Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 280 What kind of dormitory are there four people in eight groups?

Inside the dormitory.

Elise woke up in a daze. She yawned lazily and glanced at the time. The sky outside had just turned white.

It's now... six:05 in the morning.

The habit has been formed, her biological clock is like this, and she has no intention of staying in bed anymore. The time has entered autumn, the summer heat is no longer, and there is still a bit of coolness.

She turned over and walked out of the bed, her eyes falling on the dormitory.

This is a typical student dormitory with four rooms.

Besides her, there are three other students.

She walked into the bathroom with ease, washed up quickly, and then spent three minutes arranging her messy hair... Her hair had a mind of its own and always looked very rebellious. She even had to wake up her snake hair and lift it up. He flicked the restless snake's head with his hand, and then smoothed the bunch of hair that always stood up.

Put on your sports clothes, the time is a quarter past six.

A roommate had already woken up in the room. The latter sat up and the quilt fell from his shoulders. The other person was wearing silk pajamas and yawned lazily: "Alise, you still woke up so early."

"Well, good morning, Anjie." Elise put on her shoes and smiled back: "The weather is so nice, I want to go for a morning jog."

She saw that there seemed to be some movement in the bed where the other two people were sleeping, so she went out before the other party woke up.

The dormitory situation for female college students is very complicated.

Four people can create eight private chat groups.

Elysee has no interest in complicated dormitory relationships, nor does she care about plastic friendships. However, the current situation in the dormitory is so dire that there is no room for a neutral like her to stand. She is sitting on pins and needles between the two. Get out early and get some fresh air.

She took advantage of the light and walked out of the dormitory door, and greeted the dormitory aunt. Although she looked like a strong woman who had been farming all year round, this image still had a high level of security in managing the dormitory. feel.

The vigorous love triangle in the dormitory caused by the confrontation was still fresh in Elise's memory. After the noble son knew that he was being swayed, he rushed to the dormitory angrily to arrest the person. The other party's attack was menacing. , with such a posture, it felt like he could go to the rooftop at any time for a vigorous love sacrifice.

As a result, Haimen was calmed down by the dormitory aunt as soon as he entered. I don't know what the aunt said later, but in just a few words, he changed from being aggressive to sobbing wildly. His mentality collapsed and he burst into tears, and then he dropped out of school... ...Because of this incident, the notoriety of Dormitory 303 in Building 9 spread like wildfire, and even myself was affected a lot.

After doing a few simple stretching exercises to warm up, she started jogging all the way.

When Elise is running, she does not completely relax, but starts to recall what she has experienced over and over again.

The memory of the slave-catching group he encountered in the Roman border area when he was young is still fresh in his memory, as is the pain of losing his mother.

Until now, she has not been able to recover her mother's lost head.

It's just that fate probably felt that it wasn't enough, and once again gave her a more severe test.

Three years ago, the two relatives who adopted her were also killed one after another... The mansion was burned to the ground, and even the complete body was not found in it.

The reason why Elise was able to survive was because the two relatives were cautious enough. They did not make the fact of adopting Elise public to the public, but quietly arranged her in a secluded annex.

So by the time she learned that her loved one had been killed, it was already a week later.

She knew very well not to reveal her identity, so she returned to the annex alone.

What surprised Elise even more was that she opened the relics left by the other party.

It seems that the two sisters knew that she might be killed early on, so they prepared an escape route for her, including a fake identity as a noble and enough wealth to live a lifetime of food and clothing.

Elysee left the villa, destroyed all traces, used a false identity to hide, and disappeared for three years.

Three years later, she was admitted to the Royal Academy of Rome.

This year, she just came of age.

Elysee never forgot why she came to the Royal Academy of Rome.

In the past three years, she has never slacked off for a day.

People always have something to live for. Since her relatives are being killed one after another, there is no point in living alone.

For Elysee, revenge is the only option available.

She wanted to find out the facts about her loved one's death, but she was alone.

For this, she needs suitable channels, strong enough strength, and enough time.

She has made up her mind to investigate all of this, even if it takes decades or hundreds of years.

Gorgon Gorgon is an immortal species, and she is only eighteen years old, so she has at least hundreds of years left in the future.

Hundreds of years are enough for anything.

Although there was enough time, she still needed to hone her patience... In just half a year at the Royal Academy of Rome, she could not investigate anything.

A student's identity is easy to use and will not be suspected, but it also means that her movements are restricted. The Royal Academy does not prohibit students from going out, but unless it is a long holiday, there is an access control that starts at seven o'clock every night.

Seven o'clock...that is, the time after dinner.

Not even enough to have a candlelight dinner in downtown Rome and come back.

However, the school's management in this area is very strict and unkind. If you stay out for three consecutive nights in a semester, you will be dismissed directly.

Only during the winter and summer vacations did Elysee have the opportunity to take advantage of the work-study program and the recommendation letter from the Royal Academy to expand her knowledge in different departments in Rome.

But she had only been in school for half a year, and she was forced to join Professor Magellan's magician summer camp throughout the summer, which made her even busier than during class time.

Freshmen who want to move freely during the holidays must either obtain permission from their professors or wait until their junior or senior years.

Everyone was dumbfounded for several minutes after Elysee knew this.

She can only change her strategy and thinking direction.

Since we can't do without the Royal Academy, it's better to make full use of this time in the past few years to improve our strength.

Not long after changing the direction of her thinking, she learned a piece of tidbit.

There have always been campus legends in the Royal College - some of these campus legends have lasted for decades or hundreds of years.

One of them is about the forbidden book of magic.

Reading banned books can quickly increase your own power.

Of course, banned books are also divided into categories.

Some banned books have a curse effect, some banned books will cause the brain to overclock and catch fire, and some banned books will cause the body to harden.

This campus legend of the forbidden magic book is related to ‘snake’.

The reason why Elise desires the Forbidden Magic Book is because of her own weird situation.

Gorgon is a rare racial bloodline and should be very powerful. For example, the two sisters are both magicians, and they are only one step away from being a holy magician (extraordinary fifth level).

But she knew very little about her own bloodline. She really relied on her own efforts to get into the Royal Academy. She didn't feel that she was any better than ordinary people at all. Apart from the occasional pilling of her snake hair, she didn't even have the trademark of the Gorgon. The petrified magic eye.

The two sisters were not surprised by this, they just said that they would naturally wake up as adults.

But Elyse is already an adult, and I guess there are two reasons why she hasn't awakened yet.

One is because the conditions were not met; the other is because her bloodline is impure.

Perhaps because his father was an ordinary person, the Gorgon bloodline was not pure enough.

She had no choice but to place her hope in the Royal Academy's vast knowledge collection, not only to gain power, but also to eliminate the risk of sudden awakening.

If the bloodline is awakened, its magic power fluctuations cannot be covered up by hiding under a quilt.

However, after spending three months in the library, the final result was not satisfactory.

After much deliberation, she could only rely on the magic forbidden book to give it a try.

Half a year after entering school, he was still at the level of a first-level magician.

She felt that there was no hope of revenge if she continued like this.

After running for thirty minutes, Elise stopped, holding her hands on her knees and gasping for air. Morning running should not be too long.

She stopped by the canteen and bought breakfast, a standard Western breakfast of bread, omelette and milk.

After eating, she went back to her dormitory. Morning classes started at eight o'clock, so she still had plenty of time.

When they returned to the dormitory, all three of them got up.

When Elise stood at the door and opened the door, there was already a war between heaven and man, and she always felt that today would not be a peaceful day.

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