Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 282 Trouble is coming

The morning class quickly came to the practical class.

All students moved to the training ground.

Elise and other first-year students sat down around a small training field, waiting for the teacher from the practical application class to come and teach.

Soon a practical teacher arrived at the scene, a teaching assistant for natural papers... For ordinary first-year students, many professors will adopt this method. Rather than teaching ordinary courses like this themselves, it is better to leave it to the teaching assistant and do more of it yourself. Point to experiment and research.

Surprisingly, in addition to the teaching assistant, there was also a third-year student present. The latter had rose-like red hair, which looked very gorgeous in the sun. His clothes were also similar to those of ordinary students. It's different. He wears a smart uniform, especially with a one-handed sword at his waist.

Elise thought... knight?

In Europa, although the extraordinary system is not as diverse as in the East, there are also many subdivisions, which can be roughly divided into two parts, one is the mage and the other is the knight.

The advancement route of a mage is: first-level magician, second-level magician, third-level great magician (magician), fourth-level magician, and fifth-level holy magician.

The knight's advanced route has been mentioned before, so I won't repeat it here.

The ratio of knights to wizards among students in the Royal Roman Academy is about six to four. Knights can get started through special exercises and breathing methods, and by piling up resources, while mages have higher talent requirements.

It is a typical stereotype for men to ride female mages, but everyone subconsciously thinks that female knights are even rarer than male mages.

This is probably because the male to female ratio in the Knight Academy is seven to three, while the ratio in the Mage Academy is close to five to five.

The teaching assistant introduced: "Dear students, for today's practical application class, we have invited Leona Osipace, a third-year student from the Knight Academy... Everyone welcomes her with a round of applause."

The students clapped, and the boys were much more enthusiastic than the girls.

Leona, a third-year student, is considered a celebrity in the school. Her popularity in the Knight Academy is very high, and it can even reach the ears of the mage students across departments.

"Have you heard of it?" Fleur listened to the enthusiastic applause and asked Paige.

"No." Peggy drooped expressionlessly. The sun was so strong that she almost melted.

"I've heard of it." Angelica controlled her expression and lowered her voice as she said, "Leona Osipace, the best among the three-year students at the Knight Academy, is equivalent to the star knight in the entire school. She challenged In the second grade, he was promoted to the Silver Knight during the summer training, and was accepted as an official apprentice by the Royal Sword Guard Hall; in the third grade, it is said that he has reached the second border of hell. We may enter the third level at any time.”

Alisee thought: "So, the other party is about to enter the third level of extraordinary?"

"Probably." Angelica was not sure: "It doesn't look like he is the Golden Knight."

"Such a powerful knight comes here to give a practical demonstration to the first-year students?" Fleur felt something was wrong. Shouldn't the opponent seize the time and rush to break through the Golden Knight?

At this time, the assistant coach has demonstrated the basic operation of mirror counterattack with Leona.

He explained eloquently and fluently: "If it is the same as what I just demonstrated, mirror counterattack is an anti-counterattack spell developed by mages to target knights. Normally, mages will be easily killed when faced with constant attacks from knights. , for this reason, we need to regain the distance. Mastering mirror counterattack and its upper-level spells is a compulsory course for every mage... Next, you should master it on your own. Leona will come in ten minutes. Here’s some tips for you all.”

The Royal Academy pays attention to actual combat, and there is bound to be a ranking competition at the end of every school year... Knights and mages want to beat their brains out for ranking.

The higher the ranking, the more benefits. If you rank at the bottom for two consecutive academic years, there is a risk of being dismissed.

The four of them each found an open space to practice.

Elise was able to copy the gourd and draw the scoop, but she had already mastered the mirror counterattack. She had already learned the spells recorded in some notes left by her relatives.

For a mage, there are three spells that must be mastered.

The first is the hand of the mage; the second is giving up chanting; the third is magic counterattack.

Mirror counterattack is also a kind of counterattack magic. The effect is better than ordinary counterattack. Firstly, it can counterattack the opponent's attack force and make it stiff. Secondly, human beings have a certain degree of fear when facing broken mirrors.

However, she has never been in actual combat, so she doesn't know what her actual combat capabilities are. She only has actual combat experience when fighting monsters in the border forest, and humans are obviously more cunning and changeable.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon it was time for actual combat exercises.

The students signed up enthusiastically, and the male students were even more excited and expressed that they wanted to be stepped on by the beautiful red-haired and long-legged big sister... Hehe, who doesn't want to?

But Leona raised her finger and pointed in a direction no one expected, pointing...

Angelica stood up in response, her expression full of confidence.

For a noble lady like her, she has already mastered mirror counterattack.

Even if the opponent is Leona, she is confident that no matter what angle the attack is from, she can easily bounce it back, allowing everyone to admire her beauty and...


On the sand, Angelica fell and landed on her face. If this was not sand but cement, she would definitely be disfigured by now.

Not only that, her skirt was lifted up, revealing white garters, and her clothes were looked down upon with a wave of awe.

"Wow~ Garters are so civilized."

"Huh?" Elise looked at Peggy next to her and asked, "Are you talking?"

Peggy: "Ang?"

Elise was surprised. She seemed to have heard a man's voice just now. The other person was praising Angelica's stuffy clothes that were tightly covered on the outside but very coquettish on the inside.

She didn't dig into it and dismissed it as a hallucination.

Angelica climbed up, spit out a mouthful of sand, and then looked at Leona: "You actually-"

"The next one." Leona said calmly: "The girl next to you."

Fleur stood up in response, her smile couldn't be hidden at all and she didn't want to hide it at all. She was happy to see Angelica deflated.

Angelica, who pays attention to her external image, rarely embarrasses herself in public. She feels so secretly happy now that she even has a stronger impression of this knight senior.

Angelica reminded: "Pay attention to the opponent's sword skills."

"Don't worry about it." Fleur didn't take it to heart and just said it as Angelica deliberately wanted to save face.

She was smiling when she came on stage.

But this healthy smile couldn't last more than ten seconds.

She fell harder.

"You actually used sword skills!" Fleur stood up holding the bridge of her nose that hurt from the fall.

Leona said calmly: "No one said that sword skills are not allowed. When you left the school to perform tasks, do you have to blame those black magicians and desperadoes for not saying hello to you before they started?"

Fleur gritted her teeth, and the goodwill she had just aroused was gone.

When the other party said this, it was hard for her to refute.

Suddenly she understood something. How could a star knight like Leona in the school have such free time? She had an ulterior motive!

The other party came here specifically not for the job of teaching assistant, but to teach the new students in the name of practical classes.

Just now, both Angelica and herself were specifically targeted by the other party.

It would be considered stingy for a third-year student to teach a first-year student a lesson.

But in a practical application class, it seems logical.

As long as the degree is controlled carefully so that no one is seriously injured, even some minor injuries will be within the allowable range.

As for losing face... the more blood you shed in school, the less lives you lose outside. The Royal Academy has always adhered to this strict principle.

The assistant teacher was drinking tea and watching the show, which proved that he had already acquiesced to this, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to let the third-year students add some pressure to the long memory of these little mages.

After Fleur understood this, she no longer persisted. She knew that if she had to be stubborn, she would either lose the ground with her head or lose the goose.

She didn't want to continue to be embarrassed.

"Do you want to leave now?" Leona said calmly: "The practical class is not over yet, let's continue."

Fleur turned back: "Don't go too far!"

"How is this level too much?" Leona held the sword in one hand, her posture and movements were meticulous, and a few strands of silver sword energy flowed from the blade: "Compared to Dict who was ruthlessly abandoned by you after being toyed with, this level of What’s too much?”

Angelica also stood up and asked: "What does Dickert's matter have to do with you!"

"He is my brother and cousin." Leona made the relationship clear and stated her intentions openly: "You domineering little girls should need a lesson. It would be a big mistake if you think you don't have to pay anything. That's really wrong. Unless you are sure you can win me, be prepared to do somersaults a hundred times before get out of class ends!"

It was dishonorable to bully a small one, but Leona didn't care about it now.

She doesn't intend to be cruel. This is not a duel between knights, but a practice class.

As long as the opponent can successfully use the mirror counterattack, he will not be thrown into a cloud.

This is not bullying, it is just letting the arrogant freshmen receive some care and lessons from their seniors.

Fleur and Angelica turned blue in the face and decisively chose to skip class, but they couldn't escape from the training ground at all. Their speed was far less than Leona's, and their way was immediately blocked, and they continued to fly on the trapeze.

When the two of them turned somersaults to a pulp and ran to the trash can to vomit, Leona finally stopped to relieve her anger.

Then she targeted the remaining two people in the dormitory.

Peggy's face changed drastically and she shouted, "This has nothing to do with us, meow!"

"You could have dissuaded her, but you didn't. It seems to me the same thing." Leona had the word 'anger' written all over her face, but no one could do anything about her.

Peggy was in very bad condition during the day. Even though she was already a second-level magician, she was still knocked to the ground and couldn't get up after being cocooned several times in a row.

Soon, Leona set her sights on Elysee, the only one standing normally in the dormitory.

She narrowed her gaze slightly, looked up and down, and then said, "If you just lie down, I won't violate the knight's code."

Something unexpected happened. Elise stood up straight, her lavender eyes sparkling: "A knight's sparring partner at the peak of Silver is not something you just get."

"Oh? What do you mean..."

"Leona Osipes." She opened the magic book she carried with her: "I want to challenge you."

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