprised. The light on this dagger was not stronger than the previous one, but it was a two-star rarity.

But he immediately felt a pity, and his state was an afterimage.

So far, the heroic spirits he has seen have only two states, one is an afterimage, and the other is a full image.

The latter is of higher quality than the former, but because the former is an afterimage, it is very likely that there will be some defects.

Even the tips given in the Chronicle of Heroic Spirits are: [It is not recommended for heroic spirits whose contract status is afterimage]

trial room.

Bai Yu opened his eyes and shook his head again at Officer Liu: "Continue."

"Drink some water." Officer Liu brought the tea cup: "Do you want to rest for a few minutes?"

"Thank you, but no need." Bai Yu took a sip of water, his face was slightly pale, but his eyes were burning.

[The talent has taken effect, the heroic spirit contract has been recorded, currently 2 times]

The memory expert rubbed his eyes and praised: "I have to admit that three consecutive memory recall did not cause too much consumption on you. Your mental willpower is quite good. Ordinary people have faced their own psychological shadows several times in a row, and they will not collapse now. It’s time to call me mom.”

Bai Yu smiled: "It's not a big problem...I'm okay."

The mnemologist asked: "Continue?"

Bai Yu spit out one word: "Come!"

"Please choose any relic..."

Bai Yu got started directly, this time choosing the fourth relic, which looked like plastic and felt like plastic.

The scene suddenly changed, and the memories stored in the relics came flooding in, presenting the projection of the heroic spirit in front of Bai Yu's eyes.

This time it's not very clear, it appears to be a man sitting on a plastic chair.

[Ancient Relic: White Plastic Chair]

[One-star gift: non-degradable]

[Durability: 100%]

[Gift data has been recorded in the prayer pool]

Because this relic was too raw, Bai Yu instantly lost his guard, his mood swings were too violent, and he even wanted to smash the thing on the table.

Immediately, his consciousness instantly felt a sense of resistance, and he was directly separated from the state of memory recall.

Suddenly woke up.

Bai Yu pressed her sore eyebrows: "What's going on?"

The memory master's eyes were as bright as incandescent lamps: "It was interrupted. Did you do something during the memory recall process?"

Bai Yu paused, then nodded honestly: "I'm having a bit of a drama and want to try different operations..."

"Memory review is just memory review. There is no point in saving people in memory." The memory expert reminded succinctly: "You can only develop along the development of memory. A certain degree of error can be understood, but beyond a certain level It will cause you to wake up directly."

It seems that the memory recall failed because of my attempt to pick up the ceremonial dress.

Bai Yu nodded obediently: "I understand."

[Ancient Relic: Jade Wrench Finger]

[One-star gift: Break through the air with a snap of your fingers]

[Durability: 83%]

[Gift data has been recorded in the prayer pool]

[The talent has taken effect, the heroic spirit contract has been recorded, currently 5 times]

Bai Yu woke up again.


"You look ugly."

"I'm okay."

"You need to take a break and resume in thirty minutes."

"No, I'm fine."

"Young people, don't be too arrogant. Memory recall is not as easy as you think." The memory master advised again.

It seems like I don’t want to continue, but it’s only been five times? We are still halfway to the ten-time guarantee.

Bai Yu wanted to continue, but realized that such persistence might not be able to impress these well-wishers.

He thought about it and changed his strategy decisively.

"You're not going to die, are you?" Bai Yu cast a questioning look.

"Huh???" The facial muscles under the memory master's mask twitched a few times.

"If you are tired, I can also accept a period of rest." Bai Yu said that he was very knowledgeable, and then added a whisper that everyone could hear: "But it's only been five times, so it's not enough?"

Officer Liu hurriedly said: "Calm down..."

The memory master pressed his forehead, but he didn't expect that his kind words and persuasion would be met with alienation and doubt.

"Hahahahaha... This is the first time that someone has questioned my professionalism."

He stared at Bai Yu, his eyes emitting white light comparable to an LED light bulb: "Come on! I think you have really never seen what a memory master is! Don't use your will to challenge my professional ability!"

Bai Yu held her head high and said, "Come here!"

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