Close your eyes and slowly sort out your chaotic thoughts.

It was only now that he had time to think about his family's reaction after the car accident.

In fact, you can guess... everyone will be very sad.

Bai Yu's family is happy. He has lived in a big family since he was a child. There are more than 20 people in the family. There are no conflicts. They love each other and support each other. The elderly are good at running the house. They are all highly educated people. They get along so well that they even want to be nice and don't want to live apart.

Such a big family had lived happily together for decades, but the first person to leave was Bai Yu, a black-haired man...

Grandparents will be very sad.

Bai Yu thought that the old man saw his body lying in the morgue, and his nose felt a little sore.

Being a stranger in a foreign land... Not everyone can accept time travel. All the accumulation of more than 20 years will be wiped out in one move, and they will have to choose a new starting point. Who can think of doing something against the will of heaven as soon as they open their eyes? Lift.

Besides, the world is so dangerous.

This kind of lonely emptiness and silent fear will only come to you when you are alone in the dead of night. It will look at you silently, and with just one glance, all the seemingly solid weapons will be instantly defeated.

Bai Yu knew that he couldn't let this emotion devour him. He closed his eyes silently and said to himself: "Go to sleep, there will be nothing left when you sleep."

After more than half a night of tossing, I lay down and closed my eyes, only to feel the exhaustion gradually creeping in, quickly paralyzing my nerves that were still in a state of horror and excitement, and my whole body seemed to be wrapped and submerged by a layer of water.

The dark waves covered him, and the darkness enveloped his consciousness, drifting away along the waves, like a drifting bottle rising and falling with the waves.

He fell asleep.

But it's not as beautiful as imagined.

In a hazy state, he walked onto a familiar street. There were cars driving on the bumpy road. There was a row of shops on the left and a row of shops on the right.

He walked forward along the road. There were stacks of steamers in a breakfast shop. The shop owner and his wife were working quickly. There was a little girl with pigtails eating tofu puffs. There was another car repair shop. The middle-aged man's hands were full of motor oil, which was always dark and could not be wiped clean. Another canteen had just opened the door. The old lady was yawning and stretching. There were a few empty newspapers on the billiard table in front of her. There is just no billiard ball.

He continued to walk forward, turned the corner and found a courtyard. There was a very old banyan tree in the courtyard. There were two deck chairs under the banyan tree. When basking in the sun, move to the right and when hiding in the shade. Move it to the left, and its position rotates throughout the year. Whichever direction you turn corresponds to which season. The recliner has some ideas. It will make a squeaking sound when you lie on it, but it also feels like summer when you are used to it. The chirping of cicadas is a bit harsh but also somewhat artistic. If you can't hear it, you always feel that something is missing. There is a bench between the two lounge chairs. There is a teacup on the bench and an old radio is placed in front of the bench.

Surrounding the banyan tree is a circle of two-story small bungalows, forming a courtyard. Each one looks to have a different decoration style, and their respective symbols are placed at the door of each house.

Bai Yu stood in place and walked around in a circle. He stood under the banyan tree and walked around. He stood in front of the deck chair and stared at the empty yard.

He knew he was dreaming.

I also know that I can't come back here. There are no old people on the couches, and the radio can't play any sound. There are no familiar figures at the door of every house, and there are no amiable relatives with smiles.

The branches of this old banyan tree are empty without a swing, because people who like to swing can no longer go back.

He squatted in front of the recliner and suddenly burst into tears.

When I shed tears in a dream, I thought it was just a dream.

He didn't know why he could stay so awake in his dream.

Perhaps it was because he traveled through time and gained mental toughness far beyond that of ordinary people.

After he shed tears, he calmed down a little.

Although a dream can easily make a self-proclaimed rational adult burst into tears, even though it is clear that what he is facing is as far away as life and death.

The wood has become a boat.

People should look forward, this is the family motto of the Lao Bai family.

Grandparents said, don't stay where you are.

Bai Yu stroked the banyan tree and put a new layer of armor on his heart. He is an adult and has also gone through society. Moreover, he has also awakened his talent and has his own basic rules. This is not a bad start. He misses his relatives. It does not mean that you are weak.

It's time to say goodbye and wake up.

He said to himself in his mind.

Bai Yu thought it was time to open her eyes and wake up from the dream.

His consciousness rose quickly and he broke away from the dream. But as his consciousness returned to his body, he felt a little strange.

A hand was touching his face.


Whose hands?

It can't be my own hands.

Bai Yu immediately opened his eyes and actually saw a person sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out and touching his face. His vision was a little blurry because of tears.

He didn't even have time to see who the other person was before he was embraced in a tight hug.

The aroma of gardenias hits my face instantly.

Bai Yu was greatly shocked.

He was a little confused. He was more shocked and confused than Anshuang. He didn't understand what happened at all. Who was this woman and why did he hug her?

The other person not only hugged him, but also stroked the back of his head and patted his back with both hands, as if comforting a child who was so scared that he couldn't sleep.

"It's okay, it's all okay, it's all over."

"Auntie is right here, don't be afraid."

Bai Yu heard the extremely gentle voice, and his panicked thoughts gradually calmed down. After his rationality returned, he analyzed that he should be a relative of this body. It was obvious that the relationship was very close, even doting.

After all, I had never been treated like this in my previous life. Generations of Lao Bai's family had been beating their children on rainy days - when they were idle, they were idle.

Because pampering children and doting on them are two different things.

Bai Yu's tense mood relaxed a little, but he soon realized that he couldn't go on like this.

The situation has become a major contradiction between the increasingly thin oxygen and my own breathing needs.

He clapped his hands quickly to signal the other person to let go.

"It's okay, just be more coquettish and don't shoulder the responsibility alone." The woman didn't realize that the clap was a sign for her to let go.

...I'm going to suffocate if I keep doing this!

Bai Yu had to press forward hard, and then shrank his head before he could free himself. He pulled away at an extremely fast speed, and then rushed into the bathroom to wash his face.

After returning to the living room, I saw who it was.

It was a woman wearing home clothes, with a beige shawl draped over her shoulders.

It looks familiar.

But there is no doubt that Bai Yu does not know the other party.

The reason why it looks familiar is because I seem to have seen it somewhere before...

By the way, Su Ruoli.

Her facial features are very similar to Su Ruoli's, about 60 to 70% similar, and their temperaments are also somewhat similar. Judging from their age and appearance, they are most likely mother and daughter.

And Su Ruoli was also the boy's childhood sweetheart, so it was reasonable for him to meet his parents.

Although he made a quick judgment, it was a pity that Bai Yu didn't know the other party's name... It would be easy to call him Su Ruoli's biological father, but it was impossible to guess what her mother's name was.

Normal people would not imitate Tang Sanzang and ask your mother’s surname.

Bai Yu couldn't find any suitable opening remarks for a while, so he scratched his cheek and said, "Good morning."

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "It's already noon. I saw you didn't reply so I sent you lunch. Are you hungry? Go brush your teeth quickly and I'll heat up the chicken soup."

Bai Yu paused and asked again: "Before that, can I ask..."


"What's your name?"

The thermos cup in the woman's hand fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

She froze on the spot, her eyes full of panic: "Yu Jing...don't scare me, don't you remember me?"

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